ExtraHop System User Guide

About this guide

This guide provides information about the ExtraHop system for the ExtraHop Discover and Command appliances.

The purpose of this guide is to help users understand the ExtraHop system architecture and functionality as well as learn how to operate the controls, fields, and options available throughout the system.

Additional resources are available through the following links:

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Introduction to the ExtraHop system

This guide explains how the ExtraHop system collects and analyzes your data and how the core system components and functionalities help you access detections, metrics, transactions, and packets about the traffic on your network.

Network Performance Monitoring workflows enable you to monitor how services and devices interact with each other and how transactions flow across the data link layer (L2) to the application layer (L7) in your network. Network Detection and Response workflows enable you to investigate data detected from degraded performance to suspicious behaviors, and provides visibility into which devices participated in MITRE ATT&CK tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that are associated with advanced, multi-stage attack campaigns.
Video:See the related training: ExtraHop System Overview

Platform Architecture

The ExtraHop system is customized with modular components that combine to satisfy your unique environmental needs.


ExtraHop modules offer a combination of solutions, components, and cloud-based services that deliver value for multiple use cases.

Modules are available for Network Detection and Response (NDR) and Network Performance Monitoring (NPM), with additional modules for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Packet Forensics.

Administrators can enable role-based access control (RBAC) by granting users access to the NDR module, NPM module, or both.

Network Performance Monitoring
The NPM module allows privileged users to complete the following types of system tasks.
  • View, create, and modify custom dashboards. Users can also select a dashboard for their default landing page.
  • Configure alerts and notification by email for those alerts.
  • View performance detections.
Network Detection and Response
The NDR module allows privileged users to complete the following types of system tasks.
  • View the Security Overview page.
  • View security detections.
  • View, create, and modify investigations.
  • View threat briefings.

Users granted access to both modules are allowed to complete all of these tasks. See the Migration Guide to learn more about migrating users to role-based access with these modules.

These additional modules are also available for specific use cases:

Packet Forensics
The Packet Forensics module can be combined with either the NDR or NPM module to provide full packet capture, storage, and retrieval.
Intrusion Detection Systems
The IDS module must be combined with the NDR module and provides detections based on industry-standard IDS signatures. Most ExtraHop packet sensors are eligible for the IDS module, as long as the sensor is licensed for the NDR module.
Note:Throughput might be affected when more than one module is enabled on the sensor.


The ExtraHop system provides an extensive feature set that enables you to organize and analyze detections, metrics, records, and packets associated with the traffic on your network.

Module and system access are determined by user privileges that are managed by your ExtraHop Administrator.

Global features
The following features are available in all ExtraHop systems and do not require specific modules.
  • Network Overview
  • Perimeter Overview
  • Activity maps
  • Active Directory dashboard
  • Generative AI dashboard
  • Scheduled dashboard reports
  • Detection tracking
  • Assets
  • Records
  • Packets
  • Integrations (RevealX 360 only)
  • API access
  • Analysis priorities
  • Metric catalog
  • Bundles
  • Triggers
  • AI Search Assistant (Assets and Records)
NDR module features
The following features are available in ExtraHop systems with the Network Detection and Response (NDR) module.
  • Security Overview
  • AI Search Assistant
  • Security Operations Reports
  • Built-in security dashboards
  • Security detections
  • MITRE map
  • Investigations
  • Tuning rules for security detections
  • Notification rules for security detections and threat briefings
  • Threat Briefings
  • Threat Intelligence
  • File Analysis
  • File Extraction (Packet Forensics required)
NPM module features
The following features are available in ExtraHop systems with the Network Performance Management (NPM) module.
  • Custom dashboards
  • Built-in performance dashboards
  • Performance detections
  • Tuning rules for performance detections
  • Notification rules for performance detections
  • Alerts
Packet Forensics features
The following features are available in ExtraHop systems with the Packet Forensics module.
  • Packet capture
  • Packetstore support
  • File Extraction (NDR required)
IDS features
The following features are available in ExtraHop systems with the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) module.
  • IDS detections


RevealX Enterprise
RevealX Enterprise is a self-managed solution that comprises sensors, consoles, packetstores, recordstores, and access to ExtraHop Cloud Services.

RevealX 360
RevealX 360 is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that comprises sensors and packetstores and includes a cloud-based recordstore with Standard Investigation, a console, and access to ExtraHop Cloud Services.


Each solution offers a set of components based on your environmental needs: sensors, packetstores, recordstores, and a console for centralized management and unified data views.

Packet sensors
Packet sensors capture, store, and analyze metric data about your network. Multiple levels of data analysis, collection, and storage are available by sensor size. These sensors are available in both NPM and NDR modules as physical, virtual, and cloud-based options in sizes that are based on your analysis needs.
IDS sensors
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) sensors integrate with packet sensors to generate detections based on industry-standard IDS signature. IDS sensors are deployed as an add-on module to the NDR module. IDS sensors are a physical appliance with a companion packet sensor and are available for RevealX 360 or RevealX Enterprise environments.
Flow sensors
Flow sensors are available for RevealX 360 only and exclusively collect VPC flow logs so that you can see traffic managed by AWS SaaS services.
Recordstores integrate with sensors and consoles to store transaction and flow records that can be queried from throughout the ExtraHop system. Recordstores can be deployed as standalone physical or virtual options and can be supported as third-party connections to Splunk or BiqQuery from RevealX Enterprise. RevealX 360 with Standard Investigation provides a fully-hosted, cloud-based recordstore. Recordstores are available in packages with NPM and NDR modules.
Packetstores integrate with sensors and consoles to provide continuous packet capture and sufficient storage for deeper investigations and forensic needs. Packetstores can be deployed as standalone physical or virtual options and are available as an add-on Packet Forensics module for both NPM and NDR modules.
Consoles provide a browser-based interface that provides a command center for all connected components. Consoles can be deployed as standalone virtual or cloud-based options for RevealX Enterprise and are included with RevealX 360.

The following table provides an overview of the options available for each solution.

ExtraHop Cloud Services

ExtraHop Cloud Services automatically updates sensors with new detections and critical threat intelligence, and feature enhancements, and enables access for your account teams for remote support and professional services.

Smart Sensor Analytics

The ExtraHop system offers a browser-based interface with tools that enable you to explore and visualize data, investigate findings in both top-down and bottom-up workflows, and customize how you collect, view, and share your network data. Advanced users can automate and script both administrative and user tasks through the ExtraHop REST API and customize data collection through the ExtraHop Trigger API, which is a JavaScript IDE tool.

At the core of the ExtraHop system is a smart sensor that captures, stores, and analyzes metric data about your network—and offers different levels of data analysis, collection, and storage based on your needs. Sensors are provisioned with storage that supports 30 days of metric lookback. Note that actual lookback varies by traffic patterns, transaction rates, the number of endpoints, and the number of active protocols.

Consoles act as a command center with connections to multiple sensors, recordstores, and packetstores that are distributed across data centers and branch offices. All RevealX 360 deployments include a console; RevealX Enterprise can deploy virtual or cloud variations.

Consoles provide unified data views across all your sites and enable you to sync certain advanced configurations (such as triggers and alerts) and settings (tuning parameters, analysis priorities, and recordstores).

The following sections describe the major functional components of the ExtraHop system and how they work together.

Sensor Types

The type of sensor you deploy determines the type of data that is collected, stored, and analyzed.

Wire data

Packet sensors and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) sensors passively observe unstructured packets through a port mirror or tap and store the data in the local datastore. The packet data goes through real-time stream processing that transforms the packets into structured wire data through the following stages:

  1. TCP state machines are recreated to perform full-stream reassembly.
  2. Packets are collected and grouped into flows.
  3. The structured data is analyzed and processed in the following ways:
    • Transactions are identified.
    • Devices are automatically discovered and classified by their activity.
    • Metrics are generated and associated with protocols and sources, and the metric data is then aggregated into metric cycles.
  4. As new metrics are generated and stored, and the datastore becomes full, the oldest existing metrics are overwritten according to the first-in first-out (FIFO) principle.
Flow data

A flow is a set of packets that are part of a single connection between two endpoints. Flow sensors are available for RevealX 360 and offer continuous network visibility based on VPC flow logs to help secure AWS environments. VPC flow logs enable you to capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC and are recorded as flow log records, which are log events that consist of fields that describe the traffic flow. This log data enables you to search for threats with advanced machine-learning detections.

Flow logs are ingested, deduplicated, and then grouped into flows. The flows are then enriched with data (such as MAC addresses) queried from AWS EC2 APIs.

The flows are then analyzed and processed in the following ways:

  • Devices are automatically discovered and classified by their activity observed over specific ports.
  • Basic L2-L4 metrics are generated and aggregated into metric cycles.
  • ExFlow record types are generated and published.

Metrics, Records, and Packets

ExtraHop sensors collect and store multiple depths of network interaction as metrics. Metrics are aggregated observations about endpoint interactions over time. Packetstores collect and store the raw data transferred between two endpoints as packets. Recordstores collect and store records, which are structured information about transaction, message, and network flows.

You can view and query all of these interactions from individual sensors or from a console that is connected to a complex deployment of sensors, packetstores, and recordstores.

For example, when a client sends an HTTP request to a web server, here is what each data type contains:

  • The packet contains the raw data that was sent and received in the interaction.
  • The related record contains the time-stamped metadata about the interaction: when the request happened, the IP address of the client and server, the requested URI, any error messages.
  • The related metric (HTTP Requests) contains an aggregate of that interaction with other observed interactions during the specified time period, such as how many requests occurred, how many of those requests were successful, how many clients sent requests, and how many servers received the requests.

Both metrics and records can be customized to extract and store specific metadata with JavaScript-based triggers. While the ExtraHop system has over 4600 built-in metrics, you might want to create a custom metric that collects and aggregates 404 errors from only critical web servers. And, you might want to maximize your record storage space by only collecting transactions that occurred over a suspicious port.

Device discovery

After a device is discovered, the ExtraHop system begins to collect metrics based on the analysis level configured for that device. You can Find a device by their MAC address, IP address, or name (such as a hostname observed from DNS traffic, NetBIOS name, Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) name, DHCP name, or a custom name that you assigned to the device).

The ExtraHop system can discover and track devices by their MAC address (L2 Discovery) or by their IP addresses (L3 Discovery). L2 Discovery offers the advantage of tracking metrics for a device even if the IP address is changed or reassigned through a DHCP request. By default, the ExtraHop system is configured for L2 Discovery.

Device IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are discovered from Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages, Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) responses, local broadcasts, or local subnet multicast traffic. The MAC address and IP address for devices appear in search results throughout the system with the device information.

L2 Discovery

In L2 Discovery, the ExtraHop system creates a device entry for every local MAC address discovered over the wire. IP addresses are mapped to the MAC address, but metrics are stored with the device MAC address even if the IP address changes.

IP addresses observed outside of locally-monitored broadcast domains are aggregated at one of the incoming routers in your network. If a device sends a DHCP request through a router acting as a DHCP relay agent, the ExtraHop system detects and maps the IP address to the device MAC address. If the IP address changes for the device with a subsequent request through the DHCP relay agent, the ExtraHop system updates its mapping and continues to keep track of the device metrics by the MAC address.

Both MAC address and IP address are discovered for the remote device.

If a DHCP relay agent is not configured, remote devices can be discovered by their IP addresses through Remote L3 Discovery.

L3 Discovery

In L3 Discovery, the ExtraHop system creates and links two entries for each local discovered device: an L2 parent entry with a MAC address and an L3 child entry with IP addresses and the MAC address.

Here are some important considerations about L3 discovery:

  • If a router has proxy ARP enabled, the ExtraHop system creates an L3 device for each IP address that the router answers ARP requests for.
  • If you have a proxy ARP configured in your network, the ExtraHop system might automatically discover remote devices.
  • L2 metrics that cannot be associated with a particular L3 child device (for example, L2 broadcast traffic) are associated with the L2 parent device.
Remote L3 Discovery

If the ExtraHop system detects an IP address that does not have associated ARP or NDP traffic, that device is considered a remote device. Remote devices are not automatically discovered, but you can add a remote IP address range and discover devices that are outside of the local network. A device entry is created for each IP address that is observed within the remote IP address range. (Remote devices do not have L2 parent entries.)

Only the IP address is discovered for the remote device.

Here are some recommendations about when to configure Remote L3 Discovery:

  • Your client devices are on a network segment that is not directly tapped.
  • Your organization has a remote office without an on-site ExtraHop system but users at that site access central data center resources that are directly monitored by an ExtraHop system. The IP addresses at the remote site can be discovered as devices.
  • A cloud service or other type of off-site service hosts your remote applications and has a known IP address range. The remote servers within this IP address range can be individually tracked.
VPN Discovery
VPN Discovery enables the ExtraHop system to correlate the private, RFC-1918 IP addresses assigned to VPN clients with their public, external IP addresses. This enriched visibility into north-south traffic reduces barriers when investigating security incidents and performance issues that involve external VPN clients. (This feature requires a VPN gateway that is manually assigned by the user.)

Software frame deduplication

The ExtraHop system removes duplicate L2 and L3 frames and packets when metrics are collected and aggregated from your network activity by default.

The System Health page contains charts that display L2 and L3 duplicate packets that were removed by the ExtraHop system. Deduplication works across 10Gbps ports by default.

L2 deduplication

L2 deduplication removes identical Ethernet frames, where the Ethernet header and payload must match. The ExtraHop system checks for duplicates and removes only the immediately-previous packet globally if the duplicate arrives within 1 millisecond of the original packet. L2 duplication usually only exists if the exact same packet is seen through the data feed, which is typically related to an issue with port mirroring.

L3 deduplication

L3 deduplication removes TCP or UDP packets with identical IP address ID fields on the same flow, where only the IP packet must match. The contents of any headers that precede the IP header being checked might be different. L3 deduplication currently is supported only for IPv4, not IPv6. The ExtraHop system checks for duplicates and removes only the immediately-previous packet on the flow if the duplicate arrives within 1 millisecond of the original packet and if the packet is traveling in the same direction. For a packet to be deduplicated, there can be no other packets received between the two duplicate packets. In addition, packets must have the same length and the same IP address ID field, and TCP packets also must have the same TCP checksum.

By default, flows across VLANs is enabled, and since L3 deduplication operates on a per-flow basis, L3 deduplication removes the same packet traversing different VLANs. L3 deduplication is often the result of mirroring the same traffic across multiple interfaces of the same router, and this traffic can show up as extraneous TCP retransmissions in the ExtraHop system.

Threat Detection

The ExtraHop system offers both machine-learning and rules-based detections that identify active or potential threats, network weaknesses that are vulnerable to exploits, and suboptimal configurations that can degrade network performance.

Additionally, charts, visualizations, and device activity maps enable proactive threat hunting.

Detection Tuning
Reduce noise and surface only critical detections by adding details about your network that help identify known parameters such as trusted domains and vulnerability scanners.

Additionally, you can create tuning rules that hide specific detections or participants and further reduce unwanted noise.

Network Locality
By default, any device with an RFC1918 IP address (included in a 10/8, 172.16/12, or 192.168/16 CIDR block) is classified on the system as an internal device.

However, because some network environments include non-RFC1918 IP addresses as part of their internal network, you can change the internal or external classification for IP addresses from the Network Localities page.

Threat Intelligence
The ExtraHop system includes curated threat intelligence feeds from ExtraHop and Crowdstrike Falcon that are updated through the cloud as new threats are discovered. You can also add threat collections from a third-party.
Threat Briefings
Threat briefings provide information about imminent threats that are targeting networks. Updated detections, targeted record and packet queries, and affected devices are presented as a starting point for your investigation, accessed from the Security Overview page.
RevealX 360 provides several third-party integrations that can enhance detection and response management and provide better visibility into network traffic.
Cortex XSOAR
Export ExtraHop detections, run response playbooks, and query device details in Cortex XSOAR.
View details about CrowdStrike devices, and contain those devices from the ExtraHop system.
Microsoft 365
Import Microsoft 365 detections and events, monitor Microsoft 365 metrics in built-in dashboards, and view risk event details in records.
Microsoft Protocol Decryption
Decrypt traffic over Microsoft protocols such as LDAP, RPC, SMB, and WSMan to improve detection of security attacks within your Microsoft Windows environment.
Export and view ExtraHop detections in your QRadar SIEM.
Splunk Enterprise Security SIEM
Export and view ExtraHop detections in your Splunk SIEM.
Splunk SOAR
Export and view ExtraHop detections, metrics, and packets in your Splunk SOAR solution.

The ExtraHop system provides access to network activity data and detection details through a dynamic and highly customizable user interface.

This guide provides an overview of the global navigation and controls, fields, and options available throughout the system. See Introduction to the ExtraHop system to learn how the ExtraHop system collects and analyzes your data.
Video:See the related training: Complete UI Fundamentals Learning Path

Supported browsers

The following browsers are compatible with all ExtraHop systems. Apply the accessibility and compatibility features provided by your browser to access content through assistive technology tools.

  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
Important:Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported. We recommend that you install the latest version of any supported browser.

Layout and menus

Global navigation elements are located at the top of the page and contain links to the main sections of the system. Within each section, the left pane contains links to specific pages or data.

The following figure shows both global and left pane navigation elements.

Here are definitions of each global navigation element:

Overview pages
Overview pages enable you to quickly evaluate the scope of suspicious activity on your network, learn about protocol activity and device connections, and investigate inbound and outbound traffic on your network.
  • View the Security Overview for information about security detections on your network.
  • View the Network Overview for information about active devices on your network.
  • View the Perimeter Overview for information about traffic traveling in and out of your network.
Click Dashboards to view, create, or share dashboards for monitoring any aspect of your network or applications. System dashboards give you an instant view of the activity and potential security threats on your network.
Click Alerts to view information about each alert generated during the time interval.
If your packet or flow sensor is connected to the ExtraHop Machine Learning Service, the top level navigation shows the Detections menu. Click Detections to view detections identified from your wire data. You can access stored detections even if your sensor is disconnected from the Machine Learning Service.
Note:Machine learning detections require a connection to ExtraHop Cloud Services.
Click Assets to find any application, network, or device discovered by the ExtraHop system. You can view protocol metrics for your assets, active users, or network activity by protocol.
If your ExtraHop system is configured with a recordstore, the top level navigation shows the Records menu. Click Records to query for all stored records for the current time interval. Records are structured information about transactions, messages, and network flows.
If your ExtraHop system is configured with a packetstore, the top level navigation shows the Packets menu. Click Packets to query for all stored packets for the current time interval.
Global search field
Type the name of any device hostname or IP address, application, or network to find a match on your sensor or console. If you have a connected recordstore, you can search for saved records. If you have a connected packetstore, you can search for packets.
Help icon
See help information for the page that you are currently viewing. To access the most current and comprehensive set of ExtraHop documentation, visit the ExtraHop Documentation website.
System Settings icon
Access system configuration options, such as Triggers, Alerts, Scheduled Reports, and Custom Devices, and click to view the ExtraHop system and version. Click System Notices to view a list of features in the most current version and any system notices such as expiring licenses or available firmware upgrades.
User option icon
Log in and log out of your sensor or console, change your password, select the display theme, set a language, and access API options.
Pane toggle
Collapse or expand the left pane.
Global Time Selector
Change the time interval to view application and network activity that was observed by the ExtraHop system for a specific time period. The global time interval is applied to all metrics across the system and does not change as you navigate to different pages.
Recent pages
See a list of the most recent pages you visited in a drop-down menu and make a selection to go back to a previous page. Repeated pages are deduplicated and condensed to save space.
Navigation path
View where you are in the system and click a page name in the path to navigate back to that page.
Command menu drop-down
Click to access specific actions for the page you are viewing. For example, when you click Dashboards at the top of the page, the command menu provides actions for changing dashboard properties or creating a new dashboard.

Start analyzing data

Begin your data analysis journey with the ExtraHop system by following the basic workflows listed below. As you become familiar with the ExtraHop system, you can complete more advanced tasks, such as installing bundles and building triggers.

Here are some basic ways to navigate and work with the ExtraHop system to analyze network activity.

Monitor metrics and investigate interesting data
Good starting points are the Network Activity dashboard and Network Performance dashboard, which show you summaries of important metrics about application performance on your network. When you see a spike in traffic, errors, or server processing time, you can interact with dashboard data to drill down and identify which clients, servers, methods, or other factors contributed to the unusual activity.

You can then continue performance monitoring or troubleshooting by creating a custom dashboard to track a set of interesting metrics and devices.

Check out the following walkthroughs to learn more about monitoring data in dashboards:

Search for a specific device and investigate related metrics and transactions
If you want to investigate a slow server, you can search for the server in the ExtraHop system by device name or IP address and then investigate the server's activity on a protocol page. Was there a spike in response errors or requests? Was server processing time too high or did network latency affect the rate of data transfer? Click on different protocols on the Devices page to investigate more metric data collected by the ExtraHop system. Drill down by peer IP addresses to see which clients or applications the server talked to.

If your ExtraHop system is connected to a recordstore, you can investigate entire transactions that the server participated in by creating a record query.

Check out the following walkthroughs to learn more about exploring metrics and records:

Get visibility into changes to your network by searching for protocol activity
You can get a top-down view of your network by looking at built-in protocol groups. An protocol group is a collection of devices automatically grouped together by the ExtraHop system based on the protocol traffic observed over the wire. For example, you can find new or decommissioned servers that are actively communicating over a protocol by creating an activity map.

If you find a collection of devices that you want to continue monitoring, you can add a device tag or custom device name to make those devices easier to find in the ExtraHop system. You can also create a custom device group or a custom dashboard to monitor device group activity.

Advanced workflows for customizing your ExtraHop system

After becoming familiar with basic workflows, you can customize your ExtraHop system by setting up alert notifications, creating custom metrics, or installing bundles.

Set up alerts
Alerts track specified metrics to notify you of traffic deviations that might indicate an issue with a network device. Configure a threshold alert to notify you when a monitored metric crosses a defined value. Configure a trend alert to notify you when a monitored metric deviates from the normal trends observed by the system.
Build a trigger to create custom metrics and applications
Triggers are custom scripts that perform an action upon a pre-defined event. Triggers require planning to make sure a trigger doesn't negatively impact system performance.

Check out the following walkthroughs to learn more about exploring metrics and records:

Time intervals

The Time Selector is displayed in the top-left corner of the navigation bar and controls the global time interval for metrics and detections displayed in the ExtraHop system.

Here are some considerations about time intervals:

  • The Time Selector enables you to select a relative global time interval, such as the last day, or set a custom time range.
  • The Time Selector enables you to manually change your displayed time zone.
  • The selected time interval stays the same, whether viewing metrics in a dashboard or investigating detections, until you change the interval or navigate to a page with a preset time interval, such as detection details or threat briefings.
  • If a relative time interval is selected when you log out, the ExtraHop system defaults to that relative time interval when you log back in.
  • If a custom time range is selected when you log out, the ExtraHop system defaults to the last relative time interval you viewed during the previous login session.
  • You can access the five most recent unique time intervals from the History tab of the Time Selector.
  • The time interval is included at the end of the URL in your browser. To share a link with others that maintains a specific time interval, copy the entire URL. To maintain a specific time interval after logging out of the ExtraHop system, bookmark the URL.

Change the time interval

This procedure shows you how to set the global time interval. You can also apply a time interval by dashboard or by region.
  1. Click the time interval in the upper left corner of the page (for example Last 30 minutes).
  2. Select from the following interval options:
    • A preset time interval (such as Last 30 minutes, Last 6 hours, Last day, or Last week).
    • A custom unit of time.
    • A custom time range. Click a day to specify the start date for the range. One click will specify a single day. Clicking another day will specify the end date for the range.
    • Compare metric deltas from two different time intervals.
  3. Click Save.
Tip:You can also set the time interval from the History tab by selecting from up to five recent time intervals set in a previous login session.

Change the displayed time zone

The Time Selector enables you to change the time zone displayed in the the ExtraHop system, providing more flexibility when viewing time-based data such as metrics, detections, and records in environments that span multiple time zones.

Here are some considerations about displaying time settings in RevealX 360:

  • Changing your displayed time zone affects the date and time stamps you see in the ExtraHop system, but does not apply to scheduled reports or exported dashboards.
  • Changing your time zone overrides the default display time configured in the Administration settings. See System Time (for ExtraHop Performance and RevealX Enterprise) or Configure the system time (for RevealX 360) for more information.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the Time Selector in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Click Time Zone.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Browser Time
    • System Time
    • UTC
    • Specify Time Zone and then select a time zone from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Save.

View the latest data for a time interval

Pages that display monitored metric data, such as dashboards and protocol pages, are continuously updated to display the latest data for the selected time interval.

Detail metrics pages, detections, records, packets, and alerts are reloaded on request by clicking the refresh data icon at the top left corner of the page.

Change chart data granularity

The ExtraHop system stores metrics in 30-second buckets of time. Metric data are then aggregated or rolled up into additional five-minute and one-hour buckets. Aggregating data helps to limit the number of data points rendered on a time-series chart so the granularity of data is easier to interpret. The time interval you select determines the best aggregation, or roll up, of data to display in a chart for the period of time you are viewing.

For example, if you select a large time interval, such as one week, metric data is aggregated into one-hour roll ups. On the x-axis of a line chart, you see a data point for every hour instead of a data point for every 30 seconds. If you want to increase the level of granularity, you can zoom in on a chart or change the time interval.

The ExtraHop system includes built-in high-precision metrics with 1-second roll ups, which are the Network Bytes and Network Packets metrics. These metrics are associated with a device or network capture source. For more information on how to view these metrics in a chart, see Display the maximum rate in a chart.

The ExtraHop system also includes built-in metrics for identifying the single busiest millisecond of traffic within a 1-second roll up. These metrics, which are Maximum Network Bytes per Millisecond and Maximum Packets per Millisecond, are associated with a network capture source and help you detect microbursts. Microbursts are rapid bursts of traffic that occur within milliseconds.

The following table provides information about how data is aggregated based on time interval.

Time Interval Aggregation Roll Up (if available) Notes
Less than six minutes 1-second A 1-second roll up is only available for custom metrics and for the following built-in metrics:
  • Network source:
    • Network Bytes (total throughput)
    • Network Packets (total packets)
    • Maximum Network Bytes per Millisecond
    • Maximum Network Packets per Millisecond
  • Device source:
    • Network Bytes (combined inbound and outbound throughput by device)
    • Network Bytes In (inbound throughput by device)
    • Network Bytes Out (outbound throughput by device)
    • Network Packets (combined inbound and outbound packets by device)
    • Network Packets In (inbound packets by device)
    • Network Packets Out (outbound packets by device)
120 minutes or less 30-second If a 30-second roll up is not available, a 5-minute or 60-minute roll up displays.
Between 121 minutes and 24 hours 5-minute If 5-minute roll up is not available, a 60-minute roll up displays.
Greater than 24 hours 60-minute
Note:If you have an extended datastore that is configured for 24-hour metrics, a specified time interval of 30 days or longer displays a 24-hour aggregation roll up.

Zoom in on a custom time range

You can click-and-drag across a chart to zoom in on interesting metric activity. This custom time range is then applied across the ExtraHop system, which is useful for investigating other metric activity that occurred at the same time.

Zooming in on a time range is only available in charts with an x- and y-axis, such as line, area, candlestick, and histogram charts.

  1. Click-and-drag your mouse across the chart to select a time range. If the time range is less than one minute, the time range appears red. Drag the mouse until the time range appears green.
  2. Release the mouse button. The chart is redrawn to the custom time range and the time interval in the upper right corner of the navigation bar is updated.
  3. To revert from the custom time interval to your original time interval, click the undo icon—a magnifying glass with a minus sign—which is displayed next to the time interval in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.
    Tip:On a dashboard page, you can limit the zoom-in custom time range to a specific region. Click the region header, select Use Region Time Selector, and then zoom in on a chart. Each chart or widget within that region is updated to the custom time range.

Freeze the time interval to create a custom time range

If you see interesting data in an activity map, dashboard, or protocol page, you can freeze the time interval to instantly create a custom time range. Freezing the time interval is useful for creating links that you can share with others, and for investigating related metric activity that occurred at the same time.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the time selector in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Select a preset time interval.
  4. Click Freeze.
    The Custom time range automatically updates as shown in the figure below. The range begins with the earliest time from the previous time interval and ends with the time that you clicked Freeze.

  5. Click Save.
    The new custom time range will not change as you navigate across the ExtraHop system. You can share or bookmark the URL in your browser.
    Note:The time interval is included at the end of the URL in your browser. To share a link with others that maintains a specific time interval, copy the entire URL. Creating a bookmark for the URL maintains the custom time range even after you log out of the ExtraHop system.
  6. To remove the custom time range, change the time interval.

Overview pages

Overview pages enable you to quickly evaluate the scope of suspicious activity on your network, learn about protocol activity and device connections, and investigate inbound and outbound traffic on your network.

  • View the Security Overview for information about security detections on your network.
  • View the Network Overview for information about active devices on your network.
  • View the Perimeter Overview for information about traffic traveling in and out of your network.

Security Overview

The Security Overview displays several charts that highlight data from different perspectives about detections. These charts can help you evaluate the scope of security risks, launch investigations into unusual activity, and mitigate security threats. Detections are analyzed every 30 seconds or every hour, depending on the metric.

Video:See the related training: Security, Network, and Perimeter Overview
Recommended for Triage
This chart shows you a list of detections that ExtraHop is recommending based on contextual analysis of your environment, also known as Smart Triage. Click a detection to view the detection card in Triage view on the Detections page.
This chart provides a count of investigations that were created during the selected time interval. The count includes investigations that were recommended by ExtraHop or created by users. Click the chart to view the investigations table on the Detections page.
Detections by Attack Category
This chart provides a quick way to see the types of attacks your network might be at risk for and displays the number of detections that occurred in each category during the selected time interval. Actions on Objective detections are listed by type to help you prioritize the most severe detections. Click any number to open a filtered view of detections that match the selected attack category.
Frequent Offenders
This chart shows the 20 devices or endpoints that acted as offenders in one or more detections. The ExtraHop system considers the number of distinct attack categories and detection types and the risk scores of the detections associated with each device to determine which devices are considered frequent offenders.

The size of the device role icon indicates the number of distinct detection types and the position of the icon indicates the number of distinct attack categories. Click a role icon to view more information about the attack categories and detection types associated with the device. Click the device name to view device properties.

Learn more about network security with the Security Hardening dashboard.

Threat briefings

Threat briefings provide cloud-updated guidance about industry-wide security events. Learn more about threat briefings.

Site selector and Security Operations Report

You can specify the sites you want to view data from on this page. Users with NDR module access can generate a Security Operations Report to share results.

Site Selector
Click the site selector at the top of the page to view data for one or more sites in your environment. View combined traffic across your networks or focus on a single site to help you quickly find device data. The site selector indicates when all or some sites are offline. Because data is not available from offline sites, the charts and device pages associated with offline sites might not show data or might only show limited data. The site selector is only available from a console.
(NDR module only) Security Operations Report
The Security Operations Report contains a summary of the top detections and risks to your network. Click Generate Report to specify the report contents, time interval, and sites to include in the report, then click Generate to create a PDF file. Click Schedule Report to create a Security Operations Report that is emailed to recipients according to the configured frequency.

Network Overview

The Network Overview displays a map of the detections on your network and a list of offenders by detection count. The Network Overview refreshes the detection map and offender data every minute.

Video:See the related training: Security, Network, and Perimeter Overview
Detection category toggle
You can toggle between views that show All Attack Detections or All Performance Detections, depending on enabled modules and your module access.

Offenders in detections

This list shows offenders, sorted by the number of detections where the device or endpoint acted as an offender.

Here are some ways you can interact with the offenders list:
  • Click a device or endpoint in the list to highlight associated detections in the detection map and view device properties and access links to endpoint lookup sites, detections, records, or packets.
  • Depending on the selected detection category and your system module, click the View All Attack Detections or View All Performance Detections link to go to the Detections page, filtered by detection category and grouped by source.
  • Select the Show detections with no victims checkbox to display detections that do not include a victim participant. For example TLS Scans and certain caution detections for suspicious activity only include an offender.

Detection map

The detection map displays the offender and victim for all detections selected in the detection category toggle.

Circles are highlighted in red if the device has appeared as an offender in at least one detection during the selected time interval and are highlighted in teal if the device is a victim.

The participants are connected by lines that are labeled with the detection type or number of detections associated with the connection, and device roles are represented by an icon.

Here are some ways you can interact with the detection map:
  • Click a circle to view device properties and access links to endpoint lookup sites, detections, records, or packets.
  • Click a connection to view associated detections.
  • Hover over a circle to see device labels and highlight device connections.

Learn more about Detections.

Site selector and Security Operations Report

You can specify the sites you want to view data from on this page. Users with NDR module access can generate a Security Operations Report to share results.

Site Selector
Click the site selector at the top of the page to view data for one or more sites in your environment. View combined traffic across your networks or focus on a single site to help you quickly find device data. The site selector indicates when all or some sites are offline. Because data is not available from offline sites, the charts and device pages associated with offline sites might not show data or might only show limited data. The site selector is only available from a console.
(NDR module only) Security Operations Report
The Security Operations Report contains a summary of the top detections and risks to your network. Click Generate Report to specify the report contents, time interval, and sites to include in the report, then click Generate to create a PDF file. Click Schedule Report to create a Security Operations Report that is emailed to recipients according to the configured frequency.

Perimeter Overview

The Perimeter Overview displays charts and interactive visualizations that help you monitor traffic that is entering and leaving your network through connections with external endpoints.

Video:See the related training: Security, Network, and Perimeter Overview

Perimeter Traffic

The Perimeter Traffic charts provide an overview of device traffic with external connections.

Inbound Traffic
This count shows the total amount of inbound traffic during the selected time interval. Click the count to view the rate that data is moving inbound from external endpoints and drill down by site or conversation.
Outbound Traffic
This count shows the total amount of outbound traffic during the selected time interval. Click the count to view the rate that data is moving outbound to external endpoints and drill down by site or conversation.
Devices Accepting Inbound Connections
This count displays the number of devices that accepted inbound connections from external endpoints during the selected time interval. Click the count to open a device group overview page that displays a list of devices, traffic data, and protocol activity.
Inbound Connections
This count displays the number of inbound connections that were initiated by external endpoints. Click the count to open a detailed view of these conversations.
Suspicious Inbound Connections
This count chart displays the number of connections that were initiated by suspicious external endpoints. ExtraHop identifies suspicious endpoints through threat intelligence data. Click the chart to open a filtered view of these conversations.
Suspicious Outbound Connections
This count displays the number of connections that internal endpoints initiated with suspicious external endpoints. ExtraHop identifies suspicious endpoints through threat intelligence data. Click the chart to open a filtered view of these conversations.
Uncommon Connections
(RevealX 360 only) This count displays the number of outbound connections from your network to IP addresses that are not normally visited or have not been visited in the past. Click the chart to open a filtered view of these conversations.

Halo visualization

The halo visualization provides two views of your network connections to external endpoints: Cloud Services and Large Uploads.

External endpoints appear on the outer ring with connections to internal endpoints and appear as circles in the middle of the visualization. These visualizations enable you to prioritize your investigation for connections marked with high-risk detections or for high value devices.

To help identify high-traffic endpoints, inner circles and outer rings increase in size as traffic volume increases. In some cases, the size of inner circles and outer ring segments might be increased for readability. Click an endpoint to display precise traffic information.

Click Cloud Services to view connections between internal endpoints and cloud service providers. Cloud service providers and the amount of sent or received data appear in the information panel to the right. You can toggle between views that show Bytes Out to providers and Bytes In to your network.

Click Large Uploads to view connections between internal and external endpoints where over 1 MB of data was transferred in a single transmission out of your network to an external endpoint. External endpoints and the amount of uploaded data appear in the information panel to the right.

Here are some ways that you can interact with these halo visualizations:
  • Hover over endpoints or connections to view available hostnames and IP addresses.
  • Hover over endpoints or connections to highlight corresponding list items to the right. Likewise, hover over list items to highlight corresponding endpoints and connections in the halo visualization.
  • Click endpoints or connections in the halo visualization to hold focus and display precise traffic information and links for your selection to the right.
  • Click an external endpoint in the halo visualization or list to view the total amount of inbound or outbound traffic associated with the endpoint and connected internal endpoints.
  • Click an internal endpoint in the list to view device properties and access links to associated information such as detections, records, or packets.
  • Click the magnifying glass next to an endpoint in the list to view records associated with the endpoint.
  • At the bottom of the list for cloud services, toggle between views that show Bytes Out and Bytes In to your network.
  • Adjust the time interval to view connections at specified times, such as unexpected activity during evenings or weekends.

Map visualization

The Geolocation tab provides a world map of traffic between internal endpoints and geographic locations, which are highlighted in a contrasting color on the map. The intensity of the contrasting color represents the amount of traffic at that geolocation. Geolocations represented on the map are also listed in the right pane.

Click a highlighted geolocation from the map or the list to view the total amount of inbound or outbound traffic associated with connected internal endpoints.

Here are some ways that you can interact with the geolocation details and the map visualization:

  • Click an internal endpoint in the list to view device properties and access links to associated information such as detections, records, or packets.
  • Click the magnifying glass next to an endpoint in the list to view records associated with the endpoint.
  • At the bottom of the list, toggle between views that show Bytes Out and Bytes In to your network.
  • Click the controls located in the bottom right corner of the map to zoom in and out or return the map to the original position, or you can rotate your mouse wheel.
  • Click and drag your mouse on the map or press the arrow keys on your keyboard to reposition the map view.
  • Adjust the time interval to view traffic at specified times, such as unexpected activity during evenings or weekends.

Site selector and Security Operations Report

You can specify the sites you want to view data from on this page. Users with NDR module access can generate a Security Operations Report to share results.

Site Selector
Click the site selector at the top of the page to view data for one or more sites in your environment. View combined traffic across your networks or focus on a single site to help you quickly find device data. The site selector indicates when all or some sites are offline. Because data is not available from offline sites, the charts and device pages associated with offline sites might not show data or might only show limited data. The site selector is only available from a console.
(NDR module only) Security Operations Report
The Security Operations Report contains a summary of the top detections and risks to your network. Click Generate Report to specify the report contents, time interval, and sites to include in the report, then click Generate to create a PDF file. Click Schedule Report to create a Security Operations Report that is emailed to recipients according to the configured frequency.


Dashboards are an effective tool for monitoring high-priority network traffic or troubleshooting issues because they consolidate multiple metric charts into a central location where you can investigate and share data. You can also add text boxes, formatted through Markdown, to provide content for stakeholders.

Video:See the related training: Dashboard Concepts

Dashboards and collections are located in the dashboard dock.

Click Collections to display all of the dashboard collections you own or that have been shared with you. The number of dashboards in each collection is displayed. Click the collection name to view the owner, who the collection is shared with, and the list of dashboards in the collection.

Only the collection owner can modify or delete a collection. However, because dashboards can be added to multiple collections, you can create a collection and share it with other users and groups.

Click Dashboards to display an alphabetized list of all of the dashboards that you own or that have been shared with you, including dashboards shared through a collection. The owner of each dashboard is displayed. An icon next to the owner name indicates that the dashboard was shared with you.

Creating dashboards

If you want to monitor specific metrics or custom metrics, you can create a custom dashboard. You must have personal write privileges or higher and NPM module access to create and edit dashboards.

Custom dashboards are stored separately for each user that accesses the ExtraHop system. After you build a custom dashboard, you can share it with other ExtraHop users.

There are several ways to create your own dashboard:

New dashboards are opened in Edit Layout mode, which enables you to add, arrange, and delete components within the dashboard. After creating a dashboard, you can complete the following tasks:

Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page to edit the dashboard properties or delete the dashboard.

Note:You cannot recover a deleted dashboard. When deleting user accounts, ExtraHop administrators can transfer dashboard ownership to another system user. Otherwise, all custom dashboards associated with the user account are also deleted. To preserve dashboards, make a copy before the account is deleted.

Learn how to monitor your network by completing a dashboard walkthrough.

Viewing dashboards

Dashboards are composed of chart widgets, alert widgets, and text box widgets that can present a concise view about critical systems or about systems managed by a particular team.

Click within a chart to interact with the metric data:

  • Click a chart title to view a list of metric sources and menu options.
  • Click a metric label to drill down and investigate by a metric detail.
  • Click a metric label and click Hold Focus to display only that metric in the chart.
  • Click a chart title or a metric label and then click Description to learn about the source metric.
  • Click a detection marker to navigate to the detection detail page

Change the time selector to observe data changes over time:

Export and share dashboard data

By default, all custom dashboards are private and no other ExtraHop users can view or edit your dashboard.

Share your dashboard to grant view or edit permission to other ExtraHop users and groups, or share a collection to grant view-only permission to multiple dashboards.

You can only modify a shared dashboard if the owner granted you edit permission. However, you can copy and customize a shared dashboard without edit permission.

Export data by individual chart or by the entire dashboard:

System dashboards

The ExtraHop system provides the following built-in dashboards that display common protocol activity about the general behavior and health of your network.

System dashboards are located in the default System Dashboards collection in the dashboard dock and they cannot be added to another collection that is shared with other users.

System dashboards can be viewed by any user except for restricted users The System Usage dashboard can only be viewed by users with System and Access Administration privileges.

Network Activity dashboard (NPM module access required)
Find top-talkers by application (L7) protocols and view recent alerts. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see Network Activity dashboard.
Network Performance dashboard (NPM module access required)
Identify traffic latency and bottlenecks over the data link (L2), network (L3), and transport (L4) layers. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see Network Performance dashboard.
Security Hardening dashboard (NDR module access required)
Monitor general information about potential security threats on your network. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see Security Hardening dashboard.
Generative AI Tools dashboard
Check for OpenAI traffic on your network and from internal endpoints communicating over OpenAI. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see Generative AI Tools dashboard.
Active Directory dashboard
Track Kerberos server activity for Active Directory user and computer accounts as well as services such as global catalog and group policies. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see Active Directory dashboard.
System Health dashboard
Ensure that your ExtraHop system is running as expected, troubleshoot issues, and assess areas that are affecting performance. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see System Health dashboard.
System Usage dashboard (System and access administration privileges required)
Monitor how users are interacting with detections, investigations, and dashboards in the ExtraHop system. For more information about charts in this dashboard, see System Usage dashboard.

Network Activity dashboard

The Network Activity dashboard enables you to monitor general information about application activity and performance from the transport through the application layers (L4 - L7) on your network.

Each chart in the Network Activity dashboard contains visualizations of network and protocol metric data that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.

Note:From a console, you can display the Network Activity dashboard for each connected site. The site name appears in the navigation bar; click the down arrow next to the name to pivot the display to other sites.

The Network Activity dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. However, you can copy a chart from the Network Activity dashboard and add it to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit it to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

The following information summarizes each region and its charts.

Traffic Overview
Observe whether traffic bottlenecks are related to a specific application protocol or network latency. The Traffic Overview region contains the following charts:

Network Packets by L7 Protocol Avg Rate chart: Find the protocol that has the highest volume of packet transmissions over the application layer (L7) during the selected time interval.

All Activity Network Round Trip Time: The 95th percentile line shows you the upper range of the time that it took for packets to traverse the network. If this value is over 250ms, then network issues could be slowing down application performance. Round trip time is a measurement of the time between when a client or server sent a packet and received an acknowledgment.

Alerts: View up to 40 of the latest alerts that were generated, and their severity levels. Alerts are user-configured conditions that establish baseline values for specific protocol metrics.

Active Protocols

Observe how application performance is affected by the protocols that are actively communicating on the ExtraHop system. For example, you can quickly glance at charts that display server processing times and the ratio of errors to responses per protocol.

There is a chart for each active protocol. If you do not see a protocol you were expecting, applications might be not communicating over that protocol for the selected time interval.

For more information about protocols and to view metric definitions, see the ExtraHop Protocol Metrics Reference.

Network Performance dashboard

The Network Performance dashboard enables you to monitor how effectively data is transmitted over the data link, network, and transport (L2 - L4) layers.

Each chart in the Network Performance dashboard contains visualizations of network performance data that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.

Note:From a console, you can display the Network Performance dashboard for each connected site. The site name appears in the navigation bar; click the down arrow next to the name to pivot the display to other sites.

The Network Performance dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. However, you can copy a chart from the Network Performance dashboard and add the chart to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit the dashboard to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

The following information summarizes each region.

Network L2 Metrics
Monitor the throughput rates over the data link (L2) layer by bits and packets, and monitor the types of frames transmitted. You can also determine how much data is sent to receivers by unicast, broadcast, or multicast distribution.
Network L4 Metrics
Monitor data transfer latency over the transport layer (L4). View TCP activity through connection, request, and response metrics. This data can indicate how effectively data is sent and received across the transport layer in your network.
Network Performance
Monitor how network performance is affecting applications. View overall network throughput by reviewing the throughput per application protocol and the magnitude of high TCP round trip times.
Network L3 Metrics
View data throughput at the network layer (L3) and see packets and traffic by TCP/IP protocols.
View a breakdown of packets and traffic by Differentiated Services code points, which is part of the DiffServ network architecture. Every IP packet contains a field to express the priority of how the packet should be handled, which is called differentiated services. The values for the priorities are called code points.
Multicast Groups
View traffic that is sent to multiple receivers in a single transmission, and see packets and traffic by each receiver group. Multicast traffic on a network is organized into groups based on destination addresses.

Security Hardening dashboard

The Security Hardening dashboard enables you to monitor general information about potential security threats on your network.

Each chart in the Security Hardening dashboard contains visualizations of security data that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.
Video:See the related training: Security Dashboard
Note:From a console, you can display the Security Hardening dashboard for each packet sensor. Click down arrow next to the name of the sensor in the navigation bar to display the Security Hardening dashboard for other sensors.

The Security Hardening dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. However, you can copy a chart from the Security Hardening dashboard and add it to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit it to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

The following information summarizes each region and its charts.

Threat Intelligence
Observe the number of connections and transactions that contain suspicious hostnames, IP addresses, or URIs found in threat intelligence. Click a blue metric value or metric name in the legend to drill down on a suspicious metric. A detail page appears that displays a red camera icon next to the suspicious object. Click the red camera icon to learn about the threat intelligence source.
Note:Threat intelligence metrics display a zero value for one or more of the following reasons:
  • Your ExtraHop RevealX subscription does not include threat intelligence.
  • You have not enabled threat intelligence for your ExtraHop RevealX system.
  • You have not directly uploaded custom threat collections to your sensors. Contact ExtraHop Support for help uploading a custom threat collection to you ExtraHop-managed sensors.
  • No suspicious objects were found.
TLS - Sessions
Observe the number of active TLS sessions with weak cipher suites on your network. You can see which clients and servers are participating in those sessions along with which cipher suites those sessions are encrypted with. DES, 3DES, MD5, RC4, null, anonymous, and export cipher suites are considered to be weak because they include an encryption algorithm that is known to be vulnerable. Data encrypted with a weak cipher suite is potentially insecure.

You can also observe the number of TLS sessions established with TLS v1.0 and which clients are participating in those sessions. Known vulnerabilities are associated with TLS v1.0. If you have a high number of TLS v1.0 sessions, consider configuring servers to support the latest version of TLS.

TLS - Certificates
Observe which TLS certificates in your network are self-signed, wildcard, expired, and expiring soon. Self-signed certificates are signed by the entity that issues the certificate, rather than a trusted certificate authority. Although self-signed certificates are cheaper than certificates issued by a certificate authority, they are also vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

A wildcard certificate applies to all first-level subdomains of a given domain name. For example, the wildcard certificate *.company.com secures www.company.com, docs.company.com, and customer.company.com. Although wildcard certificates are cheaper than individual certificates, wildcard certificates create a greater risk if they are compromised because they can apply to any number of domains.

Vulnerability Scans
Observe which devices are scanning applications and systems on your network to search for weaknesses and potential targets, such as high value devices. In the left chart, you can identify which devices are sending the most scan requests, which are HTTP requests associated with known scanner activity. In the right chart, you can see which user-agents are associated with the scan requests. The user-agent can help you determine if scan requests are associated with known vulnerability scanners such as Nessus and Qualys.
Observe which DNS servers are most active on your network and the total number of reverse DNS lookup failures those servers have encountered. A reverse DNS lookup failure occurs when a server issues an error in response to a client request for a pointer (PTR) record. Failures in reverse DNS lookups are normal, but a sudden or steady increase in failures on a specific host might indicate that an attacker is scanning your network.

You can also observe the number of address mapping and text record queries on your network. A large or sudden increase in these types of queries can be an indicator of a potential DNS tunnel.

Generative AI Tools dashboard

The Generative AI dashboard enables you to monitor traffic from OpenAI tools on your network.

Each chart in the Generative AI Tools dashboard contains visualizations of traffic associated with the OpenAI cloud service for tools such as ChatGPT. View traffic that was generated during a selected time interval, organized by region.

Note:From a console, you can display the Generative AI Tools dashboard for each connected site. The site name appears in the navigation bar; click the down arrow next to the name to pivot the display to other sites.

The Generative AI Tools dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard, and you cannot edit, delete, or add system dashboards to a collection. However, you can copy a chart from the Generative AI Tools dashboard and add the chart to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit the dashboard to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

The following information summarizes each region and its charts.

Generative AI Tools
Monitor traffic to OpenAI-based tools observed on your network. Learn when traffic occurred, how much data was transferred, and which internal endpoints participated.

Active Directory dashboard

The Active Directory dashboard enables you to track Kerberos server activity for Active Directory user and computer accounts as well as services such as global catalog and group policies.

Each chart in the Active Directory dashboard contains visualizations of of Active Directory account data that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.

The Active Directory dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. However, you can copy a chart from the Active Directory dashboard and add it to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit it to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

Note:From a console, you can display the Active Directory dashboard for each connected site. The site name appears in the navigation bar; click the down arrow next to the name to pivot the display to other sites.

The following information summarizes each region and its charts.

Account Summary
Observe the number of Active Directory accounts in your environment in the following charts:

Total Accounts: Total number of user accounts and of computer accounts.

Privileged Accounts: Total number of privileged accounts that successfully logged in, that received a login error, and that sent a service access request.

Authentication Errors
Observe the number of Active Directory accounts with authentication errors in the following charts:

User Account Errors: Total number of user account login errors due to invalid passwords, expired passwords, and disabled accounts. Displayed as a line chart and a list chart.

Computer Account Errors: Total number of computer account login errors due to invalid passwords, expired passwords, and disabled accounts. Displayed as a line chart and a list chart.

Account Errors: Total number of errors for any account type due to account lockouts and due to time errors. Displayed as a line chart and a list chart.

Authentication Error Details
Observe details about Active Directory accounts that had authentication errors in the following charts:

User Accounts: Usernames associated with user accounts that failed to login. This chart also displays the number of times each user account received an error due to an invalid password or an expired account.

Computer Accounts: Client IP addresses and hostnames associated with user accounts that failed to login. This chart also displays the number of times each user account received an error due to an invalid password or an expired account.

Ticket Granting Service
Observe transaction data associated with the Kerberos ticket granting service in the following charts:

Transactions: Total number of service ticket requests and the number of unknown service principal name (SPN) errors.

Transactions: Total number of service ticket requests.

Unknown SPN Errors by SPN: Number of unknown SPN errors listed by the SPN that sent the error.

Unknown SPN Errors by Client: Number of unknown SPN errors listed by the client that received the error.

Total Unknown SPN Errors: Total number of unknown SPN errors.

Group Policy
Observe SMB transaction data associated with the group policy in the following charts:

Transactions: Total number of group policy responses and of group policy errors.

Transactions: Total number of group policy responses and of group policy errors, in addition to the server processing time taken to send the first packet in response after receiving the last packet of the group policy request.

Observe LDAP transaction data with the following charts:

Transactions: Total number of LDAP responses and errors.

Transactions: Total number of LDAP responses and errors, in addition to the server processing time taken to send the first packet in response after receiving the last packet of the request.

Insecure LDAP Credentials: Total number of plaintext bind requests. Displayed as a line chart and a list chart.

Global Catalog
Observe transaction data associated with the global catalog in the following charts:

Transactions: Total number of global catalog responses and errors.

Transactions: Total number of global catalog responses and errors, in addition to the server processing time taken to send the first packet in response after receiving the last packet of the global catalog request.

DNS Service Records
Observe DNS service record transaction data in the following charts:

Transactions: Total number of service record responses and errors.

Transactions: Total number of service record responses and errors, in addition to the server processing time taken to send the first packet in response after receiving the last packet of the request.

System Health dashboard

The System Health dashboard provides a large collection of charts that enable you to make sure that your ExtraHop system is running as expected, to troubleshoot issues, and to assess areas that are affecting performance. For example, you can monitor the number of packets processed by the ExtraHop system to ensure that packets are continuously captured.

Each chart in the Network Performance dashboard contains visualizations of system performance data that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.

The System Health dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. However, you can copy a chart from the System Health dashboard and add it to a custom dashboard, or you can make a copy of the dashboard and edit it to monitor metrics that are relevant to you.

Note:The Administration settings page also provides status information and diagnostic tools for all ExtraHop systems.

Access the System Health page by clicking the System Settings icon or by clicking Dashboards from the top of the page. The System Health dashboard automatically displays information about the ExtraHop system you are connected to. If you are viewing the System Health dashboard from a console, you can click the site selector at the top of the page to view data for a specific site or for all sites in your environment.

Charts on the System Health dashboard are divided into the following sections:

Device Discovery
View the total amount of devices on your network. See which devices have been discovered and how many of those devices are currently active.
Data Feed
Assess the efficiency of the wire data collection process with charts related to throughput, packet rate, desyncs, and capture drops.
View the total amount of records that are being sent to an attached recordstore..
Monitor the impact of triggers on your ExtraHop system. See how often triggers are running, how often they are failing, and which triggers are placing the largest load on your CPU.
Open Data Stream and Recordstore
Follow the activity of open data stream (ODS) transmissions to and from your system. View the total number of remote connections, message throughput, and details related to specific remote targets.
TLS Certificates
Review the status information for all TLS certificates on your ExtraHop system.
Remote Packet Capture (RPCAP)
View the number of packets and frames that are sent and received by RPCAP peers.
Advanced Health Metrics
Track heap allocation related to data capture, the system datastore, triggers, and remote transmissions. Monitor write throughput, working set size, and trigger activity on the system datastore.
Device Discovery

The Device Discovery section of the System Health dashboard provides a view of the total amount of devices on your network. See which types of devices are connected and how many of those devices are currently active.

The Device Discovery section provides the following charts:

Active Devices

An area chart that displays the number of L2, L3, gateway, and custom devices that have been actively communicating on the network over the selected time interval. Next to the area chart, a value chart displays the number of L2, L3, gateway, and custom devices that were active over the selected time interval.

How this information can help you

Monitor this chart after making SPAN configuration changes to ensure that there were no unintended consequences that could put the ExtraHop system in a bad state. For example, accidental inclusion of a network can strain the capacity of the ExtraHop system capabilities by consuming more resources and requiring more packet handling, which results in poor performance. Check that the ExtraHop system is monitoring the expected number of active devices.

Data Feed

The Data Feed section of the System Health dashboard allows you to observe the efficiency of the wire data collection process with charts related to throughput, packet rate, desyncs, and capture drops.

The Data Feed section provides the following charts:


An area chart depicting the throughput of incoming packets over the selected time interval, expressed in bytes per second. The chart displays throughput information for analyzed and filtered packets, as well as L2 and L3 duplicates.

How this information can help you

Exceeding product thresholds might result in data loss. For example, a high throughput rate might result in packets dropped at the span source or at a span aggregator. Similarly, large amount of L2 or L3 duplicates can also indicate an issue at the span source or span aggregator and might result in skewed or incorrect metrics.

The acceptable rate of bytes per second depends on your product. Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover what the limits are for your ExtraHop system and determine if the rate of bytes per second is too high.

Throughput by Interface

A line chart depicting the throughput of incoming packets, listed by each interface configured on the sensor. Throughput is expressed in bytes per second during the selected time interval. The chart displays throughput information for analyzed and filtered packets, as well as L2 and L3 duplicates.

When viewing multiple sensors from an ExtraHop console, the chart depicts the aggregated average rate of transfer from interfaces that share the same number.

How this information can help you

Exceeding product thresholds might result in data loss. For example, a high throughput rate might result in packets dropped at the span source or at a span aggregator. Similarly, large amounts of L2 or L3 duplicates can also indicate an issue at the span source or span aggregator and might result in skewed or incorrect metrics.

The acceptable rate of packet per second depends on your product. Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover what the limits are for your ExtraHop system and determine if the rate of packets per second is too high.

Monitor this chart to troubleshoot packet throughput issues at a granular level and make interface configuration adjustments if needed.

Packet Rate

An area chart that displays the rate of incoming packets, expressed in packets per second. The chart displays packet rate information for analyzed and filtered packets, as well as L2 and L3 duplicates.

How this information can help youExceeding product thresholds might result in data loss. For example, a high packet rate might result in packets dropped at the span source or at a span aggregator. Similarly, large amounts of L2 or L3 duplicates can also indicate an issue at the span source or span aggregator and might result in skewed or incorrect metrics.

The acceptable rate of packet per second depends on your product.Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover what the limits are for your ExtraHop system and determine if the rate of packets per second is too high.

Packet Rate by Interface

A line chart chart that displays the rate of incoming packets and a column chart that displays the number of dropped packets, listed by each interface configured on the sensor. Packet rate is expressed in packets received per second during the selected time interval. The chart displays packet rate information for analyzed and filtered packets, as well as L2 and L3 duplicates.

When viewing multiple sensors from an ExtraHop console, the chart depicts the aggregated packet rate and the number of packets dropped by interfaces that share the same number.

How this information can help you

Exceeding product thresholds might result in data loss. For example, a high packet rate might result in packets dropped at the span source or at a span aggregator. Similarly, large amounts of L2 or L3 duplicates can also indicate an issue at the span source or span aggregator and might result in skewed or incorrect metrics.

The acceptable rate of packet per second depends on your product. Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover what the limits are for your ExtraHop system and determine if the rate of packets per second is too high.

Monitor this chart to troubleshoot packet rate issues at a granular level and make interface configuration adjustments if needed.

Packet Errors by Interface

A line chart that displays the number of packet errors received during the selected time interval, listed by each interface configured on the sensor. The chart displays packet error information for analyzed and filtered packets, as well as L2 and L3 duplicates.

When viewing multiple sensors from an ExtraHop console, the chart depicts the aggregated number of packet errors that occurred on interfaces that share the same number.

How this information can help you

Monitor this chart to troubleshoot packet errors at a granular level. Increased packet errors might result in data loss. Ensure that packets are sent as expected and make interface configuration adjustments if needed.

Analyzed Flows

A line chart that displays the number of flows that the ExtraHop system analyzed over the selected time interval. The chart also displays how many unidirectional flows occurred over the same time period. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total number of analyzed and unidirectional flows that occurred over the selected time interval. A flow is a set of packets that are part of a transaction between two endpoints over a protocol such as TCP, UDP, or ICMP.

How this information can help youExceeding product thresholds might result in data loss. For example, a high number of analyzed flows could result in packets dropped at the span source or at a span aggregator.

A line chart that displays occurrences of system-wide desyncs on the ExtraHop system over the selected time interval. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total number of desyncs that occurred over the selected time interval. A desync is when the ExtraHop data feed drops a TCP packet and, as a result, is no longer synchronized with a TCP connection.

How this information can help youLarge numbers of desyncs might indicate dropped packets on the monitoring interface, SPAN, or network tap.

If adjustments to your SPAN do not reduce a large number of desyncs, contact ExtraHop Support.

Truncated Packets

A line chart that displays occurrences of truncated packets on the ExtraHop system over the selected time interval. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total number of truncated packets that occurred over the selected time interval. A truncated packet occurs when the actual total length of the packet is less than the total length that is indicated in the IP header.

How this information can help youTruncated packets might indicate packet slicing. A sensor discards all truncated packets it receives, which might cause desyncs to occur.
Capture Drop Rate

A line chart that displays the percentage of packets dropped at the network card interface on an ExtraHop system over the selected time interval.

How this information can help youPacket drops often result when sensor thresholds are exceeded. Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover what the limits are for your ExtraHop system.
Capture Load

A line chart that displays the percentage of cycles on the ExtraHop system that are consumed by active capture threads over the selected time interval, based on the total capture thread time. Click the associated Average Capture Load chart to drill down by thread and determine which threads are consuming the most resources.

How this information can help youLook for spikes or upward growth of the capture load to monitor whether you are approaching sensor limits. Refer to the ExtraHop Sensors datasheet to discover the limits for your ExtraHop system.
Metrics Written to Disk (Log Scale)

A line chart that displays the amount of space consumed by metrics that were written to disk over the selected time interval, expressed in bytes per second. Because there is a large range between data points, the disk usage is displayed in logarithmic scale.

How this information can help youIt is important to stay aware of the amount of space that metrics are consuming on your datastore. The amount of space in your datastore will affect the amount of available lookback. If some metrics are consuming too much space, you can investigate associated triggers to see if you can modify the trigger to make it more efficient.
Metric Data Lookback Estimates

Displays the estimated datastore lookback metrics on the ExtraHop system. Lookback metrics are available in 24 hour, 1 hour, 5 minute, and 30 second time intervals based on the write throughput rate, which is expressed in bytes per second.

How this information can help you

Refer to this chart to determine how far back you are able to look up historical data for given time intervals. For example, you might be able to look up 1 hour intervals of data as far back as 9 days.


The Records section of the System Health dashboard enables you to observe the efficiency of the wire data collection process with charts related to record counts and throughput.

The Data Feed section provides the following charts:

Record Count

A line chart that displays the number of records sent to a recordstore over the selected time interval. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total number of records sent over the selected time interval.

How this information can help you

An extremely high number of records sent to a recordstore can lead to long message queue lengths and dropped messages at the recordstore. View charts in the Open Data Stream and Recordstore section of the System Health dashboard for more information about recordstore transmissions.

Record Throughput

A line chart that displays the amount of records in bytes sent to a recordstore. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total amount of records sent in bytes over the selected time interval.

How this information can help you

This chart does not reflect size adjustments based on compression or deduplication and should not be referenced to estimate recordstore costs. An extremely high record throughput can lead to long message queue lengths and dropped messages at the recordstore. View charts in the Open Data Stream and Recordstore section of the System Health dashboard for more information about recordstore transmissions.


The Triggers section of the System Health dashboard allows you to monitor the impact of triggers on your system. See how often triggers are running, how often they are failing, and which triggers are placing the largest load on your CPU.

The Triggers section provides the following charts:

Trigger Load

A line chart that displays the percentage of CPU cycles allocated for trigger processes that have been consumed by triggers during the selected time interval.

How this information can help youLook for spikes or upward growth of the trigger load, especially after creating a new trigger or modifying an existing trigger. If you notice either condition, view the Trigger Load by Trigger chart to see which triggers are consuming the most resources.
Trigger Delay

A column chart that displays the maximum trigger delays that occurred over the selected time interval in milliseconds. Next to the column chart, a value chart displays the single longest trigger delay that occurred over the selected time interval. A trigger delay is the amount of time between when a trigger event is captured and a trigger thread is created for the event.

How this information can help you

Long trigger delays might indicate processing issues, view the Trigger Exceptions by Triggerand Trigger Load by Trigger charts to see which trigger is committing the most unhandled exceptions and which ones are consuming the most resources.

Trigger Executes and Drops

A line and column chart where the line chart displays the number of times triggers were run, and the accompanying column chart displays the number of times triggers were dropped, over the selected time interval. Next to the line and column chart, a value chart displays the total number of trigger executes and drops that occurred over the selected time interval. These charts provide an overall snapshot of all triggers currently running on the ExtraHop system.

How this information can help youLook for spikes in the line and column chart and investigate any triggers that have resulted in the surge. For example, you might notice increased activity if a trigger has been modified or a new trigger has been enabled. View the Trigger Executes by Trigger chart to see which triggers are running most frequently.
Trigger Details

A list chart that displays individual triggers and the number of cycles, executes, and exceptions attributed to each over the selected time interval. By default, the list of triggers is sorted in descending order by trigger cycles.

How this information can help youIdentify which triggers are consuming the most cycles. Triggers that execute too frequently or otherwise consume more cycles than they should might be assigned to more sources than necessary. Make sure that any overactive trigger is only assigned to the specific source that you need to collect data from.
Trigger Load by Trigger

A line chart that displays the percentage of CPU cycles allocated for trigger processes that have been consumed by triggers during the selected time interval, listed by trigger name.

How this information can help youIdentify which triggers are consuming the most cycles. Triggers that consume more cycles than they should might be assigned to more sources than necessary. Make sure that any overactive trigger is only assigned to the specific source that you need to collect data from.
Trigger Executes by Trigger

A line chart that displays the number of times each active trigger ran over the selected time interval.

How this information can help youLook for triggers that are running more frequently than you would expect, which might indicate that the trigger is assigned too broadly. A trigger assigned to all applications or all devices might have a heavy performance cost. A trigger assigned to a device group that has been expanded might collect metrics you do not want. To minimize performance impact, a trigger should be assigned only to the specific sources that you need to collect data from.

High activity might also indicate that a trigger is working harder than it needs to. For example, a trigger might run on multiple events where it would be more efficient to create separate triggers, or a trigger script might not adhere to recommended scripting guidelines as described in the Triggers Best Practices Guide.

Trigger Exceptions by Trigger

A line chart that displays the number of unhandled exceptions, sorted by trigger, that occurred on the ExtraHop system over the selected time interval.

How this information can help youTrigger exceptions are the primary cause of trigger performance issues. If this graph indicates a trigger exception has occurred, you should investigate the trigger immediately.
Trigger Cycles by Thread

A line chart that displays the number of trigger cycles consumed by triggers for a thread.

How this information can help youTrigger drops might occur if the consumption of one thread is considerably higher than the others, even if the thread consumption is at a low percentage. Look for an even amount of cycle consumption among threads.
Open Data Stream and Recordstore

The Open Data Stream (ODS) and Recordstore section of the System Health dashboard enables you to follow the activity of ODS and recordstore transmissions to and from your system. You can also view the total number of remote connections, message throughput, and details related to specific remote targets.

The Open Data Stream (ODS) and Recordstore section provides the following charts:

Message Throughput

A line chart that displays the throughput of remote message data, expressed in bytes. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the average throughput rate of remote message data over the selected time interval. Remote messages are transmissions sent to a recordstore or to third-party systems from the ExtraHop system through an open data stream (ODS).

How this information can help youMonitor this chart to make sure that bytes are being transferred as expected. If you are seeing low throughput numbers, there might be an issue with the configuration of an ODS or attached recordstore. Significant dips in throughput might indicate problems with your data streams.
Messages Sent

A line chart that displays the average rate that remote messages were sent from the ExtraHop system to a recordstore or open data stream (ODS) target. Next to the line chart, a value chart displays the total number of messages sent out over the selected time interval.

How this information can help youMonitor this chart to make sure that packets are sent as expected. If no packets are sent, there might be an issue with the configuration of an ODS or attached recordstore.
Messages Dropped by Remote Type

A line chart that displays the average rate of remote messages that were dropped before they reached a recordstore or ODS target.

How this information can help youDropped messages indicate connectivity issues with the remote target. A high number of drops could also indicate that message throughput is too high to be processed by the ExtraHop system or the target server.
Message Send Errors

A line chart that displays the number of errors that occurred while sending a remote message to a recordstore or ODS target. Monitor this chart to make sure that packets are sent as expected. Transmission errors might involve the following:

Target Server Errors
The number of errors that are returned to the ExtraHop system by recordstores or ODS targets. These errors occurred on the target server and do not indicate an issue with the ExtraHop system.
Full Queue Dropped Messages
The number of messages sent to recordstores and ODS targets that were dropped because the message queue at the target server was full. A high number of dropped messages might indicate that message throughput is too high to be processed by the ExtraHop system or the target server. Look at the Exremote Message Queue Length by Target and the Target Details charts to see if your transmission errors might be related to a long message queue length.
Target Mismatch Dropped Messages
The number of remote messages dropped because the remote system specified in the Open Data Stream (ODS) trigger script does not match the name configured on the Open Data Streams page in Administration settings. Make sure that the names of remote systems are consistent in trigger scripts and Administration settings.
Decoding Errors Dropped Messages
The number of messages dropped as a result of internal encoding issues between ExtraHop Capture (excap) and ExtraHop Remote (exremote).

A line and column chart where the line chart displays the number of attempts the system made to connect to a remote target server and the accompanying column chart displays the number of errors that occurred as a result of those attempts. Next to the line and column chart, a value chart displays the total number of connection attempts and connection errors that occurred over the selected time interval.

How this information can help youIdentify target servers that are requiring an unusual amount of connection attempts or generating a disproportionate amount of connection errors. A spike in connection attempts might indicate that the target server is unavailable.
Exremote Message Queue Length by Target

A line chart that displays the number of messages in the ExtraHop Remote (exremote) queue waiting to be processed by the ExtraHop system.

How this information can help you
A high number of messages in the queue might indicate that message throughput is too high to be processed by the ExtraHop system or the target server. Refer to the Exremote Full Queue Dropped Messages value in the Message Send Errors chart to determine if message drops have occurred.
Excap Message Queue Length by Remote Type

A line chart that displays the number of remote target messages in the ExtraHop Capture (excap) queue waiting to be processed by the ExtraHop system.

How this information can help youA high number of messages in the queue might indicate that message throughput is too high to be processed by the ExtraHop system or the target server.

Refer to the Messages Dropped by Remote Type chart to determine if message drops have occurred.

Target Details

A list chart that displays the following metrics related to recordstore or ODS remote targets over the selected time interval: target name, target message bytes out, target messages sent, target server errors, full queue dropped messages, decoding errors dropped messages, target server connection attempts, and target server connection errors.

How this information can help youIf you are seeing message errors reported in the Messages Sent chart, the details in this chart can help you determine the root cause of remote message errors.
TLS Certificates

The TLS Certificates section of the System Health dashboard allows you to review the status information for all TLS certificates on your system.

The TLS Certificates section provides the following chart:

Certificate Details

A list chart that displays the following information for each certificate:

Decrypted Sessions
The number of sessions that were successfully decrypted.
Unsupported Sessions
The number of sessions that could not be decrypted with passive analysis, such as DHE key exchange.
Detached Sessions
The number of sessions that were not decrypted or only partially decrypted due to desyncs.
Passthrough Sessions
The number of sessions that were not decrypted due to hardware errors, such as those caused by exceeding the specifications of TLS acceleration hardware.
Sessions Decrypted with Shared Secret
The number of sessions that were decrypted through a shared secret key.
How this information can help youMonitor this chart to make sure that the correct TLS certificates are installed on the ExtraHop system and are performing decryption as expected.
Remote Packet Capture (RPCAP)

The Remote Packet Capture (RPCAP) section of the System Health dashboard enables you to view the number of packets and frames that were sent from RPCAP peers and received by the ExtraHop system.

The Remote Packet Capture (RPCAP) section provides the following charts:

Forwarded by Peer

A list chart that displays the following information regarding packets and frames that are forwarded by an RPCAP peer:

Forwarded Packets
The number of packets that an RPCAP peer attempted to forward to an ExtraHop system.
Forwarder Interface Packets
The total number of packets that were viewed by the forwarder. Forwarders on RPCAP devices will coordinate with each other to keep multiple devices from sending the same packet. This is the number of packets that were viewed before any frames were removed to reduce forwarded traffic, and before frames were removed by user-defined filters.
Forwarder Kernel Frame Drops
The number of frames that were dropped because the kernel of the RPCAP peer was overloaded with the stream of unfiltered frames. Unfiltered frames have not been filtered by the kernel to remove duplicate packets or packets that should not be forwarded because of user-defined rules.
Forwarder Interface Drops
The number of packets that were dropped because the RPCAP forwarder was overloaded with the stream of unfiltered frames. Unfiltered frames have not been filtered to remove duplicate packets or packets that should not be forwarded because of user-defined rules.
How this information can help youAny time you see packets dropped by the RPCAP peer, it indicates that there is an issue with the RPCAP software.
Received by the ExtraHop system

A list chart that displays the following information regarding packets and frames that are received by an ExtraHop system from a Remote Packet Capture (RPCAP) peer:

Encapsulated Bytes
The total size of all packets related to the UDP flow from the RPCAP device to the ExtraHop system, in bytes. This information shows you how much traffic the RPCAP forwarder is adding to your network.
Encapsulated Packets
The number of packets related to the UDP flow from the RPCAP device to the ExtraHop system.
Tunnel Bytes
The total size of packets, not including encapsulation headers, that the ExtraHop system received from an RPCAP device, in bytes.
Tunnel Packets
The number of packets that the ExtraHop system received from an RPCAP peer. This number should be very close to the Forwarded Packets number in the Sent by Remote Device chart. If there is a big gap between these two numbers, then packets are dropping between the RPCAP device and the ExtraHop system.
How this information can help you

Tracking the encapsulated packets and bytes is a good way to make sure that RPCAP forwarders are not placing an unnecessary load on your network. You can monitor tunnel packets and bytes to make sure that the ExtraHop system is receiving everything that the RPCAP device is sending.

Advanced Health Metrics

The Advanced Health Metrics section of the System Health dashboard allows you to track heap allocation related to data capture, the system datastore, triggers, and remote transmissions. Monitor write throughput, working set size, and trigger activity on the system datastore.

The Advanced Health Metrics section provides the following charts:

Capture and Datastore Heap Allocation

A line chart that displays the amount of memory that the ExtraHop system dedicates to network packet capture and to the datastore.

How this information can help youThe data in this chart is for internal purposes and might be requested by ExtraHop Support to help you diagnose an issue.
Trigger and Remote Heap Allocation

A line chart that displays the amount of memory, expressed in bytes, that the ExtraHop system dedicates to processing capture triggers and to open data streams (ODS).

How this information can help youThe data in this chart is for internal purposes and might be requested by ExtraHop Support to help you diagnose an issue.
Store Write Throughput

An area chart that displays the datastore write throughput, expressed in bytes, on the ExtraHop system. The chart displays data for the selected time interval and for 24 hour, 1 hour, 5 minute, and 30 second intervals.

How this information can help youThe data in this chart is for internal purposes and might be requested by ExtraHop Support to help you diagnose an issue.
Working Set Size

An area chart that displays the write cache working set size for metrics on the ExtraHop system. The working set size indicates how many metrics can be written to the cache for the selected time interval and for 24 hour, 1 hour, 5 minute, and 30 second intervals.

How this information can help youThe data on this chart might spike after trigger creation or trigger modification if the trigger script is not collecting metrics efficiently.
Datastore Trigger Load

A line chart that displays the percentage of cycles consumed by datastore-specific triggers on the ExtraHop system, based on the total capture thread time.

How this information can help youLook for spikes or upward growth of the datastore trigger load, especially after creating a new datastore trigger or modifying an existing datastore trigger. If you notice either, click on the Trigger Load metric label to drill down and see which datastore triggers are consuming the most resources.
Datastore Trigger Executes and Drops

A line and column chart where the line chart displays the number of times datastore-specific triggers on the ExtraHop system were run during the selected time interval, and the accompanying column chart displays the number of datastore-specific triggers dropped from the queue of triggers waiting to run on the ExtraHop system during the selected time interval.

How this information can help youA single datastore trigger that runs often might indicate that the trigger has been assigned to all sources, such applications or devices. To minimize performance impact, a trigger should be assigned only to the specific sources that you need to collect data from.

From the Datastore Trigger Load chart, click on the Trigger Load metric label to drill down and see which datastore triggers are running most frequently.

Any drop data displayed on the column chart indicates that datastore trigger drops are occurring and that trigger queues are backed up.

The system queues trigger operations if a trigger thread is overloaded. If the datastore trigger queue grows too long, the system stops adding trigger operations to the queue and drops the triggers. Currently running triggers are unaffected.

The primary cause of long queues, and subsequent trigger drops, is a datastore long-running trigger.

Datastore Trigger Exceptions by Trigger

A list chart that displays the number of unhandled exceptions caused by datastore-specific triggers on the ExtraHop system.

How this information can help youDatastore trigger exceptions are the primary cause of trigger performance issues. If this graph indicates a trigger exception has occurred, the datastore trigger should be corrected immediately.
Status and diagnostics tools in the Administration settings

The Administration settings is another source for system information and diagnostics.

For more metrics about the overall health of the ExtraHop system, and for diagnostic tools that enable ExtraHop Support to troubleshoot system errors, look at the Status and Diagnostics section of the Administration settings.

System Usage dashboard

The System Usage dashboard enables you to monitor how users are interacting with the ExtraHop system.

Each chart in the System Usage dashboard contains visualizations of user interactions with the ExtraHop system and detections that have been generated over the selected time interval, organized by region.

Note:The System Usage dashboard is a built-in, system dashboard that you cannot edit, delete, or add to a shared collection. You cannot make a copy of the System Usage dashboard or copy charts to custom dashboards.

Before you begin

The System Usage dashboard can only be viewed from a console by users with System and Access Administration privileges.

The following information summarizes each region and its charts.

ExtraHop Users
Observe user login activity and the current number of active users on the ExtraHop system.

Active Users and Logins: The number of times users have logged in to the ExtraHop system, and current snapshots of active users. The line chart displays current active users, and the column chart displays the number of user logins over time. A login is counted every time a user logs in to the system, including multiple logins by a single user.

Top User Logins: Users with the most logins on the ExtraHop system over the selected time interval.

Active Users and Logins: The number of users that are currently active on the ExtraHop system, and the total number of user logins over the selected time interval.

Observe how often users are viewing dashboards and which dashboards are viewed the most.

Dashboard Views: Total dashboard views over time. A dashboard view is counted when a dashboard appears following a user login, click, or direct navigation through a shared URL.

Top Viewed Dashboards: Dashboards with the highest number of views.

Total Dashboard Views: The total number of dashboard views over the selected time interval.

Observe information about detections that are generated by the ExtraHop system and how users are viewing and tracking detections.

Detection Views: Two values are displayed in this line chart: Detection List Views counts the number of clicks on the detection list when grouped by detection type, and Detection Detail Views counts the number of times a detection detail page appears following a user login, click, or direct navigation through a shared URL. Click on either metric name in the legend to drill down by detection type.

Top Viewed Detections: The detection types that were viewed the most over the selected time interval.

Total Detection Views: The total values for both detection list views and detection detail views over the selected time interval.

Detection Tracking (line chart): The number of detections that were closed with and without action taken, and the number of detections that were acknowledged over time.

Detection Tracking (list chart): The total number of detections that were closed with and without action taken, the number of investigations created, and the total number of detections that were set to the Acknowledged status over the selected time interval. The list also includes the number of detections that are currently set to the In Progress status.

Total Closed Detections: The total number of detections that were closed with and without action taken over the selected time interval. The Total Closed Detections values include detections that were hidden after the detection status was set.

Recommended Detections: The number of detections that were recommended for triage, also known as Smart Triage, during the selected time interval.

Top Recommended Detections: The detection types that were recommended for triage the most during the selected time interval.

Total Closed Recommended Detections: The total number of recommended detections that were closed with and without action taken during the selected time interval.

Detection Types
Observe which detection types were generated the most by the ExtraHop system and how users are interacting with those detections.

Top Viewed Detection Types: The number of detection list views and detection detail views for the detection types that have occurred over the selected time interval.

Observe information about user-created investigations, investigations recommended by the ExtraHop system, and how users are viewing and interacting with investigations.

Investigation Views: The number of user-created and recommended investigation views over time. An investigation view is counted when an investigation is displayed following a user login, click, or direct navigation through a shared URL.

Top Viewed Investigations: The types of user-created and recommended investigations that were viewed the most during the selected time interval.

Total Investigation Views: The total number of user-created and recommended investigation views during the selected time interval.

Investigations Created: The number of investigations that were created over time, listed by investigations created by users and by investigations that were recommended by the ExtraHop system.

Top Recommended Investigations: The investigation types that were recommended by the ExtraHop system the most during the selected time interval.

Total Investigations Created: The total number of investigations created by users and the total number of investigations that were recommended by the ExtraHop system during the selected time interval.

Threat Briefings
Observe information about threat briefings that provide guidance about potential threats to your network and how users are viewing them.

Threat Briefing Views: The number of threat briefing views over time. A threat briefing view is counted when a threat briefing detail page is displayed following a user click or direct navigation through a shared URL.

Top Viewed Threat Briefings: The threat briefings that were viewed the most during the selected time interval.

Total Threat Briefing Views: The total number of threat briefings that were viewed during the selected time interval.

Create a dashboard

Dashboards provide a single location for important metrics that you care about. When you create a custom dashboard, a dashboard layout opens containing a single region with an empty chart widget and an empty text box widget. Edit a chart to incorporate real-time metrics into your dashboard, and edit a text box to provide information. Finally adjust the layout and add more widgets to complete your dashboard and begin monitoring your network.

Before you begin

Determine which metrics you want to monitor on your dashboard. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do I want to track if my server is offline or unavailable? Add availability metrics such as requests and responses to your dashboard charts.
  • Is my server functioning properly? Add reliability metrics such as errors to your dashboard charts.
  • Is my server properly resourced? Add performance metrics such as server processing time to your dashboard charts.

Create the dashboard layout

The following steps show you how to create the framework for your dashboard, which includes two empty widget types: a chart and a text box. Your new dashboard opens in Edit Layout mode (which is displayed in the upper right corner). Edit Layout mode enables you to quickly edit your chart and text box, and arrange the placement of widgets and regions on a dashboard.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. On the Dashboards page, complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Dashboards in the dashboard dock and then click Create Dashboard at the bottom of the dock.
    • Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and select New Dashboard.
  4. In the Dashboard Properties window, type a name for your dashboard.
  5. Enter any other meta data for your dashboard, such as a name for the author or a description. Note that the Permalink provides a direct URL to your dashboard for any users who have sharing privileges for your dashboard.
  6. Click Create.

Edit a basic chart

The following steps show the general flow for editing a chart widget in the Metric Explorer tool. Begin by specifying sources and metrics to add data to your chart. For example, you can now add the availability, reliability, or performance metrics that you considered at the beginning of this procedure to your dashboard. Then choose a chart type to visualize the data.

  1. Click the chart to launch the Metric Explorer.
  2. Click Add Source.
  3. In the source search field, type the name of a source and then select the source from the search results.
  4. In the metric search field, type the protocol and metric name and then select the metric you want to add to the chart from the search results. For example, to monitor the reliability of web transactions, type HTTP errors and then select HTTP Errors from the search results.
  5. Select a chart type from the bottom of the Metric Explorer.
    Some charts might not be compatible with your selected metrics. For example, the heatmap chart can only display dataset metric data, such as server processing time. For more information about charts and compatible metrics, see Chart types.
  6. (Optional): Select a drill down key to view detail metrics. Click Drill down by <None>, where <None> is the name of the detail metric key currently displayed in your chart. You can view up to 20 top key values in a chart for a specific time interval.
  7. Click Save.

Next steps

Edit a basic text box widget

The following steps show you how to display custom text in a dashboard region, which is a helpful tool for adding notes about a chart or data in a dashboard. The text box widget supports the Markdown syntax. A new text box widget contains sample text that is already formatted in Markdown to provide you with basic examples.

  1. Click the text box.
  2. Type and edit text in the left Editor pane. The HTML output text dynamically displays in the right Preview pane. For more formatting examples, see Format text in Markdown.
  3. Click Save.

Add more widgets and regions to your dashboard

Add and arrange the placement of regions and widgets on your dashboards.

  1. Click-and-drag dashboard components, such as a region or widgets, from the bottom of the page onto the workspace.
  2. To arrange dashboard components, click-and-drag the edge of a region or widget to resize them. If dashboard components overlap, they will be outlined in red. You must click and drag the sides of the widgets and regions to make room.
  3. (Optional): Click Remove Extra Space to remove the empty vertical white space around widgets. Empty vertical white space will be removed from every region on the dashboard.
  4. After making your changes, click Exit Layout Mode.
    Note:If an error message appears, another user might be making changes. It is best practice for each ExtraHop user to have an individual account.

Next steps

Now that your dashboard is complete, you can perform the following steps:

Chart editing tips

The following tips help you search for and select metrics when building a chart.

  • Filter search results to a specific source type or protocol by clicking Any Type or Any Protocol underneath the search fields.
  • You can only select the same source type that is currently in your metric set. A metric set contains one source type and metrics. For example, if you select the All Activity application as the source, you can only add more applications to that metric set.
  • Create an ad hoc group of more than one source in your chart by selecting Combine Sources. For example, you can combine two applications and then view a single metric value in the chart for both of these applications.
  • If you select a device group as your source, you can Drill down by Group Member to display individual metrics for up to 20 of the devices within the group.

Create a dashboard with dynamic sources

You can create a dashboard with dynamic sources to enable users to change the source of the dashboard at any time. If you have created a large number of dashboards that all have the same metrics, but different sources, you might want to consider replacing those dashboards with a single, dynamic-source dashboard.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard that you want to edit.
  4. Set the source of each chart to a source type variable.
    1. Click the name of a chart and then click Edit.
    2. In the Sources field, type $.
      The Source Type Variables list appears.
    3. From the Source Type Variables list, select the type of source that you are replacing. For example, if you are replacing a device source, select $device.
  5. Click Save.
    At the top of the dashboard, the View Source drop-down menu appears.
  6. From the View Source drop-down menu, select the source that you would like to view metrics for.
    If no data is displayed in the dashboard charts, try refreshing the page.
Tip:If you want to hide the dynamic source menu from your dashboard, append the following parameter to the end of the dashboard page URL: &hideTemplatePanel=true.



For example:


Next steps

Copy a dashboard

If you want to duplicate a useful dashboard, you can copy a dashboard and then replace or modify sources to display different application, device, or network data. You can only copy one dashboard at a time.

Note:If you only want to copy a dashboard so you can change the source across the entire dashboard, you might want to consider creating a dashboard with dynamic sources instead of making multiple copies of a single dashboard.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard that you want to copy.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the dashboard page.
  5. Click Copy and complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Keep Sources to maintain the original data configurations in the new dashboard.
      Note:When you copy a dashboard with dynamic sources, the original data configurations are automatically maintained.
    • Click Modify Sources, which helps you to immediately update every region, chart, and widget within the copied dashboard with another source, and then complete the following steps:
      1. In the right pane of the Modify Sources window, click a source name. A search field opens.
      2. Type the name of a new source and then select the source from the drop-down menu. Repeat this step if the dashboard contains more than one source that you want to replace.
      3. Click Create Dashboard.
    A copied dashboard with a modified version of the original title is created.
  6. To rename the copied dashboard, complete the following steps:
    1. Click the command menu in the upper right corner and the page.
    2. Select Dashboard Properties.
    3. In the Title field, type a new name.
    4. Click Save.

Edit a dashboard layout

Place your dashboard into Edit Layout mode to add, delete, or rearrange the widgets and regions on your dashboard layout. You can only add or delete widgets or regions when the dashboard is in Edit Layout mode.

When you create a new dashboard, the dashboard is automatically placed into Edit Layout Mode. To edit the layout of an existing dashboard, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard that you want to edit.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page, and then select Edit Layout.
  5. In Edit Layout mode, select from the following options:
    Add widgets and regions

    Click-and-drag a widget or region from the bottom of the page and place it onto the dashboard.

    Widgets are configurable dashboard components that provide the following functions:

    Chart: add metrics and select chart types to visualize data

    Text box: add explanations, links, and images to your dashboard

    Alerts: scan up to 40 recent alerts, sorted by severity

    Activity Group: monitor devices that are grouped together automatically by protocol activity in the ExtraHop system

    Regions contain and logically group widgets together. Click-and-drag widgets into a region. The width of a region can include a maximum of six widgets. The length of a region and dashboard is unlimited.

    Delete widgets and regions
    To delete a region, click Delete in the region header. To delete a widget, click the title and then select Delete from the drop-down menu.
    Arrange the placement of widgets and regions

    Click the header of a region or widget to drag them into a different location. Click and drag the edge of a region or widget to resize them.

    If dashboard components overlap, they will be outlined in red. You must click and drag the sides of the widgets and regions to make room.

    Duplicate charts
    Click Duplicate to create a copy of a chart or text box in the same region.
  6. (Optional): Click Remove Extra Space to remove the empty vertical white space around widgets. Empty vertical white space will be removed from every region on the dashboard.
  7. Click Exit Layout Mode in the upper right corner of the page to save your changes.
    Note:If an error message appears, another user might be making changes. It is best practice for each ExtraHop user to have an individual account.

Edit a chart with the Metric Explorer

The Metric Explorer is a tool for creating and editing charts, which lets you construct dynamic visualizations of device and network behavior.

You must have personal write privileges or higher and NPM module access to create and edit charts in a dashboard.
Video:See the related training: Choosing a Metric

Create and edit a basic chart

With the Metric Explorer, you can edit chart components, such as sources, metrics, and data calculations, and then preview how metric data appears in different chart types. When you are satisfied with your selections, save your chart to a dashboard.

The following steps show you the basic workflow and minimum requirements for completing a new chart.

  1. Click Add Source and then select a source.
    • You can select a static source for the chart by typing the name of an application, device, or network.
    • You can also select a dynamic source that can be dynamically modified by dashboard viewers by typing $ and selecting a variable from the Source Type Variable list. For more information about source type variables and dashboard templates, see Create a dashboard with dynamic sources.
  2. Select the source from the list of results.
  3. In the Metrics field, type a protocol and metric name. Then select the metric from the list of results, as shown in the following figure.
  4. Select a chart from the bottom of the Metric Explorer, as shown in the following figure.
  5. (Optional): Click the drop-down menu below the metric name to display a count or rate or percentile.
  6. Complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Save when creating or editing a chart from a dashboard. Your dashboard is updated with your basic chart.
    • Click Add to Dashboard when creating or editing a chart from a protocol page. Then select an existing dashboard from the list, or select Create Dashboard.

Configure advanced options for data analysis and chart customization

Depending on the metrics and chart type you select, you can configure advanced options for creating sophisticated visualizations with the Metric Explorer, as shown in the following figure.

Drill down on metric data and sources to display details
In the Details section from the Metrics tab, you can drill down to display detail metrics or drill down on a device group to display individual devices within the chart. You can also filter detail metrics for exact matches, or create a regex filter.
Add a baseline or threshold line from the Analysis tab
You add a dynamic baseline or static threshold line to your chart. Baselines are calculated after the chart is saved. To see a line that represents a threshold, such as an service level agreement (SLA) value, add a static threshold line to your chart.
Rename legend labels and the chart title
For charts that display a legend, you can change a metric name in the chart legend with a custom label. In the Metric Explorer, click the label in the preview pane then select Rename. To rename a chart, click the chart title and select Rename.
Customize your chart from the Options tab
You can access the following options for customizing chart properties and the display of metric data in your chart:
  • Convert metric data from bytes to bits
  • Convert metric data from base 2 (Ki=1024) to base 10 (K = 1000)
  • Change the y-axis in a time-series chart from linear to log scale
  • Abbreviate metric values in a chart (for example, abbreviate 16,130,542 bytes to 16.1 MB)
  • Sort metric data in ascending or descending order in a bar, list, or value chart
  • Change the percentile precision in a pie chart
  • Hide or display a chart legend
  • Hide inactive metrics with a zero value so that these metrics are not visible in the chart, including the legend and label
  • Include sparkline in a list or value chart
  • Show the alert status for data displayed in list or value charts (for more information, see Alerts)
  • Switch the color display for metric data to grayscale (with exception to charts that display an alert status)
  • For IP address labels, display the hostname (if detected from DNS traffic in wire data) or origin IP address (if a proxy is detected from wire data)
  • Show the relative time for an expiration date, such as the number of days until an TLS certificate expires.
Note:Some options are only available for specific chart types. For example, the option to include a sparkline only appears in the Options tab for list and value charts.
Create an ad hoc group to combine data from multiple sources
From the Metric tab, you can create an ad hoc group of multiple sources within a set by selecting Combine Sources. For example, you can combine two applications and then view a single metric value in the chart for both of these applications.

Next steps

Practice building charts by completing the following walkthroughs:

Regular expression filters

Filter your search results by writing regular expression (regex) strings in certain search fields throughout the ExtraHop system. For example, you can filter for parameters in a detail metric key, such as a number within an IP address. You can also filter by excluding specific keys or a combination of keys from charts.

Regex-capable search fields have visual indicators throughout the system and accept standard syntax.
Search fields with an asterisk
Click the asterisk to enable regex strings.

This type of field is available from the following system pages:
  • Filtering a table of devices
  • Creating filter criteria for a dynamic device group
Certain search fields with a trifield operator
Click the operator drop-down menu to select the regex option.

This type of field is available from the following system page:
  • Editing a chart in Metric Explorer
Certain search fields with a tooltip
Hover over the tooltip in the field to see when regex is required.

This type of field is available from the following system page:
  • Adding record relationships to a custom metric

The following table includes examples of standard regex syntax.

Chart Scenario Regex filter How it works
Compare HTTP status codes 200 to 404. (200|404) The vertical bar symbol ( | ) is the OR operator. This filter matches 200, or 404, or both status codes.
Display any HTTP status code that contains a 4. [41] Square brackets ( [ and ] ) designate a range of characters. The filter searches for every character inside the brackets, regardless of order. This filter matches any value that contains a 4 or a 1. For example, this filter can return 204, 400, 101, or 201 status codes.
Display all 500-level HTTP status codes. ^[5] The caret symbol ( ^ ) outside square brackets ( [ and ] ) means "starts with." This filter matches any value that begins with a 5. For example, this filter can return 500 and 502 status codes.
Display all 400 and 500-level HTTP status codes. ^[45] Multiple values inside square brackets ( [ and ] ) are searched individually, even when preceded by the caret symbol ( ^ ). This filter does not search for values that begin with 45, but matches all values that begin with a 4 or 5. For example, this filter can return 400, 403, and 500 status codes.
Display any HTTP status codes except 200-level status codes. ^(?!2) A question mark ( ? ) and exclamation point ( ! ) inside parentheses specify a value to exclude. This filter matches all values except values beginning with a 2. For example, this filter can return 400, 500, and 302 status codes.
Display any IP address with a 187. 187. Matches 1, 8, and 7 characters in the IP address. This filter will not return IP addresses that end in 187 because the trailing period designates that something must come after the values. If you want to search the period as a literal value, you must precede it with a backslash ( \ ).
Review all IP addresses containing 187.18. 187\.18. Matches 187.18 and anything that follows. The first period is treated literally because it is preceded by a backslash ( \ ). The second period is treated as a wildcard. For example, this filter returns results for,, or This filter does not return an address that ends with 187.18, because the wildcard requires that characters follow the specified values.
Display any IP address except ^(?!187\.18\.197\.150) Matches anything except, where ^(?!) specifies the value to exclude.
Exclude a list of specific IP addresses. ^(?!187\.18\.197\.15[012]) Matches anything except,, and, where ^(?!) specifies the value to exclude and the square brackets ( [ and ] ) specify multiple values.
Additional filters

When you create a custom detail metric from the Metric Catalog, you can add advanced regex syntax to the Additional Filters search field in the Record Relationships section.

The tooltip appears after you select Detail Metric and is not available when Base Metric is selected.

The regex syntax in this field must meet the following requirements:
  • If your key contains multiple values, your regex syntax must include a single capture group. A capture group is designated by parenthesis. Your capture group determines the filter value.

  • If you want to return a specific value from a detail metric key that contains multiple record field values, the regex must follow this syntax:


    For example, if your detail metric key is ipaddr:host:cipher and you only want to return the IP address value, you would type the following:


  • If your key contains multiple record field values, the values are separated by a delimiter that is specified in the trigger that is generating the key. The placement of the delimiters in your regex syntax must match the delimiters in the detail key. For example, if you have a key with three values that are separated by a delimiter that is a colon, the three values for the key in your regex syntax must be separated by two colons.
Tip:If you want to return all record field values in a detail metric key, type $KEY. For example, if your detail metric key is ipaddr:host:cipher, type $KEY in the search field to return all three of those field record values (IP address, hostname, and TLS cipher suite).

Edit a text box widget

If you want to include explanatory text next to your dashboard charts or display a company logo in your dashboard, you can edit a text box widget. With the text box widget, you can display text, links, images, or sample metrics in your dashboard.

Video:See the related training: Provide Context with Text Box Widgets

The text box widget supports Markdown, which is a simple formatting syntax that converts plain text into HTML with non-alphabetic characters, such as "#" or "*". New text box widgets contain Markdown examples. A text box widget is automatically provided each time you create a dashboard. You can also add a text box widget to your dashboard layout.

To edit an existing text box widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the text box you want to edit.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner and select Edit Layout.
  5. Click the text box.
  6. Type and edit text in the left Editor pane.
    The HTML output text dynamically displays in the right Preview pane. With Markdown, you can format the following types of content:
  7. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.

Format text in Markdown

The following table shows common Markdown formats that are supported in the text box widget.

Note:Additional Markdown format examples are provided in the GitHub Guides: Mastering Markdown and in the CommonMark Spec.
Format Description Example
Headings Place a number sign (#) and a space before your text to format headings. The level of heading is determined by the amount of number signs. #### Example H4 heading
Unordered lists Place a single asterisk (*) before your text. If possible, put each list item on a separate line. * First example

* Second example

Ordered lists Place a the number 1 and period (1.) before your text for each line item; Markdown will automatically increment the list number. If possible, put each list item on a separate line. 1. First example

1. Second example

Bold Place double asterisks before and after your text. **bold text**
Italics Place an underscore before and after your text. _italicized text_

Place link text in brackets before the URL in parentheses. Or type your URL.

Links to external websites open in a new browser tab. Links within the ExtraHop system, such as dashboards, open in the current browser tab.

[Visit our home page](https://www.extrahop.com)


Blockquotes Place a right angle bracket and a space before your text.

On the ExtraHop website:

> Access the live demo and review case studies.

Monospace font Place a backtick (`) before and after your text. `example code block`
Emojis Copy and paste an emoji image into the text box. See the Unicode Emoji Chart website for images.

Markdown syntax does not support emoji shortcodes.


Add images in Markdown

You can add images to the text box widget by linking to them. Make sure your image is hosted on a network that is accessible to the ExtraHop system.

Links to images must be specified in the following format:


Where <alt_text> is the alternative text for the image name and <file_path> is the path of the image. For example:

Note:You also can add images by encoding them to Base64. For more information, see the following post on the ExtraHop forum, "Encode an image for inclusion in a textbox".

Add metric examples in Markdown

You can write a metric query to include a metric value inline with text in the text box widget. For example, to show how many web servers have returned a 404 error, you can add a metric query to a sentence and the value is updated within the text.

The following example shows the basic format for writing metric queries:

    "metric_category": "<metric_category>",
    "object_type": "<object_type>",
    "object_ids": [object_id],
    "metric_specs": [
            "name": "<metric_spec>"

To locate the object_type, metric_spec, and metric_category values for a metric, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click Metric Catalog.
  3. Type the metric name in the search field.
  4. Select the metric, and note the values for metric_category, object_type, and metric_spec in the REST API Parameters section.
The following figure displays values for NFS Server - TCP Requests by Client.

To locate the object_id for a device, device group, or other asset, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Assets, and then click an asset type from the left pane.
  2. Click the name of the asset you want, and then open the properties window.
  3. Note the value displayed for the REST API ID.
The following figure displays the properties for a device with an ID of 18697.

After you locate the values for the metric you want to display, add them to the metric query in the text editor. The value will be displayed in the text widget.

The following example markup will display the number of TCP requests received, listed by client IP address, for an NFS server with the object ID 18697.

Note:The following metric queries are unsupported in the text box widget:
  • Time-series queries
  • Mean calculations
  • Multiple object_ids
  • Multiple metric_spec
  • Multiple percentiles
Metric query examples for the text box widget

The following examples show you how to write top-level, or base, metric queries for application, device, and network objects. You can also write a query for detail metrics.

Application metrics

To specify the All Activity object, the object_ids is "0".

This example query shows how you can retrieve HTTP metrics from the All Activity application object, and displays the following output: "Getting [value] HTTP requests and [value] HTTP responses from All Activity."

"object_type": "application",
"object_ids": [0],
"metric_category": "http",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"req"}]
}%%HTTP requests and
"object_type": "application",
"object_ids": [0],
"metric_category": "http",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"rsp"}]
HTTP responses from All Activity.
Device metrics

You must specify either a client ("_client") or server ("_server") in the metric_category. To retrieve metrics for a specific device, specify the device object ID number in object_ids. To retrieve the device object ID (deviceOid), search for the device object in the ExtraHop global search. Select the device from your search results. The "deviceOid=" value will be embedded in the URL query string.

This example query shows how to retrieve metrics from a device client object, and displays the following output: "Getting [value] CLIENT DNS response errors from a specific device."

%%metric:{"object_type": "device",
"object_ids": [8],
"metric_category": "dns_client",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"rsp_error"}]
CLIENT DNS response errors from a specific device.

This example query shows how to retrieve metrics from a device server object, and displays the following output: "Getting [value] SERVER DNS response errors from a specific device."

"object_type": "device",
"object_ids": [156],
"metric_category": "dns_server",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"rsp_error"}]
SERVER DNS response errors from a specific device.
Network metrics

To specify All Networks, the object_type is "capture" and the object_ids is "0." To specify a specific VLAN, the object_type is "vlan" and the object_ids is the VLAN number.

This example query shows how to retrieve metrics for all networks, and displays the following output: "Getting [value] broadcast packets from all networks."

"object_type": "capture",
"object_ids": [0],
"metric_category": "net","metric_specs": [{"name":"frame_cast_broadcast_pkts"}]
broadcast packets from all networks.

This example query shows how to retrieve metrics for a specific VLAN and displays the following output: "Getting [value] broadcast packets from VLAN 3."

"object_type": "vlan",
"object_ids": [3],
"metric_category": "net",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"frame_cast_broadcast_pkts"}]
broadcast packets from VLAN 3.
Group metrics

To specify a group, the object_type is "device_group." You must specify either a client ("_client") or server ("_server") in the metric_category. The object_ids for the specific group must be retrieved from the REST API Explorer.

This example query shows how to retrieve metrics for all networks, and displays the following output: "Getting [value] HTTP responses from the HTTP Client Device Group."

"object_type": "device_group",
"object_ids": [17],
"metric_category": "http_client",
"metric_specs": [{"name":"req"}]
HTTP responses from the HTTP Client Device Group.
Detail metrics

If you want to retrieve detail metrics, your metric query should contain additional key parameters, such as key1 and key2:

  • object_type
  • object_ids
  • metric_category
  • metric_spec
    • name
    • key1
    • key2
The key parameters act as a filter for displaying detail metric results. For non-custom detail metrics, you can retrieve detail metric parameters from the Metric Catalog. For example, type HTTP Responses by URI, and then look at the parameter values in the REST API Parameters section.
Important:You must supply the object_ids in your query.

This example shows how to retrieve HTTP requests by URI for the All Activity application (object_ids is "0"):

"object_type": "application", 
"object_ids": [0],  
"metric_category": "http_uri_detail", 
"metric_specs": [{"name":"req"}] 

This example query shows you how to retrieve HTTP requests by URIs that contain a key value for "pagead2" for the All Activity application (object_ids is "0"):

"metric_category": "http_uri_detail", 
"object_type": "application",
"object_ids": [0], 
"metric_specs": [ 
"name": "req", 
"key1": "/pagead2/" 

This example query shows how to retrieve count metrics for all networks and displays the following output: "Getting [value] detail ICA metrics on all networks."

"object_type": "capture",
"object_ids": [0],
"metric_category": "custom_detail",
"metric_specs": [{
detail ICA metrics on all networks.

This example query shows how to retrieve a custom dataset statistic with topn keys and percentiles, and displays the following output: "The fifth percentile is: [value]."

The fifth percentile is:
"object_type": "vlan",
"object_ids": [1],
"metric_category": "custom_detail",
"metric_specs": [{
"name": "custom_dset",
"key1": "myCustomDatasetDetail",
"key2": "/10.10.7/",
"calc_type": "percentiles",
"percentiles": [5]
Note:Sampleset metrics are unsupported in the text box widget. For example, adding the "calc_type": "mean" parameter to your text box query is unsupported.

Edit a dashboard region

Dashboard regions, which contain charts and widgets, are highly customizable. As you work with dashboards, you might need to frequently change or copy a region. You can only delete, resize, or rearrange a region by editing the dashboard layout.

To edit basic properties of a region in a dashboard, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard with the region you want to edit.
  4. Click the region header to access the following options:
    Rename a region
    Add a custom name to the region.
    Modify sources
    Quickly replace the data sources for each chart in a region with a different source after copying a chart, region, or dashboards.
    Copy a region
    Hover over Copy to... and make one of the following selections:
    • Select the name of an existing dashboard from the list. The dashboard page opens and displays the location of the copied region.
      Tip:The dashboard list is ordered from the most recently created dashboards (at the bottom) to the oldest dashboards (at the top).
    • Select Create Dashboard. In the Dashboard Properties window, type a name for the new dashboard.
    Change the region time interval
    Apply a time interval to the entire region by enabling the Region Time Selector.
    Expand region contents into a fullscreen display.

Change the time interval for a dashboard region

In a dashboard, you can apply a time interval to an entire dashboard with the Global Time Selector, or apply a different time interval per region with the Region Time Selector.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Select a dashboard.
  4. Click the region header and then select Use Region Time Selector.
  5. Click Last 30 minutes and complete one of the following steps:
    • From the Time Interval tab, select one of the following options:
      • Select another time interval (such as Last 30 minutes, Last 6 hours, Last day, or Last week).
      • Specify a custom unit of time.
      • Select a custom time range. Click a day to specify the start date for the range. One click will specify a single day. Click another day to specify the end date for the range.
      • Compare metric deltas from two different time intervals.
    • From the History tab, select from up to five recent time intervals selected in a previous login session.
  6. Click Save to close the Region Time Selector.
    The new time interval is applied to all charts and widgets within the region.
  7. To remove the region time interval, click the region header and select Use Global Time Selector.
    When the time interval disappears from the region header, the global time interval is applied to the region.

Edit dashboard properties

To rename a dashboard, change the theme, or change the URL, you must edit the dashboard properties. When you create a dashboard, you have an opportunity to specify dashboard properties. However, you can change dashboard properties at any time.

You can only change properties for one dashboard at a time. You cannot multi-select dashboards and change a property, such as the dashboard author.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select the dashboard that you want to edit.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and then select Dashboard Properties.
  5. In the Dashboard Properties window, you can modify the following fields:
    Rename the dashboard.
    Change the author name.
    Change the dashboard description. Note that the description is only seen when editing dashboard properties.
    Change the URL for the dashboard. By default, the permalink, also known as a short code, is a five-character unique identifier that appears after /Dashboard in the URL. You can change the permalink to a more user-friendly name.
    Note:The permalink can have up to 100 characters combining letters, numbers, and the following symbols: dot (.), underscore (_), dash (-), plus sign (+), parentheses ( ), and brackets ([ ]). Other alphanumeric characters are unsupported. The permalink cannot contain spaces.
    To share a dashboard with users who can view and edit, click the link. For more information, see Share a dashboard.
    View the list of ExtraHop users with editing access to the dashboard. To change the users, click Sharing.
  6. Click Save.

Present a dashboard

You can set your dashboard to display in fullscreen mode for presentations or for your network operation center screens.

The fullscreen mode provides the following viewing options:

  • You can view and interact with the entire dashboard while in Presentation Mode.
  • You can view a continuous cycle of each chart in the dashboard in a Widget Slideshow.
  • You can view a single region in fullscreen display.

To present an entire dashboard in fullscreen display, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select the dashboard you want to present.
  4. In the upper right corner of the page, click the command menu and select one of the following options:
    Presentation Mode
    The dashboard dock and top navigation menus collapse. You can interact with the time interval and dashboard components while in presentation mode.
    Widget Slideshow
    A continuous cycle of charts and widgets in fullscreen display begins. Select how long you want each widget to display (for example, 20 seconds, 15 seconds, etc.). Click the x icon in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the dashboard.
    Tip:To open a dashboard in Presentation Mode, add /presentation to the end of the URL and then bookmark it. For example:


Share a dashboard

By default, all custom dashboards you create are private, which means that no ExtraHop users can view or edit your dashboard. However, you can share your dashboard by granting view or edit access to other ExtraHop users and groups.

Here are some importance considerations about sharing dashboards:

  • How a user interacts with a shared dashboard and the information they can view in the ExtraHop system is determined by user privileges. For example, you can add a user with the Restricted read-only privilege, which allows that user to only view the dashboards that you share with them in the ExtraHop system. For more information, see the User privileges section in the ExtraHop Administrators Guide.
  • When you grant a user edit permission, that user can modify and share the dashboard with others, and add it to a collection. However, other users cannot delete the dashboard. Only the dashboard owner can delete a dashboard.
  • Group information is imported into the ExtraHop system from LDAP (such as OpenLDAP or Active Directory). User information is available after an ExtraHop user logs in to their account.
  • To share a dashboard with a non-ExtraHop user, you can create a PDF file of the dashboard.
  • You can create a scheduled dashboard report, which sends the PDF file of the dashboard to any email recipient on a regular basis. (Consoles only.)
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard you want to share.
    You cannot share system dashboards or dashboards that you do not have edit access to.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the dashboard page and select Share.
  5. To grant view permission to every user, select Allow all users to view this dashboard.
  6. To grant view or edit permission to specified users and groups, complete the following steps:
    1. Type the name of a user or group, and then select the name from the drop-down menu.
    2. Next to the name, select Can view or select Can edit.
  7. Click Save.
    If you shared your dashboard, a small gray icon will appear next to your dashboard in the dock.

Remove access to a dashboard

You can remove or modify dashboard access that you granted to users and groups.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. From the dashboard dock, select the custom dashboard that you want to modify.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and select Share.
  5. Remove access for users or groups by completing one of the following steps:
    • Remove all access for a user or group by clicking the red delete (x) icon next to the user or group name.
    • Remove edit access by selecting Can view from the drop-down menu next to the user or group name.
  6. Click Save.

Create a dashboard collection

You can create a collection to organize dashboards that you own and that have been shared with you.

Here are some important considerations about dashboard collections:

  • Your user privileges determine whether you can create and share collections.
  • You can add any dashboard to a collection that you own or have permission to view or edit.
  • You can add a dashboard to multiple collections.
  • You can share a collection if you own or have edit permission for all of the dashboards in that collection.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Click Collections at the top of the dashboard dock and then click Create Collection at the bottom of the dock.
  4. In the Name field, type a unique name for the collection.
  5. (Optional): In the Description field, add information about the collection.
  6. (Optional): Type the name of a user or group in the Sharing drop-down menu, select from the search results, and then click Add.
  7. Type the name of a dashboard in the Contents drop-down list and then select from the search results.
    The name of the owner is displayed for each added dashboard.
    Tip:The dashboard at the top of the list is displayed by default when the collection is selected in the dashboard dock. Click and drag the icon next to a dashboard name to re-order the list.

  8. Click Save.
    The collection is added to the dashboard dock.

Share a dashboard collection

By default, all dashboard collections are private, which means that no other users can view or edit your collection. However, you can share your collection with other users and groups.

Here are some important considerations about sharing dashboard collections:

  • You can only share a collection if you own or have permission to edit all of the dashboards in the collection.
  • Users can only view the dashboards in a shared collection; they cannot edit any collection properties.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Click Collections at the top of the dashboard dock.
  4. Click the collection you want to share and then click Edit.
  5. Type the name of a user or group in the Sharing drop-down menu and then select from the search results.
  6. Click Add.
    The user or group is displayed in a list of shared users.

    Tip:Remove a user or group by clicking the remove (X) icon next to the name.
  7. Click Save.
    The collection appears in the dashboard dock for each shared user.

Export data

You can export chart data from the ExtraHop system in CSV and XLSX formats.

You can also create PDFs of ExtraHop charts, pages, and dashboards.

Export data to Excel

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Navigate to a dashboard or protocol page.
  3. Right-click any chart, table, or metric and select Export to Excel.

Export data to CSV

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Navigate to a dashboard or protocol page.
  3. Right-click any chart, table, or metric and select Export to CSV.

Create a PDF file

You can export data from a dashboard, protocol page, or individual chart as a PDF file.

  1. Find the dashboard or protocol page that contains the data you want to export and complete of one of the following steps:
    • To create a PDF file of the entire page, click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and select Print from a sensor or Export to PDF from a console.
    • To create a PDF file of an individual chart or widget, click the chart title and select Print from a sensor or select Export to PDF from the drop-down menu on a console.
  2. A PDF preview dialog opens. Complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Print Page and then select PDF as the destination from the print settings in your browser.
    • From a sensor, click Print Widget and select PDF as the destination from the print settings in your browser.
    • From a console, select PDF format customizations and then click Export to PDF. The process for generating a PDF might take several seconds.

Customize the format of a PDF file

When creating a PDF file of a dashboard or protocol page from a console, you have several options for customizing the appearance of your PDF file.

  1. Type a custom name for your PDF file or accept the default name.
  2. Choose one of the following page width options:
    Displays large text in chart titles and labels, but provides less space for displaying chart data. Long chart titles and labels might be truncated.
    (Recommended) Displays a view of chart titles, legends, and data that is optimized for portrait page orientation.
    Displays small text in chart titles and labels, but provides more space for displaying chart data.
  3. Choose one of the following page break options:
    Single page
    Displays the entire dashboard or protocol page on a single, continuous page. This setting might generate a PDF file that is larger than standard printer page sizes.
    Page break per region
    Displays each chart region on an individual page.
  4. Choose one of the following themes:
    White background with dark text.
    Black background with white text.
    Dark background with a stylized background image and text.
  5. Click Export to PDF.
    The process for generating a PDF might take several seconds.

Next steps

The PDF file will download to your local computer. Each PDF file includes the dashboard title and time interval. Click View report on ExtraHop to open the original dashboard set to the time interval specified in the PDF file.

Create a scheduled report

From a console, you can schedule reports that contain information about activity on your ExtraHop system to be emailed to specified recipients. Create a scheduled dashboard report to email a PDF file of selected dashboards information including charts and metrics. Create a scheduled Security Operations Report to email a PDF containing a summary of the top detections and risks to your network.

Create a scheduled dashboard report

When you create a scheduled dashboard report, you can specify how often the report is emailed and the time interval for the dashboard data included in the PDF file.

Before you begin

  • Your user account must have limited write or higher privileges.
  • Your ExtraHop system must be configured to send emails. (RevealX Enterprise only)
  • You must log in to a console on the ExtraHop system.
  • You can only create a report for dashboards you own or have shared access to.
  • If you create a report for a dashboard that is later deleted or becomes inaccessible to you, an email is still sent to recipients. However, the email does not include the PDF file and includes a note that the dashboard is unavailable to the report owner.
Complete the following steps to create a scheduled dashboard report:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the System Settings icon and then click Scheduled Reports.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Type a unique name for the report in the Report Name field.
  5. (Optional): In the Description field, type information about the report. The description does not appear in the final report, only in the report settings.
  6. From the Report Type section, select Dashboard.
  7. From the Report Contents drop-down menu, select a dashboard.
    • If your environment has multiple sites, you must select a site.
    • If the dashboard you select has a dynamic source, you must select a source.
  8. (Optional): From the Report Contents drop-down menu, select additional dashboards that you want to add to the report.
  9. From the Schedule section, complete the following steps to configure a schedule for the report:
    1. From the Time Interval section, select the time range of data that you want to include in the report.
      Last... Specify a time interval relative to the time that you specify the report to be emailed.
      Previous calendar week Select to send data from the full calendar week previous to the time that you specify the report to be emailed. A full calendar week starts Sunday and ends Saturday. For example, if your report is emailed on a Wednesday, the report contains data from the previous Sunday through Saturday as opposed to the previous Wednesday through Tuesday.
      Previous calendar month Select to send data from the full calendar month previous to the time that you specify the report to be emailed. For example, if your report is emailed on the 15th of each month, the report contains data from the 1st through the last day of the previous month as opposed to the 15th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month.
    2. From the Report Frequency section, set the email delivery schedule by selecting one of the following options:
      Note:Available options depend on the specified Time Interval. For example, if you have specified data from the previous calendar week, you cannot select a daily frequency.

      The report frequency is based on the default system time set by your ExtraHop administrator.

      Hourly Email the report every hour.
      Daily Specify the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to email the report multiple times per day.
      Weekly Specify one or more days of the week, and the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to send report emails at multiple times per day or at different times per week.
      Monthly Specify the day of the month that you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to send report emails at multiple times per month.
  10. From the Format section, complete the following steps to configure the report format:
    1. Set the content layout by selecting one of the following options from the first Style drop-down menu:
      Narrow Displays large text in chart titles and labels, but provides less space for displaying chart data. Long chart titles and labels might be truncated.
      Medium (Default) Displays a view of chart titles, legends, and data that is optimized for portrait page orientation.
      Wide Displays small text in chart titles and labels, but provides more space for displaying chart data.
    2. Set the number of page breaks in the PDF by selecting one of the following options from the second Style drop-down list:
      Single page (Default) Displays the entire dashboard or protocol page on a single, continuous page. This setting might generate a PDF file that is larger than standard printer page sizes.
      Page break per region Displays each chart region on an individual page. Select this option if your dashboard contains a table or list that displays more than 20 detail metric values.
    3. Set the display theme by selecting one of the following Theme options:
      Light (Default) Displays dashboard data as dark text against a light background.
      Dark or Space Displays dashboard data as light text against a dark background.
      Contrast Displays dashboard data with a limited color palette and contrasting colors.
  11. From the Send Email section, complete the following steps to configure email notifications:
    1. (Optional): (RevealX Enterprise users only) From the Notification Groups drop-down menu, select a group of recipients.
      If you do not see the email group that you are looking for, you can configure email groups in the ExtraHop Administration settings or through the REST API. Contact your ExtraHop RevealX Enterprise administrator to add an email notification group.
    2. In the Recipients field, type the email address for each recipient, separated by a comma.
    3. From the Subject section, click Custom to write your own subject line for the email. The automatic subject line is the report name.
    4. (Optional): In the Message field, type the information you want to send in the body of the report email.
  12. To save your report, complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Send Now to send a test report email to the email addresses, and then click Done. Your report is saved and scheduled.
    • Click Save. Your report is scheduled and will be sent to recipients based on the report frequency you specified.

Next steps

  • To stop sending a scheduled report, clear the Enable report checkbox or delete the report.

Create a scheduled Security Operations Report

When you create a scheduled Security Operations Report, you can specify how often a PDF file of the report is emailed and the time interval for the data included in the report.

Before you begin

  • Your user account must have limited write or higher privileges.
  • Your ExtraHop system must include the Network Detection and Response (NDR) module.
  • You must log in to a console on the ExtraHop system.
  • Your ExtraHop system must be configured to send emails. (RevealX Enterprise only)
Complete the following steps to create a scheduled Security Operations Report:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the System Settings icon and then click Scheduled Reports.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Type a unique name for the report in the Report Name field.
  5. (Optional): In the Description field, type information about the report. The description does not appear in the final report, only in the report settings.
  6. From the Report Type section, select Security Operations.
  7. From the Sites drop-down menu, select the sites you want included in the report.
  8. From the Schedule section, complete the following steps to configure a schedule for the report:
    1. From the Time Interval section, select the time range of data that you want to include in the report.
      Last N days Select to send data from a time interval relative to the time that you specify the report to be emailed.
      Previous calendar week Select to send data from the full calendar week previous to the time that you specify the report to be emailed. A full calendar week starts Sunday and ends Saturday. For example, if your report is emailed on a Wednesday, the report contains data from the previous Sunday through Saturday as opposed to the previous Wednesday through Tuesday.
      Previous calendar month Select to send data from the full calendar month previous to the time that you specify the report to be emailed. For example, if your report is emailed on the 15th of each month, the report contains data from the 1st through the last day of the previous month as opposed to the 15th of the previous month to the 15th of the current month.
    2. From the Report Frequency section, set the email delivery schedule by selecting one of the following options:
      Note:Available options depend on the specified Time Interval. For example, if you have specified data from the previous calendar week, you cannot select a daily frequency.

      The report frequency is based on the default system time set by your ExtraHop administrator.

      Hourly Email the report every hour.
      Daily Specify the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to email the report multiple times per day.
      Weekly Specify one or more days of the week, and the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to send report emails at multiple times per day or at different times per week.
      Monthly Specify the day of the month that you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Schedule to send report emails at multiple times per month.
  9. From the Send Email section, complete the following steps to configure email notifications:
    1. (Optional): (RevealX Enterprise users only) From the Notification Groups drop-down menu, select a group of recipients.
      If you do not see the email group that you are looking for, you can configure email groups in the ExtraHop Administration settings or through the REST API. Contact your ExtraHop RevealX Enterprise administrator to add an email notification group.
    2. In the Recipients field, type the email address for each recipient, separated by a comma.
    3. From the Subject section, click Custom to write your own subject line for the email. The automatic subject line is the report name.
    4. (Optional): In the Message field, type the information you want to send in the body of the report email.
  10. To save your report, complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Send Now to send a test report email to the email addresses, and then click Done. Your report is saved and scheduled.
    • Click Save. Your report is scheduled and will be sent to recipients based on the report frequency you specified.

Next steps

  • To stop sending a scheduled report, clear the Enable report checkbox or delete the report.

Chart types

Dashboard charts in the ExtraHop system offer multiple ways to visualize metric data, which can help you answer questions about your network behavior.

You select a chart type when you edit a chart in the Metric Explorer. But how do you know which chart to select? It helps to first decide which question you want to answer:
  • To learn how a metric changes over time, select a time-series chart such as the area, column, line, line & column, or status chart.
  • To learn how a metric value compares to a complete set of data, select a distribution chart such as the box plot, candlestick, heatmap, or histogram chart.
  • To learn the exact metric value for a time period, select a total value chart such as the bar, list, pie, table, or value chart.
  • To learn the alert status of this metric, select the list, status, or value chart.

Find more answers in the Charts FAQ.

The following table provides a list of chart types and descriptions. Click on the chart type to see more details and examples.

Chart Type Description Type
Area chart Displays metric values as a line that connects data points over time, with the area between the line and axis filled in with color. Time-series
Column chart Displays metric data as vertical columns over a selected time interval. Time-series
Line chart Displays metric values as data points in a line over time. Time-series
Line & Column chart Displays metric values as a line, which connects a series of data points over time, with the option to display another metric as a column chart underneath the line chart. Time-series
Status chart Displays metric values in a column chart and the status of an alert assigned to both the source and metric in the chart. Time-series
Box plot chart Displays variability for a distribution of metric data. Each horizontal line in the box plot includes three or five data points. Distribution
Candlestick chart Displays variability for a distribution of metric data over time. Distribution
Heatmap chart Displays a distribution of metric data over time, where color represents a concentration of data. Distribution
Histogram chart Displays a distribution of metric data as vertical bars or bins. Distribution
Bar chart Displays the total value of metric data as horizontal bars. Total value
List chart Displays metric data as a list with optional sparklines that represent data changes over time. Total value
Pie chart Displays metric data as a portion or percentage of a whole. Total value
Table chart Displays multiple metric values in a table, which can be easily sorted. Total value
Value chart Displays the total value for one or more metrics. Total value

Area chart

Metric data is displayed as data points over time connected by a line, with the area between the line and the x-axis filled in with color.

If your chart contains more than one metric, data for each metric is displayed as an individual line, or a series. Each series is stacked together to illustrate the cumulative value of the data.

Select the area chart to see how the accumulation of multiple metric data points over time contribute to a total value. For example, an area chart can reveal how various protocols contribute to total protocol activity.

For more information about displaying rates in your chart, see the Display rates section.

Note:This chart supports detection markers, which indicate detections associated with chart data.
Note:Machine learning detections require a connection to ExtraHop Cloud Services.

The following figure shows an example of an area chart.

Bar chart

The total value of metric data is displayed as horizontal bars.

Select the bar chart when you want to compare the data for more than one metric for a selected time interval.

The following figure shows an example of a bar chart.

Box plot chart

The box plot chart displays variability for a distribution of metric data. You can only display data from dataset metrics, such as server processing time, in this chart.

Each horizontal line in the box plot includes three or five data points. With five data points, the line contains a body bar, a vertical tick mark, an upper shadow line, and a lower shadow line. With three data points, the line contains a vertical tick mark, an upper shadow, and lower shadow. For more information about displaying specific percentile values in your chart, see Display percentiles.

The following figure shows an example of a box plot chart.

Candlestick chart

The candlestick chart displays variability for a distribution of metric data over time. You can only display data from dataset metrics or high-precision network (L2) byte and packet metrics.

Vertical lines at each time interval displays three or five data points. If the line has five data points, it contains a body, middle tick mark, an upper shadow line, and a lower shadow line. If the line has three data points, it contains a middle tick mark. For more information about displaying specific percentile values in your chart, see Display percentiles.

Select the candlestick chart to view the variability of data calculations for a specific period of time.

The following figure shows an example of a candlestick chart.

Column chart

Metric data is displayed as vertical columns over time. If your chart contains more than one metric, data for each metric is displayed as an individual column or as a series. Each series is stacked together to illustrate the cumulative value of the data.

Select the column chart to compare how accumulation of multiple metric data points at a specific time contribute to the total value.

Note:This chart supports detection markers, which indicate detections associated with chart data.

The following figure shows an example of a column chart.

Heatmap chart

The heatmap chart displays a distribution of metric data over time, where color represents a concentration of data. You can only select a dataset metric to display in the chart, such as server processing time or round trip time.

Select the heatmap when you want to identify patterns in the distribution of data.

Here are some important considerations about the heatmap chart:
  • The heatmap legend displays the color gradient that corresponds to the data range in the chart. For example, the darker color on the heatmap indicates a higher concentration of data points.
  • The default data range is between the 5th and 95th percentiles, which filters outliers from the distribution. Outliers can skew the scale of data displayed in your chart, making it more difficult to spot trends and patterns for the majority of your data. However, you can choose to view the full range of data by changing the default filter in the Options tab. For more information, see Filter outliers.
  • The selected theme, such as Light, Dark, or Space, affects whether a dark or light color indicates a higher concentration of data points.

The following figure shows an example of a heatmap chart.

Histogram chart

The histogram chart displays a distribution of metric data as vertical bars, or bins. You can only select a dataset metric to display in this chart, such as server processing time or round trip time.

Select the histogram chart to view the shape of how data is distributed.

Here are some important considerations about the histogram chart:
  • The default data range is from the 5th to 95th percentile (5th-95th), which filters outliers from the distribution. The minimum to maximum (Min-Max) view displays the full data range. Click the magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the chart to toggle between the two views.
  • Data is automatically distributed into bins on either a linear or log scale based on the data range. For example, when the data range spans several orders of magnitude, data is placed into bins on a log scale. Min-Max (log) appears in the upper right corner of the chart.
  • Click-and-drag to zoom in on multiple bins or a specific bin. Click the magnifying glass again in the upper right corner of the chart to zoom out to the original view (either 5th-95th or Min to Max).
    Note:Zooming in to view a custom time interval does not change the global or region time interval.
  • Your toggle selection (between the 5th-95th and Min-Max views) will persist for your chart, but not for the users that you shared your dashboard and chart with. To set a persistent toggle selection before sharing a dashboard, see Filter outliers.

The following figure shows an example of a histogram chart.

Note:This chart does not support baselines or threshold lines.

Line chart

Metric data is displayed as data points over time that are connected in a line. If your chart contains more than one metric, data for each metric is displayed as an individual line or as a series. Each series overlaps.

Select the line chart to compare changes over time.

Note:This chart supports detection markers, which indicate detections associated with chart data.

The following figure shows an example of a line chart.

Line & column chart

Metric data is displayed as data points over time connected by a line, with the option to display a column chart underneath the line chart. For example, if your chart contains more than one metric (for example, HTTP Requests and HTTP Errors), you can select Display as Columns to display one of the metrics as a column chart underneath the line chart.

Columns are displayed in the color red by default. To remove the red color, click Options and deselect Display columns in red.

Select the line & column chart to compare different metrics at different scales in one chart. For example, you can view error rates and the total number of HTTP responses in one chart.

Note:This chart supports detection markers, which indicate detections associated with chart data.

The following figure shows an example of a line & column chart.

List chart

Metric data is displayed as a list. Select the list chart to view long lists of metric values, such as detail metrics.

This chart includes the following options:
  • Add a sparkline, which is a simple area chart placed inline with the metric name and value. A sparkline shows how data changed over time. Click the Options tab and select Include sparklines.
  • Display the metric value in an alert status color. Different colors indicate the severity of the configured alert. For example, if an alert threshold is crossed for a metric that is displayed in the list chart, the value for that metric appears in red. Click the Options tab and select Color indicates alert status.
Note:This chart does not support baselines or threshold lines.

The following figure shows an example of a list chart.

Pie chart

Metric data is displayed as a portion or percentage of a whole. If your chart contains more than one metric, data for each metric is represented as single slice, or series, in the pie chart.

Select the pie chart to compare the metric values that are mutually exclusive, such as status code detail metrics for the top-level HTTP Response metric.

This chart includes the following options:
  • Display as a donut chart. Click the Option tab and select Show total value.
  • Specify the decimal precision, or the number of digits, displayed in your chart. Percentile precision is useful for displaying ratios of data, especially for service-level agreements (SLAs) that might require precise data for reporting. Click the Options tab, and in the Units section, select Show percents instead of counts. Then select 0.00% or 0.000% from the drop-down menu.

The following figure shows an example of a pie chart.

Status chart

Metric data is displayed in a column chart. The color of each column represents the most severe alert status of the configured alert for the metric. You can only select one source and metric to display in this chart.

To view the status of all of the alerts associated with the selected metric category, click Show Related Alerts. A list of alerts is then displayed below the column chart.

Select the status chart to see how data and the alert status for your metric change over time.

Note:This chart does not support baselines.

The following figure shows an example of a status chart.

Table chart

Metric data is displayed across rows and columns in a table. Each row represents a source. Each column represents a metric. You can add multiple sources (of the same type) and metrics to a table.

Select the table chart when you want to view metric data in a grid and easily sort values across multiple metrics.
Note:This chart does not support baselines or threshold lines.

The following figure shows an example of a table chart.

Value chart

The total value for one or more metrics is displayed as a single value. If you select more than one metric, metric values are displayed side-by-side.

Select the value chart to see the total value of important metrics, such as the total number of HTTP errors occurring on your network.

This chart includes the following options:
  • Add sparklines, which is a simple area chart placed underneath the metric value. A sparkline shows how data changed over time. Click the Options tab and select Include sparklines.
  • Display the metric value in an alert status color. Different colors indicate the severity of the configured alert. For example, if an alert threshold is crossed for a metric, the value appears in red. Click the Options tab and select Color indicates alert status.
Note:This chart does not support baselines or threshold lines.

The following figure shows an example of a value chart.

Create a chart

Charts are an essential tool for visualizing, analyzing, and understanding network behavior. You can create a custom chart from a dashboard or protocol page to visualize data from any of the 4,000+ built-in metrics or custom metrics available in the ExtraHop system. For example, if you observe an interesting server metric while troubleshooting, you can create a chart to visualize and further analyze that metric. Customized charts are then saved to dashboards.

The following steps show you how to quickly create a blank custom chart:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Dashboards at the top of the page.
    • Click Assets at the top of the page. Select a source from the left pane, and then click the name of an application, device, device group, or network from the center pane. A protocol page for the source appears.
  3. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and then select Create Chart.
  4. Edit the chart in the Metric Explorer.
  5. To save your chart, click Add to Dashboard and complete one of the following steps:
    • Select the name of an existing dashboard from the list. The dashboard list is ordered from the most recently created dashboards (at the bottom) to the oldest dashboards (at the top).
    • Select Create Dashboard. In the Dashboard Properties window, type a name for the new dashboard and then click Create.
    Tip:Here are some other ways to create a chart:
    • If you find a chart you like on a protocol page or dashboard, you can recreate and save that chart to your dashboard. Click the chart title and then select Create Chart From....
    • You can edit a dashboard layout and click-and-drag a new chart widget onto the dashboard.

Next steps

After you create a chart, learn more about working with dashboards:

Copy a chart

You can copy a chart from a dashboard or protocol page and then save the copied chart to a dashboard. Copied widgets are always placed into a new region on the dashboard, which you can later modify.

Tip:If you want to copy a dashboard chart or text box without creating a new region, click the command menu in the upper right corner of the dashboard page and click Edit Layout. Find the chart you want to copy and then click Duplicate.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Select a dashboard that contains the chart or widget that you want to copy.
  4. Click the title.
    Note:You cannot click the title of a text box widget. To copy a text widget, you must first edit the dashboard layout. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the text box widget, and then complete step 4.
  5. Hover over Copy to… to expand a drop-down menu and then make one of the following selections:
    • Select the name of an existing dashboard from the list. The dashboard list is ordered from the most recently created dashboards (at the bottom) to the oldest dashboards (at the top).
    • Select Create Dashboard. In the Dashboard Properties window, type a name for the new dashboard and then click Create.

Next steps

The chart is copied into a new region on the dashboard that is in Edit Layout mode. You can now edit your dashboard or chart in the following ways:

Drill down

An interesting metric naturally leads to questions about the factors associated with that metric value. For example, if you find a large number of DNS request timeouts on your network, you might wonder which DNS clients are experiencing those timeouts. In the ExtraHop system, you can easily drill down from a top-level metric to view the devices, methods, or resources associated with that metric.

When you drill down on a metric by a key (such as a client IP address, method, URI, or resource), the ExtraHop system calculates a topnset of up to 1,000 key-value pairs. You can then investigate these key-value pairs, referred to as detail metrics, to learn which factors are linked to the interesting activity.

Drill down from a dashboard or protocol page

Clicking a metric in a chart or legend helps you see which key, such as client IP address, server IP address, method, or resource, contributed to that value.

The following steps show you how to locate a metric and then drill down:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Find an interesting metric by completing one of the following steps:
    • Click Dashboard, and then select a dashboard from the left pane. A dashboard appears containing metrics.
    • Click Assets, click Device, Device Group, or Application in the left pane. Then select a device, group, or application. A protocol page appears containing metrics.
    • Click Assets, click Networks in the left pane, and then select a flow network. A protocol page appears containing metrics.
  3. Click on a metric value or a metric label in the chart legend, as shown in the following figure. A menu appears.

    Tip:On a protocol page, you can also click a drill-down shortcut button in the Drill Down section, located in the upper right corner of the page. The type of shortcut buttons vary by protocol.

  4. In the Drill down by… section, select a key. A detail metrics page with a topnset of metric values by key appears. You can view up to 1,000 key-values pairs on this page.
    Tip:If available, click the View More link at the bottom of a chart to drill down on the metric displayed in the chart.

Drill down on network capture and VLAN metrics

Click an interesting top-level metric about network activity on a Network capture or VLAN page to identify which devices are linked to that activity.

Note:For information about how to drill down on metrics from a flow network or flow network interface page, see the Drill down from a dashboard or protocol page section.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Assets.
  3. Click Networks in the left pane.
  4. Click a network capture or VLAN interface name.
  5. Click a network layer in the left pane, such as L3 or L7 Protocols. Charts that display metric values for the selected time interval appear. For most protocols and metrics, a Device table also appears at the bottom of the page.
  6. Click the chart data, which updates the list to display only the devices that are associated with the data.
  7. Click a device name. A Device page appears, which displays traffic and protocol activity associated with the selected device.

Drill down from a detection

For certain detections you can drill down to see more details about the metric or key that contributed to the unusual behavior. The metric name or key appears as a link at the bottom of an individual detection.

Note:Detections with metrics or keys that do not have detail metrics do not include a drill down option. Detections that only display anomalous protocol activity instead of a metric also do not include a metric drill down option. For example, you cannot drill down on a detection for Anomalous DNS Client activity, as shown in the figure below. Instead, click the links for the device or application name, Activity Map, or Records to learn more about the anomalous activity.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Detections at the top of the page.
  3. Find an interesting detection that is associated with a metric and click the metric name or key. In the following figure, by clicking on the response code, we can drill down to see all of the clients that received DNS responses with NXDOMAIN/QUERY:A.

  4. In the Drill down by... section, click a key such as Client.
    A detail metric page appears, where you can investigate metrics listed by key.

Drill down from an alert

Click the metric name or key in a threshold alert to see which key, such as client, server, method, or resource, contributed to the metric value or unusual behavior.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Alerts at the top of the page.
    Note:You can also access alerts from an Alert widget on a dashboard or at the bottom of the following protocol pages:
    • Application Overview page
    • Device Group Overview page
    • Network Overview page
  3. Click the name of a threshold alert.
    Alert details appear.
  4. Click a metric name or key, as shown in the following figure.

  5. In the Drill Down by section, click a key, such as Client, Method, Referer, Server, or URI.
    A detail metric page appears, where you can investigate metrics listed by key.

Investigate detail metrics

After you drill down on a metric from a dashboard, protocol page, detection, or alert, you can investigate metric values by key on a detail metric page. Filter metric data or select different keys, such as status codes or URIs, to view data from different perspectives.

The following figure shows you how to filter, pivot, sort, or export data on a detail metric page.

If you drilled-down on a metric by IP, Client, or Server, IP addresses and hostnames (if observed from DNS traffic) appear in the table. Additional options are now available to you. For example, you can directly navigate to a client or server protocol page, as shown in the following figure.

Filter results

A detail page can contain up to 1,000 key-value pairs. There are two ways to find specific results from data: filter results or click a key in the table to create another drill-down filter.

To filter results, click Any Field, and then select a field, which varies by key. For example, you can select Network Locality for Client or Server keys. Then, select one of the following operators:

  • Select = to perform an exact string match.
  • Select to perform an approximate string match. The ≈ operator supports regular expression.
    Note:To exclude a result, enter a regular expression. For more information, see Create regular expression filters.
  • Select to exclude an approximate string match from your results.
  • Select > or to perform a match for values greater than (or equal to) a specified value.
  • Select < or to perform a match for values less than (or equal to) a specified value.
  • Click Add filter to save the filter settings. You can save multiple filters for one query. Saved filters are cleared if you select another key from the Details section in the left pane.

To complete the filter, enter or select a value that you want to filter results by, and then click Add Filter.

Investigate threat intelligence data (ExtraHop RevealX Premium and Ultra only)
Click the red camera icon to view threat intelligence details about a suspicious host, IP address, or URI found in detail metric data.
Highlight a metric value in the top chart
Select an individual row or multiple rows to change chart data in the top chart on the detail metric page. Hover over data points in the chart to view more information about each data point.
Pivot to more data by key
Click key names in the Details section to see more detail metric values, broken down by other keys. For IP address or host keys, click a device name in the table to navigate to a Device protocol page, which displays traffic and protocol activity associated with that device.
Adjust the time interval and compare data from two time intervals
By changing the time interval, you can view and compare metric data from different times in the same table. For more information, see Compare time intervals to find the metric delta.
Note:The global time interval in the upper left corner of the page includes a blue refresh icon and gray text that indicates when the drill-down metrics were last polled. To reload the metrics for the specified time interval, click the refresh icon in the Global Time Selector display. For more information, see View the latest data for a time interval.
Sort metric data in columns
Click the column header to sort by metrics to view which keys are associated with the largest or smallest metric values. For example, sort on processing time to see which clients experienced the longest website load times.
Change data calculation for metrics
Change the following calculations for metric values displayed in the table:
  • If you have a count metric in the table, click Count in the Options section in the left pane and then select Average Rate. Learn more in the Display a rate or count in a chart topic.
  • If you have a dataset metric in the table, click Mean in the Options section in the left pane and then select Summary. When you select Summary, you can view the mean and the standard deviation.
Export data
Right-click a metric value in the table to download a PDF, CSV, or Excel file.
Drill-down a second time by a key filter

After you first drill down on a top-level metric by key, a detail page appears with a topnset of metric values broken down by that key. You can then create a filter to drill down a second time by another key. For example, you can drill down on HTTP responses by status code, and then drill down again by the 404 status code to find more information about the servers, URIs, or clients associated with that status code.

Note:The option to drill-down a second time is only available for certain topnsets.

The following steps show you how to drill down from a chart and then drill down again from a detail metric page:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Navigate to a dashboard or protocol page.
  3. Click a metric value or label.
  4. In the Drill down by… section, select a key.
    A detail page appears.
  5. Click a key in the table, such as a status code or method. (The key must not be an IP address or hostname.)
  6. In the Drill down by… section, select a key, as shown in the following figure.

    The key filter appears above the table. You can now view all the detail metrics associated with that single key.
  7. To remove this filter from the table and then apply the filter to the top chart, click the x icon, as shown in the following figure.

    The filter in the chart persists as you select other keys in the Details section.

Add detail metrics to a chart

If you want to quickly monitor a set of detail metrics in a dashboard, without repeatedly performing the same drill-down steps, you can drill down on a metric when editing a chart in the Metric Explorer. Most charts can display up to 20 of the top detail metric values broken down by key. A key can be a client IP address, hostname, method, URI, referrer, or more. Table and list widgets can display up to 200 top detail metric values.

For example, a dashboard for monitoring web traffic might contain a chart displaying the total number of HTTP requests and responses. You can edit this chart to drill down on each metric by IP address to see the top talkers.

The following steps show you how to edit an existing chart and then drill down to display detail metrics:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Navigate to a dashboard or protocol page.
  3. Click the chart title and then select Edit.
  4. In the Details section, click Drill down by <None>, where <None> is the name of the drill-down metric key currently displayed in your chart.
  5. Select a key from the drop-down menu.
    Note:If you have more than one source selected in your metric set, such as two devices, the sources are automatically combined into an ad hoc source group as you drill down. You cannot deselect the Combine Sources checkbox. To view drill-down metrics for each source, you must remove a source from the metric set and then click Add Source to create a new metric set.
    If detail metric data for a common key is available for all of the metrics in a metric set, the key for the detail metric automatically appears in the drop-down menu, as shown in the following figure. If a key in the list is grayed out, the detail metric associated with that key is unavailable for all of the metrics in that metric set above. For example, client, server, and URI data are available for both HTTP Requests and HTTP Responses metrics in the metric set.

  6. You can filter keys with an approximate match, regular expression (regex), or exact match through one of the following steps:
    • In the Filter field, select the operator to display keys by an approximate match or with regex. You must omit forward slashes with regex in the approximate match filter.
      Note:The filter option to exclude results is only available on detail pages. If you want to exclude results in a dashboard chart, create a regular expression (regex).
    • In the Filter field, select the = operator to display keys by an exact match.
  7. (Optional): In the top results field, enter the number of keys that you want to display. These keys will have the highest values.
  8. To remove a drill-down selection, click the x icon.
    Note:You can display an exact key match per metric, as shown in the following figure. Click the drill-down metric name (such as All Methods) to select a specific drill-down metric key (such as GET) from the drop-down menu. If a key appears gray (such as PROPFIND), drill-down metric data is unavailable for that specific key. You can also type a key that is not in the drop-down list.

Display a rate or count in a chart

You can visualize errors, responses, requests, and other count metric data in a chart as a per second rate or as a total number of events over time. For high-precision Network Bytes and Network Packets metrics, you have the additional options to view the maximum, minimum, and average rate per second in a chart.

When editing a chart in the Metric Explorer, you can select a count or rate by clicking the drop-down menu link below the metric name, as shown in the following figure.

In addition, you can select from the following options for displaying rates and counts. Note that the type of metric you select affects which rate or count is automatically displayed.

Average rate
Calculates the average metric value per second for the selected time interval. For network-related metrics, such as Response L2 Bytes or NetFlow Bytes, the average rate per second is automatically displayed.
Displays the total count of events for the selected time interval. For the majority of count metrics, such as errors, requests and responses, the count is automatically displayed.
Rate summary
Calculates the maximum, minimum, and average metric value per second. For high-precision metrics, such as Network Bytes and Network Packets, these three rates are automatically displayed in the chart as a summary. You can also select to view only the maximum, minimum, or average rate in a chart. High-precision metrics are collected with a 1-second level of granularity and are only available when you configure your chart with a network or device source.

Display the average rate in a chart

If you configured a chart with an error, response, request, or other type of count metric, then the total number of events over time is automatically displayed. You can further edit the chart to display an average rate per second for your data.

Before you begin

Create a chart and select a count metric, such as errors, requests, or responses, as your source. Save your chart to a dashboard.
The following steps show you how to add an average rate to an existing dashboard chart:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and select Edit.
  4. Click Count below the metric name.
  5. Select Average Rate from the drop-down menu.
    The unit "/s" is applied to metric units. You can toggle back to the count at any time.
  6. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.
    Tip:When you select more than one count metric in a chart, avoid displaying rates and counts together in the same chart. It can skew the scale of the y-axis. The y-axis will include a "/s" on tick labels only if all metrics are displaying rates.

Display the maximum rate in a chart

To display a maximum rate per second of a metric in a chart, you must configure a chart with a high-precision metric.

The following steps show you how to configure a chart that displays a maximum rate:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Complete one of the following steps:
    • To create a new chart, click the command menu in the upper right corner of the page and then select Create chart.
    • To edit an existing chart, click Dashboards at the top of the page. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit. Click the chart title and select Edit.
  3. Click Add Source and select one of the following sources:
    • A network source that is not a flow network, such as a site.
    • A device, such as a server or client.
  4. Search for and select one of the following metrics:
    For a network source
    • Network Bytes (total throughput)
    • Network Packets (total packets)
    For a device source
    • Network Bytes (combined inbound and outbound throughput by device)
    • Network Bytes In (inbound throughput by device)
    • Network Bytes Out (outbound throughput by device)
    • Network Packets (combined inbound and outbound packets by device)
    • Network Packets In (inbound packets by device)
    • Network Packets Out (outbound packets by device)
  5. Select a chart type that is compatible with count metrics (includes line, value, column, bar, pie, and list charts).
    The default display for a high-precision metric is a rate summary that automatically displays the maximum, average, and minimum rate.
  6. Click Rate Summary below the metric name.
  7. Select Maximum Rate from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.

Display percentiles or a mean in a chart

If you have a set of servers that are critical to your network, viewing the 95th percentile of server processing time in a chart can help you gauge how much servers are struggling. Percentiles are statistical measures that can show you how a data point compares to a total distribution over time.

You can only display percentile value and mean (average) calculations in charts that contain dataset or sampleset metrics. Dataset metrics are associated with timing and latency, such as server processing time and round trip time metrics. Sampleset metrics provide summaries of detail timing metrics, such as server processing time broken down by server, method, or URI.

When editing a chart in the Metric Explorer, you can select percentiles or the mean by clicking the drop-down menu link below the dataset or sampleset metric name, as shown in the following figure.

The Metric Explorer provides the following calculations for displaying percentiles and the mean.


For dataset metrics, the Summary is a range that includes the 95th, 75th, 50th, 25th, and 5th percentile values.

For example, each line in a candlestick chart contains five data points. If Summary is selected, the main body of the line represents the range from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile. The middle tick mark represents the 50th percentile (median). The upper shadow above the body line represents the 95th percentile. The lower shadow represents the 5th percentile.

For sampleset metrics, the Summary displays the +/-1 standard deviation and the mean values. In the candlestick chart, the vertical tick mark in the line represents the mean, and the upper and lower shadows represent the standard deviation values.

The calculated average of data.
The 50th percentile value of a dataset metric.
The 100th percentile value of a dataset metric.
The 0th percentile value of a dataset metric.
A custom range of three or five percentile values for a dataset metric.

Display a custom range of percentiles

You can display a custom range of three or five percentile values for server processing time or round trip time metrics. You cannot display custom percentiles in a pie or status chart.

The following steps show you how to add a custom percentile range to an existing dashboard chart:

Before you begin

Create a chart and select a dataset or sampleset metric, and save it to a dashboard.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and select Edit.
  4. Click Summary below the metric name.
  5. Select Percentile... from the drop-down menu.
  6. In the Set Percentiles field, type a number for each percentile value, separated by a comma. For example, to view the 10th, 30th, and 80th percentiles, type 10, 30, 80.
  7. Click Save. Your custom range is now displayed in the chart. You can toggle between your custom range and other percentile selections, such as Summary or Maximum, at any time.
  8. Click Save again to close the Metric Explorer.

Filter outliers in histogram or heatmap charts

Histogram and heatmap charts display a distribution of data. However, outliers can skew how the distribution displays in your chart, making it difficult to notice patterns or average values. The default filter option for these charts excludes outliers from the data range and displays the 5th-95th percentiles. You can change the filter to view the full range of data (minimums to maximums), including outliers, in your chart by completing the following procedure.

  1. Click the chart title and then select Edit to launch the Metric Explorer.
  2. Click the Options tab.
  3. From the Default filter drop-down menu in the Filters section, select Min to Max.
  4. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.

Edit metric labels in a chart legend

You can change the default metric label in a chart to a custom label. For example, you can change the default label, "Network Bytes," to a custom label such as "Throughput."

Custom labels only apply to individual charts. A custom label for a metric will persist if you copy the chart to another dashboard, share a dashboard with another user, or add new metrics to your chart.

However, if you make changes to the original metric, such as updating the data calculation (from median to 95th percentile, for example) or drilling down on the metric, the custom label will automatically clear. The label clears to prevent mislabeling or potential inaccuracy of the custom label when metric data changes.

Here are some considerations about changing the label of a chart legend:

  • For detail metrics, a custom label is automatically appended to all the keys displayed in the chart. However, you can change the order of the key in the label by including the variable, $KEY:
    • Type $KEY errors to display errors
    • Type [$KEY] errors to display [] errors
  • You cannot change labels in the box plot, candlestick, heatmap, table, or status charts.
  • You cannot rename metric delta or dynamic baseline labels.

Before you begin

Create a chart and select a metric.

The following steps show you how to change metric labels in an existing dashboard chart:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and select Edit.
  4. In the preview pane of the Metric Explorer, click the metric label.
  5. Select Rename from the drop-down menu.
  6. In the Display custom label field, type a new label.
    The label must be unique from other labels in the chart.
  7. Click Save, and then click Save again to close the Metric Explorer.
    The new label appears in your chart.

Add a dynamic baseline to a chart

Dynamic baselines help distinguish between normal and abnormal activity in your chart data. Baselines are only supported in the area, candlestick, column, line, and line & column charts.

The ExtraHop system calculates dynamic baselines based on historical data. To generate a new data point on a dynamic baseline, the system calculates the median value for a specified period of time.

Warning:Deleting or modifying a dynamic baseline can delete baseline data from the system. If a dynamic baseline is not referenced by any dashboards, the data will be deleted from the system to free unused system resources. You cannot recover a dynamic baseline after it is deleted.

Select a baseline type that best fits your environment. For example, if you regularly see dramatic changes from one day to another, select an hour-of-week baseline that compares activity seen on specific days of the week. If HTTP activity spikes on Saturdays, the hour-of-week baseline can help you compare the current spike in HTTP activity with the level seen on other Saturdays at the same hour. The following table describes how each type of baseline is calculated:

Baseline type Historical data What the baseline compares New baseline data points added
Hour of day 10 days Metric values from a given hour of a day. For example, every day at 2:00 PM. Every hour
Hour of week 5 weeks Metric values for a given hour on a specific day of the week. For example, every Wednesday at 2:00 PM. Every hour
Short-term trend 1 hour Metric values from each minute in one hour. Every 30 seconds

Here are some important considerations about adding a baseline to a chart:

  • Dynamic baselines calculate and store baseline data. Therefore, creating a baseline consumes system resources, and configuring too many baselines might degrade system performance.
  • Deleting or modifying a dynamic baseline can delete dynamic baseline data from the system.
  • Detail metrics, also referred to as topnsets, are unsupported. Sampleset, maximum rate, and minimum rate metrics are also unsupported. If any of these types of metrics are selected in your chart, you will be unable to generate a dynamic baseline for this data.
  • The system can begin building a dynamic baseline only if the necessary amount of historical data is available. For example, an Hour of day baseline requires 10 days of historical data. If the system has only been collecting data for six days, the baseline does not begin plotting until it has four more days worth of data.
  • The system does not retroactively plot a dynamic baseline for historical data. The system only plots a dynamic baseline for new data.
  • If two identical dynamic baselines exist in separate dashboards, the dashboards reuse the baseline data; however, the baselines must be identical. If you select a new baseline type, the new dynamic baseline will not share data with the previous dynamic baseline.

The following steps show you how to add a dynamic baseline to an existing dashboard chart:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and then select Edit.
  4. Click the Analysis tab.
  5. In the Dynamic Baselines section, select one of the following dynamic baseline type options:
    Option Description
    Hour of day Displays the median value for a given hour of the day. This option is most useful if activity in your environment usually follows a consistent daily pattern. If you regularly see dramatically different levels of activity on different days of the week, this option is less useful because the baseline usually does not match the current values.
    Hour of week Displays the median value for a given hour on a specific day of the week. This option is most useful if you regularly see significantly different levels of traffic during each day of the week.
    Short-term trend Displays the median value for the last hour. This option is useful for smoothing chart data to reveal short-term trends.
  6. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer and return to the dashboard.
    The ExtraHop system will begin calculating the dynamic baseline. New baseline data points are added every hour or 30 seconds, as shown in the following figure.

Add a static threshold line to a chart

Displaying a static threshold line in a chart can help you determine which data points are either below or above a significant value.

For example, you can create a line chart for server processing time to help you monitor the performance of an important database in your network environment. By adding a threshold line that defines a service level agreement (SLA) boundary of acceptable processing time, you can see when database performance is slowing down and address the issue.

You can add one or more threshold lines as you edit a chart with the Metric Explorer. These lines are local to the chart and not associated with other widgets or alerts. Threshold lines are only available for area, candlestick, column, line, line & column, and status charts.

The following steps show you how to add a static threshold line to an existing dashboard chart:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and then select Edit.
  4. Click the Analysis tab.
  5. In the Static Thresholds section, click Add Threshold Line.
  6. In the Value field, type a number that indicates the threshold value for the line. This value determines where the line appears on the y-axis of your chart.
    Note:For charts that display only count metrics (such as bytes, errors, and responses), the value of the threshold line automatically scales based on whether data is displayed as a rate or count. When data is only displayed as a count, the threshold line value automatically scales to the roll up period (either 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day). The data roll up period is determined by the time interval you select.
  7. In the Label field, type a name for your threshold line.
  8. In the Color field, select a color (gray, red, orange, or yellow) for your threshold line.
  9. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.

Display device group members in a chart

If you have a chart that displays a device group, you can view metrics by top devices in the group, instead of viewing a single value for the entire device group. Drilling down by group member in the Metric Explorer lets you view up to 20 devices in the chart.

If you see fewer groups members in a chart than the number of results you specified, this could be because you selected a built-in device group with a small number of devices. For built-in device groups, devices are dynamically placed into a group based on the type of protocol traffic they are associated with or the role they are assigned.

Before you begin

Create a chart that contains a device group as the selected source. Save the chart to a dashboard.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Dashboards .
  3. Launch the Metric Explorer to edit the chart by completing the following steps:
    1. From the dashboard dock, select a dashboard containing the chart that you want to edit.
    2. Click the chart title and select Edit.
  4. In the Details field, click Drill down by <None>, where <None> is the name of the detail metric currently displayed in your chart. Then, select Group Member.
  5. In the top results field, enter the number of group members that you want to display. These devices will have the highest metric values. You can display up to 20 group members.
  6. Click Save to close the Metric Explorer.
    Note:If you drill down by group member, you cannot perform additional drill downs to see detail metrics for each device by a key. To see detail metrics by key for a device, we recommend creating another chart with specific devices selected as the source.

Regular expression filters

Filter your search results by writing regular expression (regex) strings in certain search fields throughout the ExtraHop system. For example, you can filter for parameters in a detail metric key, such as a number within an IP address. You can also filter by excluding specific keys or a combination of keys from charts.

Regex-capable search fields have visual indicators throughout the system and accept standard syntax.
Search fields with an asterisk
Click the asterisk to enable regex strings.

This type of field is available from the following system pages:
  • Filtering a table of devices
  • Creating filter criteria for a dynamic device group
Certain search fields with a trifield operator
Click the operator drop-down menu to select the regex option.

This type of field is available from the following system page:
  • Editing a chart in Metric Explorer
Certain search fields with a tooltip
Hover over the tooltip in the field to see when regex is required.

This type of field is available from the following system page:
  • Adding record relationships to a custom metric

The following table includes examples of standard regex syntax.

Chart Scenario Regex filter How it works
Compare HTTP status codes 200 to 404. (200|404) The vertical bar symbol ( | ) is the OR operator. This filter matches 200, or 404, or both status codes.
Display any HTTP status code that contains a 4. [41] Square brackets ( [ and ] ) designate a range of characters. The filter searches for every character inside the brackets, regardless of order. This filter matches any value that contains a 4 or a 1. For example, this filter can return 204, 400, 101, or 201 status codes.
Display all 500-level HTTP status codes. ^[5] The caret symbol ( ^ ) outside square brackets ( [ and ] ) means "starts with." This filter matches any value that begins with a 5. For example, this filter can return 500 and 502 status codes.
Display all 400 and 500-level HTTP status codes. ^[45] Multiple values inside square brackets ( [ and ] ) are searched individually, even when preceded by the caret symbol ( ^ ). This filter does not search for values that begin with 45, but matches all values that begin with a 4 or 5. For example, this filter can return 400, 403, and 500 status codes.
Display any HTTP status codes except 200-level status codes. ^(?!2) A question mark ( ? ) and exclamation point ( ! ) inside parentheses specify a value to exclude. This filter matches all values except values beginning with a 2. For example, this filter can return 400, 500, and 302 status codes.
Display any IP address with a 187. 187. Matches 1, 8, and 7 characters in the IP address. This filter will not return IP addresses that end in 187 because the trailing period designates that something must come after the values. If you want to search the period as a literal value, you must precede it with a backslash ( \ ).
Review all IP addresses containing 187.18. 187\.18. Matches 187.18 and anything that follows. The first period is treated literally because it is preceded by a backslash ( \ ). The second period is treated as a wildcard. For example, this filter returns results for,, or This filter does not return an address that ends with 187.18, because the wildcard requires that characters follow the specified values.
Display any IP address except ^(?!187\.18\.197\.150) Matches anything except, where ^(?!) specifies the value to exclude.
Exclude a list of specific IP addresses. ^(?!187\.18\.197\.15[012]) Matches anything except,, and, where ^(?!) specifies the value to exclude and the square brackets ( [ and ] ) specify multiple values.

Additional filters

When you create a custom detail metric from the Metric Catalog, you can add advanced regex syntax to the Additional Filters search field in the Record Relationships section.

The tooltip appears after you select Detail Metric and is not available when Base Metric is selected.

The regex syntax in this field must meet the following requirements:
  • If your key contains multiple values, your regex syntax must include a single capture group. A capture group is designated by parenthesis. Your capture group determines the filter value.

  • If you want to return a specific value from a detail metric key that contains multiple record field values, the regex must follow this syntax:


    For example, if your detail metric key is ipaddr:host:cipher and you only want to return the IP address value, you would type the following:


  • If your key contains multiple record field values, the values are separated by a delimiter that is specified in the trigger that is generating the key. The placement of the delimiters in your regex syntax must match the delimiters in the detail key. For example, if you have a key with three values that are separated by a delimiter that is a colon, the three values for the key in your regex syntax must be separated by two colons.
Tip:If you want to return all record field values in a detail metric key, type $KEY. For example, if your detail metric key is ipaddr:host:cipher, type $KEY in the search field to return all three of those field record values (IP address, hostname, and TLS cipher suite).

Find all devices talking to external IP addresses

The following steps show you how to find all of the external IP addresses that your internal devices are talking to. You can then see if any devices are making or receiving unauthorized connections from other devices outside of your network.

Tip:By default, any device with an RFC1918 IP address (included in a 10/8, 172.16/12, or 192.168/16 CIDR block) that the ExtraHop system automatically discovers is classified as an internal device. Because some network environments include non-RFC1918 IP addresses as part of their internal network, you can specify the locality of an IP address on the Network Localities page.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Assets at the top of the page.
    The Devices page appears, which lists all the protocols with traffic in the selected time interval.
  3. From Devices by Protocol Activity, click the number of TCP devices.
    At the top of the page, the External Accepted and External Connected metrics display how many IP addresses outside of your internal network are actively connected to all of your network devices.
  4. Click the blue metric value for either metric.
  5. In the Drill Down by… section, select Group Member. A detail metric page appears and shows all of the names of your network devices and the number of connections to external IP addresses.
  6. Click on a device name that you want to investigate. A protocol page for that device appears, which contains metrics related to the device.

Monitor a device for external IP address connections

If you have an authentication server or database that should not connect to IP addresses outside of your internal network, you can create a value chart in a dashboard that tracks External Accepted and External Connected metrics. From your dashboard, you can then monitor the number of external connections for a specific device.

Tip:By default, any device with an RFC1918 IP address (included in a 10/8, 172.16/12, or 192.168/16 CIDR block) that the ExtraHop system automatically discovers is classified as an internal device. Because some network environments include non-RFC1918 IP addresses as part of their internal network, you can specify the locality of an IP address on the Network Localities page.

The following steps show you how to create a value chart for these TCP metrics and then add the chart to a dashboard.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Assets at the top of the page.
  3. Click Devices in the left pane.
  4. Find a device and then click the device name.
  5. Click TCP in the left pane. In the Total Connections chart in the upper left corner, the External Accepted and External Connected metrics display how many IP addresses outside of your internal network are connected to the device.
  6. Click the Total Connections chart title.
  7. From the drop-down menu, select Create chart from…. The Metric Explorer opens with the device and TCP metrics already selected in the chart.
  8. At the bottom of the Metric Explorer, click the Value chart.
  9. In the left pane in the Metric section, click the x icon to delete each TCP metric that you do not want to view in the chart, as shown in the following figure.

    Your dashboard now contains metrics that help you track the ratio of all accepted connections to external accepted connections, and the ratio of all initiated connections to external initiated connections.
  10. (Optional): Make additional edits to the chart with the Metric Explorer.
  11. Click Add to Dashboard and complete one of the following options:
    • Select the name of an existing dashboard from the list. The dashboard list is ordered from the most recently created dashboards (at the bottom) to the oldest dashboards (at the top).
    • Select Create Dashboard. In the Dashboard Properties window, type a name for the new dashboard and then click Create.
  12. (Optional): Make additional edits to the dashboard layout.
  13. Click Exit Layout Mode. Your dashboard is complete.

Compare time intervals to find the metric delta

Comparing metric data between two time intervals helps you see the difference, or the delta, in metric data side-by-side in the same chart. If you create a comparison and navigate to another area of the ExtraHop system, the comparison is disabled temporarily. When you return to your original page, the comparison you saved is enabled again.

  1. Find a chart with the metrics that you want to compare.
  2. In the upper left hand corner of the navigation bar, click the time interval.
  3. In the Time Interval tab, click Compare.
  4. In the Previous Interval (Comparison) section, select the time interval to compare with the current time interval.
  5. Click Save. New metric data from the comparison time interval is placed on the original chart.
  6. To remove the comparison, complete the following steps:
    1. Click the time interval.
    2. Click Remove Comparison.
    3. Click Save.
    Note:Dynamic baselines will not appear on a chart when you are comparing time intervals.


All of the metric activity collected from the data on your network is logically grouped into sections on the Assets page, where you can navigate to find the data you need.

Video:See the related training: Assets


Devices, also known as assets and endpoints, are objects on your network with a MAC address or IP address that have been automatically discovered and classified by the ExtraHop system. Assign any device to a chart, alert, or trigger as a metric source. Learn more about Devices.

Device Groups

Device groups are user-defined sets of devices that can be collectively assigned as a metric source to a chart, alert, or trigger. You can create a dynamic device group that adds devices that matches your specified criteria or you can create a static device group and manually add or remove devices. The ExtraHop system also includes built-in dynamic device groups by role and by protocol activity that you can assign as a metric source. Click a role or protocol link from the Devices page to view metrics for a built-in device group.


The Files page displays a table of files that are hashed with the SHA-256 hashing algorithm according to filter criteria configured from the File Analysis settings. Metadata from hashed files are a valuable tool for identifying malware and risks in your network.


The Users page displays a list of all active users found on your network and the devices the user logged in to. The user name is extracted from the authentication protocol, such as LDAP or Active Directory. Search for devices accessed by a specific user.

Note:These users are not associated with user accounts for the ExtraHop system.


Applications are user-defined containers that represent distributed systems on your network. Create an application to view all of the metric activity associated with your website traffic—web transactions, DNS requests and responses, and database transactions. See the Applications FAQ.

Basic applications that filter built-in metrics by protocol activity can be created through the ExtraHop system. Complex applications that collect custom metrics or metrics from non-L7 traffic must be created through a trigger, which requires JavaScript code. Learn more about building Triggers.


Networks are sites and flow networks from which the ExtraHop system collects and analyzes data. Sites include packet sensors and flow sensors. Click an entry to see the VLANs associated with a site, or click an entry to see the interfaces associated with a flow network.


The ExtraHop system automatically discovers and classifies devices, also known as endpoints, that are actively communicating over your network, such as clients, servers, routers, load balancers, and gateways. Each device receives the highest level of analysis available, based on your system configuration.

The ExtraHop system can discover and track devices by their MAC address (L2 Discovery) or by their IP addresses (L3 Discovery). Enabling L2 Discovery offers the advantage of tracking metrics for a device even if the IP address is changed or reassigned through a DHCP request. If L3 Discovery is enabled, it is important to know that devices might not have a one-to-one correlation to the physical devices in your environment. For example, if a single physical device has multiple active network interfaces, that device is identified as multiple devices by the ExtraHop system.

After a device is discovered, the ExtraHop system begins to collect metrics based on the analysis level configured for that device. The analysis level determines the types of metrics that are generated and which features are available for organizing metric data.

Click Assets from the top menu to display search options and charts that provide insight about the active devices discovered on your network during the selected time interval:

AI Search Assistant (requires NDR module access)
Enables you to search for devices with questions written in natural, everyday language. AI Search Assistant must be enabled by the ExtraHop Administrator.
Standard search field
Provides a filter to add criteria to search for specific devices. Click the filter to modify search criteria.
Search suggestions
Provides suggested searches that leverage search filters that have been built.
Active Devices
Displays the total number of devices that have been discovered by the ExtraHop system during the selected time interval. Click the number to view a list of all discovered devices. From the Active Devices list, you can search for specific devices or click a device name to view device details on the Device Overview page.
New Devices
Displays the number of devices that have been discovered within the past five days. Click the number to view a list of all of these devices.
Devices by Role
Displays each device role and the number of devices assigned to each role that is active during the specified time interval. Click a device role to see a built-in Device Group Overview page that includes metric data, peer IPs, and protocol activity for that group of devices. You can also add additional filter criteria and save the group as a new dynamic device group.
Devices by Protocol Activity
Displays a list of protocol activity found on your network. Click a protocol name or device count to see a built-in Device Group Overview page with specific metric charts about that protocol activity. Click an activity map to see all device-to-device connections. You can also add additional filter criteria and save the group as a new dynamic device group.

Device Overview page

By clicking on a device name, you can view all of the information discovered about the device by the ExtraHop system on the Device Overview page. The Device Overview page is divided into three sections: a top-level summary, a properties panel, and an activity panel.

Device summary

The device summary provides information such as the device name, the current IP address or MAC address, and the role assigned to the device. If viewing from a console, the name of the site associated with the device is also displayed.

  • Click Records to start a record query that is filtered by this device.
  • Click Packets to start a packet query that is filtered by this device.
Device properties

The device properties section provides the following known attributes and assignments for the device.

Make and Model
The make (or manufacturer) of the device and the device model, if available.

The ExtraHop system observes the network traffic on devices to automatically determine the make and model, or you can manually assign a new make and model.

Device Role
The ExtraHop system automatically assigns a device role, such as a gateway, file server, database, or load balancer, based on the type of traffic associated with the device or the device model. You can manually change a device role.
High Value Device
A high value icon appears if the ExtraHop system has observed the device providing authentication or essential services; you can also manually specify a device as high value. Risk scores are increased for detections on high value devices.
The primary operating system or software running on the device.
Tip:(CrowdStrike integration on RevealX 360 only) You can click links from devices running CrowdStrike software to view device details in CrowdStrike Falcon and initiate containment of CrowdStrike devices that are participants in a security detection.
IP Addresses
A list of IP addresses observed on the device at any time during the selected time interval. If L2 Discovery is enabled, the list might display both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that are simultaneously observed on the device, or the list might display multiple IP addresses assigned through DHCP requests at different times. A timestamp indicates when the IP address was last observed on the device. Click an IP address to view other devices where the IP address has been seen.
Associated IP Addresses
A list of IP addresses, usually outside of the network, that are associated with the device at any time during the selected time interval. For example, a VPN client on your network might be associated with an external IP address on the public internet. A timestamp indicates when the IP address was last associated with the device. Click an associated IP address to view details such as the geographic location and other devices the IP address has been associated with.
Cloud Instance Properties

The following cloud instance properties appear for the device when you configure the properties through the REST API:

  • Cloud Account
  • Cloud Instance Type
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Subnet
  • Cloud Instance Name (appears in the Known Alias property)
  • Cloud Instance Description (instance metadata appears automatically for devices in Flow Analysis)

See Add cloud instance properties through the ExtraHop API Explorer for more information.

A list of authenticated users logged into the device. Click a user name to go to the Users page and view which other devices the user is logged into.
Known Aliases
A list of alternative device names and the source program or protocol.
Note:Multiple DNS names are supported.
The tags assigned to the device. Click a tag name to view the other devices that the tag is assigned to.
First and Last Seen
The timestamps from when the device was first discovered and when activity was last observed on the device. NEW appears if the device was discovered within the last five days
The level of analysis that this device receives.

Here are some ways you can view and modify device properties:

  • Click View Groups to view the device group membership for the device.
  • Click Edit Properties to view or modify device properties such as device role, device group memberships, or device tags.
  • Click Edit Assignments to view or modify which alerts and triggers are assigned to the device.
Device activity

The device activity section provides information about how the device is communicating with other devices and which detections and alerts are associated with the device.

  • Click Traffic to view charts for protocol and peer data, and then drill down on metrics in traffic charts.
    Note:Traffic charts are not available if the device analysis level is Discovery Mode. To enable traffic charts for the device, elevate the device to Advanced Analysis or Standard Analysis.
  • Click Detections to view a list of detections, and then click a detection name to view detection details.
  • Click Similar Devices to view a list of devices with similar network traffic behavior observed by machine-learning analysis. Similar devices can help you gain insight into normal device behavior when threat hunting. This tab is only displayed if there are similar devices associated with the device.
  • (NPM module access required.) Click Alerts to view a list of alerts, and then click an alert name to view alert details. This tab is only displayed if there are alerts associated with the device.
  • Click Peer Devices to view an activity map, which is a visual representation of the L4-L7 protocol activity between devices in your network. To modify the activity map with additional filters and steps, click Open Activity Map.
Tip:You can bookmark the Device Overview page to a specific activity view by setting the tab URL parameter to one of the following values:
  • tab=traffic
  • tab=detections
  • tab=alerts
  • tab=peers

For example, the following URL always displays detection activity for the specified device:


Device metrics

Metrics are real-time measurements of your network traffic that the ExtraHop system calculates from network or flow data. Metrics collected from device traffic can be viewed in built-in charts and graphs from a device page.

Click a built-in metric page from the left pane to view top-level device metrics or client and server metrics by protocol. Click a chart to drill down to detail metric pages, which display metric values for a specific key (such as a client or server IP address).

In addition to network and TCP built-in pages, devices display built-in metric pages for associated cloud services if data is available. See the Protocol Metrics Reference for more information about what data is available on built-in device pages.

The ExtraHop system provides thousands of built-in metrics. Here are some ways you can gain further insight about your devices

IP address details

Type an IP address in the global search field or click an IP address link from a Device Overview page to view details about an IP address.

The following information appears for an IP address seen on a device:

  • Each device where the IP address is currently observed, regardless of the selected time interval.
  • Each device where the IP address was previously observed within the selected time interval, including the timestamp from when the IP address was last seen on the device.

If L2 Discovery is enabled, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses might be simultaneously observed on the device, or different IP addresses might be assigned to the device by DHCP over time.

The following information appears for an IP address associated with a device:

  • The geolocation of the IP address and links to the ARIN Whois website.
  • Each device where the associated IP address was seen outside of the network at any time during the selected time interval. For example, a VPN client on your network might be associated with an external IP address on the public internet.
  • Any cloud services associated with the IP address.
  • The IP address of the device as seen by the ExtraHop system on your network.
  • The timestamp when the associated IP address was last seen on the device.

Here are some ways you can view additional IP address and device information:

  • Hover over a device name to view device properties.
  • Click a device name to view the Device Overview page.
  • Click Search for Records to start a record query that is filtered by the IP .
  • Click Search for Packets to start a packet query that is filtered by this device.

Grouping devices

Both custom devices and device groups are ways that you can aggregate your device metrics. Custom devices are user-created devices that collect metrics based on specified criteria, while device groups gather metrics for all of the specified devices in a group. With device groups, you can still view metrics for each individual device or group member. The metrics for a custom device are collected and displayed as if for a single device—you cannot view individual device metrics.

Both device groups and custom devices can dynamically aggregate metrics based on your specified criteria. We recommend selecting reliable criteria, such as the device IP address, MAC address, VLAN, tag, or type. While you can select devices by their name, if the DNS name is not automatically discovered, the device is not added.

  Device Groups Custom Devices
Criteria Includes:
  • Device names and aliases
  • IP address, MAC address, subnet
  • Source and destination port
  • Discovery time
  • Device criticality
  • Device role
  • Protocol activity
  • External connections
  • Vendor, model, software
  • Cloud instance properties
  • VLAN
  • Device tags
  • IP address
  • Bidirectional, inbound, or outbound traffic
  • Peer IP address
  • Source port
  • Destination port
  • VLAN
Performance cost Comparatively low. Because device groups only combine metrics that have already been calculated, there is a relatively low effect on metric collection. However, a high number of device groups with a large number of devices and complex criteria will take more time to process. Comparatively high. Because the metrics for custom devices are aggregated based on user-defined criteria, large numbers of custom devices, or custom devices with extremely broad criteria, require more processing. Custom devices also increase the number of system objects to which metrics are committed.
View individual device metrics Yes No
Edit control for limited write users Yes

Users with limited write privileges can create and edit device groups. This global privilege policy must be enabled from Administration settings.

Best practices Create for local devices where you want to view and compare the metrics in a single chart. Device groups can be set as a metric source. Create for devices that are outside of your local network, or for types of traffic that you want to organize as a single source. For example, you might want to define all physical interfaces on a server as a single custom device to better view metrics for that server as a whole.

Custom devices

Custom devices enable you to collect metrics for devices that are outside of your local network or when you have a group of devices that you want to aggregate metrics for as a single device. These devices can even be different physical interfaces that are located on the same device; aggregating the metrics for these interfaces can make it easier to understand how heavily taxed your physical resources are as a whole, rather than by interface.

You might create a custom device to track individual devices outside of your local broadcast domain or to collect metrics about several known IP addresses or CIDR blocks from a remote site or cloud service. You can collect remote site metrics for custom devices to learn how remote locations consume services and to gain visibility into traffic between remote sites and a data center. See the Protocol Metrics Reference for a full list of remote site metrics and descriptions.

After you create a custom device, all of the metrics associated with the IP addresses and ports are aggregated into a single device that collects L2-L7 metrics. A single custom device counts as one device towards your licensed capacity for Advanced Analysis or Standard Analysis, which enables you to add a custom device to the watchlist. Any triggers or alerts are also assigned to the custom device as a single device.

While custom devices aggregate metrics based on their defined criteria, the metric calculations are not treated the same as for discovered devices. For example, you might have a trigger assigned to a custom device that commits records to a recordstore. However, the custom device is not shown as either a client or a server in any transaction records. The ExtraHop system populates those attributes with the device that corresponds to the conversation on the wire data.

Custom devices can affect the overall system performance, so you should avoid the following configurations:

  • Avoid creating multiple custom devices for the same IP addresses or ports. Custom devices that are configured with overlapping criteria might degrade system performance.
  • Avoid creating a custom device for a broad range of IP addresses or ports, which might degrade system performance.

If a large number of custom devices is affecting your system performance, you can delete or disable a custom device. The unique Discovery ID for the custom device always remains in the system. See Create a custom device to monitor remote office traffic to familiarize yourself with custom devices.

Device groups

A device group is a user-defined collection that can help you track metrics across multiple devices that are typically grouped by shared attributes such as protocol activity.

You can create a static device group that requires you to manually add or remove a device from the group. Or, you can create a dynamic device group that includes criteria that determines which devices are automatically included in the group. For example, you can create a dynamic device group based on the device discovery time that adds devices that are discovered during a specific time interval.

By default, the Device Group page includes the following dynamic device groups that you can overwrite or delete:

New Devices (Last 24 Hours)
Includes assets and endpoints that were first seen by the ExtraHop system over the last 24 hours.
New Devices (Last 7 Days)
Includes assets and endpoints that were first seen by the ExtraHop system over the last 7 days.

The ExtraHop system also includes built-in dynamic device groups by role and by protocol. You can assign built-in device groups as a metric source for objects such as charts, alerts, triggers, and activity maps. You cannot overwrite or delete a built-in device group, but you can add filter criteria and save it as a new device group.

From the Devices page, click a device count for a role or protocol, such as Domain Controller or SMB clients, to view the Device Group Overview page. Clicking the filter at the top of the page enables you to add additional criteria and update the page data on demand instead of requiring you to create a device group.

There is no performance impact to collecting metrics with device groups. However, we recommend that you prioritize these groups by their importance to make sure that the right devices receive the highest level of analysis.

Device groups are a good choice when you have devices that you want to collectively apply as a source. For example, you could collect and display metrics for all of your high-priority production web servers in a dashboard.

By creating a device group, you can manage all of those devices as a single metric source instead of adding them to your charts as individual sources. However, note that any assigned triggers or alerts are assigned to each group member (or individual device).

Device names and roles

After a device is discovered, the ExtraHop system tracks all of the traffic associated with the device to determine the device name and role.

Device names

The ExtraHop system discovers device names by passively monitoring naming protocols, including DNS, DHCP, NETBIOS, and Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).

If a name is not discovered through a naming protocol, the default name is derived from device attributes, such as MAC addresses and IP addresses. For some devices discovered on flow sensors, the ExtraHop system assigns names based on the role of the device such as Internet Gateway or Amazon DNS Server. You can also create a custom name or set a cloud instance name for a device.

A device can be identified by multiple names, which appear as Known Aliases on the Device Overview page. If a device has multiple names, the order of display precedence is specified in Administration settings. You can search by any name to find a device.

Note:Custom names are not synchronized across connected ExtraHop systems. For example, a custom name created on a sensor is not available from a connected console.

If a device name does not include a hostname, the ExtraHop system has not yet observed naming protocol traffic associated with that device. The ExtraHop system does not perform DNS lookups for device names.

Device roles

Based on the type of traffic associated with the device or the device model, the ExtraHop system automatically assigns a role to the device, such as a gateway, file server, database, or load balancer. The Other role gets assigned to devices that cannot be identified.

A device can only be assigned one role at a time. You can manually change a device role, or the ExtraHop system might re-assign a different role if observed traffic and behavior changes. For example, if a PC has been repurposed into a Web server, you might change the role immediately, or the change might be observed over time and the role updated by the system.

The ExtraHop system identifies the following roles:

Icon Role Description
Custom Device A user-created device that collects metrics based on specified criteria. The ExtraHop system automatically assigns this role when you create a custom device. You cannot manually assign the Custom role to a device.
Attack Simulator A device that runs breach and attack simulation (BAS) software to simulate attacks in a network.
Database A device that primarily hosts a database instance.
DHCP Server A device that primarily processes DHCP server activity.
DNS Server A device that primarily processes DNS server activity.
Domain Controller A device that acts as a domain controller for Kerberos, SMB, and MSRPC server activity.
File Server A device that responds to read and write requests for files over NFS and SMB protocols.
Firewall A device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and blocks traffic according to security rules. The ExtraHop system does not automatically assign this role to devices.
Gateway A device that acts as a router or gateway. The ExtraHop system looks for devices associated with a large amount of unique IP addresses (past a certain threshold) when identifying gateways. Gateway device names include the router name such as Cisco B1B500. Unlike other L2 parent devices, you can add a gateway device to the watchlist for Advanced Analysis.
IP Camera A device that sends image and video data through the network. The ExtraHop system assigns this role based on the device model.
Load Balancer A device that acts as a reverse proxy for distributing traffic across multiple servers.
Medical Device A device designed for healthcare needs and medical environments. The ExtraHop system might assign this role if a device is a known medical make and model or if the device processes DICOM traffic.
Mobile Device A device that has a mobile operating system installed, such as iOS or Android.
NAT Gateway A device that acts as a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway. The ExtraHop system might assign this role if a device is associated with four or more OS fingerprint families or with four or more hardware or vendor makes and models. After a device is assigned this role, device properties for software, hardware make and model, and authenticated users no longer appear for the device.
PC A device such as a laptop, desktop, Windows VM, or macOS device that processes DNS, HTTP, and TLS client traffic.
Printer A device that enables users to print text and graphics from other connected devices. The ExtraHop system assigns this role based on the device model or on traffic observed over mDNS (multicast DNS).
VoIP Phone A device that manages voice over IP (VoIP) phone calls.
VPN Client An internal device that communicates with a remote IP address. If VPN client discovery is enabled, the ExtraHop system automatically assigns this role to internal devices communicating with remote IP addresses through a VPN gateway. You cannot manually assign the VPN Client role to a device.
VPN Gateway A device that connects two or more VPN devices or networks together to bridge remote connections. The ExtraHop system assigns this role to devices with a large number of external VPN peers if automatic classification for this role is enabled in the running configuration file.
Vulnerability Scanner A device that runs vulnerability scanner programs.
Web Proxy Server A device that processes HTTP requests between a device and another server.
Web Server A device that primarily hosts web resources and responds to HTTP requests.
Wi-Fi Access Point A device that creates a wireless local area network and projects a wireless network signal to a designated area. The ExtraHop system assigns this role based on the device model.

Find a device

The ExtraHop system automatically discovers devices such as clients, servers, routers, load balancers, and gateways that are actively communicating with other devices over the wire. You can search for a specific device on the system and then view traffic and protocol metrics on a protocol page.

You can search for devices from the global search field at the top of the page. Global search compares a search term to multiple device properties such as the hostname, IP address, known alias, vendor, tag, description, and device group. For example, if you search for the term vm, the search results might display devices that include vm in the device name, device vendor, or device tag.

  1. Type a search term in the global search field at the top of the page.
  2. Click Any Type and then select Devices.
    The search results are displayed in a list below the search field. Click More Results to scroll through the list.

    Matching devices with no activity during the specified time interval have an Inactive label.

    Tip:Devices inactive for more than 90 days are excluded from global search results. However, you can immediately exclude all devices that have been inactive for fewer than 90 days through the Administration settings.
  3. Click a device name to open the Device Overview page and view device properties and metrics.

Find devices by details

You can search for devices by information observed over the wire, such as IP address, MAC address, hostname, or protocol activity. You can also search for devices by customized information such as device tags.

The trifield search filter enables you to search by multiple categories at once. For example, you can add filters for device name, IP address, and role to view results for devices that match all of the specified criteria.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. (Optional): If displayed, click Standard Search.
  4. In the trifield filter, click Name and select one of the following categories:
    Option Description
    Name Filters devices by the discovered device name. For example, a discovered device name can include the IP address or hostname.
    MAC Address Filters devices by the device MAC address.
    IP Address Filters devices by IP address in IPv4, IPv6, or CIDR block formats.
    Site Filters devices associated with a connected site.

    Console only.

    Discovery Time Filters devices automatically discovered by the ExtraHop system within the specified time interval. For more information, see Create a device group based on discovery time.
    Analysis Level Filters devices by analysis level, which determines what data and metrics are collected for a device.

    You cannot create a dynamic device group for devices filtered by analysis level.

    Model Filters devices by make, family, or model name. The make represents the manufacturer of the device. A family represents a grouping such as a product line. The following tips can help you find the device model you want:
    • You can select from a list of makes found on your ExtraHop system and then click the filter to refine results.
    • You can display hovertips next to makes and families to view how many devices and matching models were found.
    • You can select a make or a family to find all devices in that group, regardless of model.
    Activity Filters devices by protocol activity associated with the device. For example, selecting HTTP Server returns devices with HTTP server metrics, and any other device with a device role set to HTTP Server.

    Also filters devices that accepted or initiated an external connection, which can help you determine whether devices are engaged in suspicious activity.

    Cloud Account Filters devices by the cloud service account associated with the device.
    Cloud Instance ID Filters devices by the cloud instance ID associated with the device.
    Cloud Instance Type Filters devices by the cloud instance type associated with the device.
    SHA-256 File Hash Filters devices on which files hashed by the SHA-256 hashing algorithm has been observed. You can view a table of hashed files on the Files page.
    High Value Filters devices that are considered high value because they provide authentication services, support essential services on your network, or are user-specified as high value.
    Currently Active Filters devices by activity observed on a device in the last 30 minutes.
    Network Locality Type Filters devices by all internal or external network localities.
    Network Locality Name Filters devices by network locality name.
    Role Filters devices by the assigned device role, such as gateway, firewall, load balancer, and DNS Server.
    Software Filters devices by operating system software detected on the device.
    Software Type Filters devices by the type of software observed on the device such as attack simulator, remote access, or database server.
    Subnet Filters devices by the subnet associated with the device.
    Tag Filters devices by user-defined device tags.
    Vendor Filters devices by the device vendor name, as determined by the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) lookup.
    Virtual Private Cloud Filters devices by the VPC associated with the device.
    VLAN Filters devices by the device VLAN tag. VLAN information is extracted from VLAN tags, if the traffic mirroring process preserves them on the mirror port.

    Only available if the devices_accross_vlans setting is set to False in the running configuration file.

    CDP Name Filters devices by the CDP name assigned to the device.
    Cloud Instance Name Filters devices by the cloud instance name assigned to the device.
    Custom Name Filters devices by the custom name assigned to the device.
    DHCP Name Filters devices by the DHCP name assigned to the device.
    DNS Name Filters devices by any DNS name assigned to the device.
    NetBIOS Name Filters devices by the NetBIOS name assigned to the device.
    Detection Activity Filters devices with detection activity where the device was a participant. Enables additional criteria such as category, risk score, and MITRE technique.
    Note:You cannot create a device group that contains this criteria option.
  5. Select one of the following operators; the operators available are determined by the selected category:
    Option Description
    = Filters devices that are an exact match of the search field for the selected category.
    Filters devices that do not exactly match the search field.
    Filters devices that include the value of the search field for the selected category.
    ≈/ Filters devices that exclude the value of the search field for the selected category.
    starts with Filters devices that start with the value of the search field for the selected category.
    exists Filters devices that have a value for the selected category.
    does not exist Filters devices that do not have a value for the selected category.
    match Filters devices that include the value of the search field for the selected category.
    and Filters devices that match the conditions specified in two or more search fields.
    or Filters devices that match at least one condition specified in two or more search fields.
    not Filters devices that do not match the conditions specified in a search field.
  6. In the search field, type the string to be matched, or select a value from the drop-down menu. The input type is based on the selected category.
    For example, if you want to find devices based on Name, type the string to be matched in the search field. If you want to find devices based on Role, select from the drop-down menu of roles.
    Tip:Depending on the selected category, you can click the Regex icon in the text field to enable matching by regular expression.

  7. Click Add Filter.
    The devices list is filtered to the specified criteria.

Next steps

  • Click a device name to view device properties and metrics on the Device Overview page.
  • Click Create Dynamic Group from the upper right corner to create a dynamic device group based on the filter criteria.
  • Click the command menu and then select PDF or CSV to export the device list to a file.

Find devices with AI Search Assistant

AI Search Assistant enables you to search for devices with questions written in natural, everyday language to quickly build complex queries compared to building a standard search query with the same criteria.

For example, if you type "Which devices have HTTP traffic with TLS v1.0?", the following AI Search Assistant query is displayed:

(Detection Activity where  Device Role = As Participant and  Type = Deprecated SSL/TLS Versions )

Here are some things to consider when searching for devices with AI Search Assistant:

  • Prompts are mapped to the same device filter criteria that you specify when building a standard search. The ExtraHop system might be unable to process a query that contains requests for device information that is outside of the criteria.
  • Prompts can include absolute and relative time ranges, such as "Which of my devices were participants in stalled data transfers this week?". The current year is applied if a year is not included in the date.
  • Prompts should be as clear and concise as possible and we recommend that you try writing a few variations to maximize your results.
  • The ExtraHop system can retain user prompts for product improvement purposes; we recommend that you do not include proprietary or confidential data in your prompts.
  • You can edit the query filter criteria to refine search results.

Before you begin

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets.
  3. Write a prompt in the AI Search Assistant field and press ENTER.
    Tip:Click the search prompt field to select a recent query or suggested search.
    The AI Search Assistant query output and the results list are displayed.

  4. (Optional): From the AI Search Assistant Query section, click the edit icon to open the Advanced Filter window and refine your query filter criteria.
    1. Click the add filter icon and select Add Filter or Add Filter Group to specify more criteria at the top or secondary level of the filter.
      A new filter group adds criteria to the result of the original filter. For example, if you search for HTTP clients and servers that were participants in weak cipher suite detections, you can add a filter group to exclude detections with a risk score lower than 30.
    2. Click Done.

Next steps

  • Click View Detections to navigate to the Detections page; the device filter is applied to the summary of detections. Click Advanced Device Filter to view and edit filter criteria.
  • Click a device name to view device properties and metrics on the Device Overview page.
  • Click the command menu and then select PDF or CSV to export the device list to a file.

Find devices with suggested searches

The ExtraHop system provides several suggested searches with pre-built filters to help you perform common device searches more efficiently. After you select a suggested search, you can edit the filter criteria to refine your results.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets.
  3. Click a suggested search prompt.

    If AI Search Assistant is enabled, filter criteria is displayed in the AI Search Assistant Query field.

    Otherwise, the page displays the standard filter.

  4. (Optional): From the AI Search Assistant Query field, click the edit icon or click the standard filter to open the Advanced Filter window and refine your query.
    1. Click the add filter icon and select Add Filter or Add Filter Group to specify more criteria at the top or secondary level of the filter.
      A new filter group adds criteria to the result of the original filter. For example, if you search for HTTP clients and servers that were participants in weak cipher suite detections, you can add a filter group to exclude detections that have a risk score lower than 30.
    2. Click Done.

Next steps

  • Click View Detections to navigate to the Detections page; the device filter is applied to the summary of detections. Click Advanced Device Filter to view and edit filter criteria.
  • Click Create Dynamic Group from the upper right corner to create a dynamic device group based on the filter criteria.
  • Click a device name to view device properties and metrics on the Device Overview page.
  • Click the command menu and then select PDF or CSV to export the device list to a file.

Find devices by detection activity

You can search for devices by their associated detections by adding the Detection Activity criteria option to your search filter, and then refining your search further with criteria such as detection categories, risk scores, and MITRE techniques.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. (Optional): Click Standard Search if the tab is displayed.
  4. In the trifield filter, click Name and select Detection Activity.
  5. Click Select an item... and select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    As Participant Filters devices that participated in a detection.
    As Offender Filters devices that only participated in a detection as an offender.
    As Victim Filters devices that only participated in a detection as a victim.
  6. Click Add Filter.
  7. (Optional): To specify additional detection activity criteria, click the filter you just added.

    The Advanced Filter opens to display the MATCH criteria you added. A WHERE operator is automatically added at the secondary level of the filter for detection activity criteria.

  8. Click Type and select one of the following detection activity criteria:
    Option Description
    Status Filters detections by status, such as whether the detection has been acknowledged or closed
    Type Filters detections by type, such as Data Exfiltration or Expired TLS Server Certificates.
    Category Filters detections by category, such as attack, operation, hardening, and intrusion.
    MITRE Technique Filters detections by MITRE technique ID. The MITRE framework is a widely recognized knowledgebase of attacks
    Assignee Filters detections by the assigned user.
    Risk Score Filters detections by risk score.
    Recommended Filters detections that are recommended for triage, also known as Smart Triage. (NDR module only)
    See Filtering detections for more information about detection activity criteria.
  9. (Optional): Click the add filter icon and select Add Filter or Add Filter Group to specify more criteria at the top or secondary level of the filter.
    A new filter group adds criteria to the result of the original filter. For example, if you search for devices that acted as an offender in exfiltration category detections, you can add a filter group to exclude detections with a closed status from those results.
  10. Click Save.

Next steps

  • Click a device name to view device properties and metrics on the Device Overview page.
  • Click the command menu and then select PDF or CSV to export the device list to a file.

Find devices by protocol activity

The Devices page displays all protocols that are actively communicating on the ExtraHop system during the selected time interval. You can quickly locate a device that is associated with a protocol, or discover a decommissioned device that is still actively communicating over a protocol.

In the following example, we show you how to search for a web server within the group of HTTP servers.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets.
  3. From the Devices by Protocol Activity chart, click the number of HTTP servers, as shown in the following figure.
    Note:If you do not see the protocol you want, the ExtraHop system might not have observed that type of protocol traffic over the wire during the specified time interval, or the protocol might require a module license. For more information, see the I don't see the protocol traffic I was expecting? section in the License FAQ.
    The page displays traffic and protocol metrics associated with the group of HTTP servers.
  4. At the top of the page, click Group Members.
    The page displays a table that contains all of the devices that sent HTTP responses over the wire during the selected time interval.
  5. From the table, click a device name.
    The page displays traffic and protocol metrics associated with that device, similar to the following image.

Find devices accessed by a specific user

From the Users page, you can see active users and the devices they have logged in to the ExtraHop system during the specified time interval.

Tip:You can also search for users from the global search field at the top of the page.

This procedure shows you how to perform a search from the Users page.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Users chart.
  3. From the search bar, select one of the following categories from the drop-down menu:
    Option Description
    User Name Search by user name to learn which devices the user has accessed. The user name is extracted from the authentication protocol, such as LDAP or Active Directory.
    Protocol Search by protocol to learn which users have accessed devices communicating over that protocol.
    Device Name Search by device name to learn which users have accessed the device.
  4. Select one of the following operators from the drop-down menu:
    Option Description
    = Search for a name or device that is an exact match of the text field.
    Search for names or devices that do not exactly match the text field.
    ≈ (default) Search for a name or device that includes the value of the text field.
    ≈/ Search for a name or device that excludes the value of the text field.
  5. In the text field, type the name of the user or device you want to match or exclude.
    The Users page displays a list of results similar to the following figure:

  6. Click the name of a device to open the Device Overview page and view all of the users that have accessed the device during the specified time interval.

Find peer devices

If you want to know which devices are actively talking to each other, you can drill down by Peer IPs from a device or device group protocol page.

When you drill down by Peer IP address, you can investigate a list of peer devices, view performance or throughput metrics associated with peer devices, and then click on a peer device name to view additional protocol metrics.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then select Device or Device Group in the left pane.
  3. Search for a device or device group, and then click the name from the list of results.
  4. On the Overview page for the selected device or device group, click one of the following links:
    Option Description
    For devices Click View More Peer IPs, located at the bottom of the Top Peers chart.

    For device groups Click Peer IPs, located in the Details section near the upper right corner of the page.

    A list of peer devices appears, which are broken down by IP address. You can investigate network bytes and packets information for each peer device, as shown in the following figure.

Change a device name

The ExtraHop system automatically names devices by passively monitoring naming protocol traffic (DNS, DHCP, NETBIOS, CDP). If naming protocol traffic is not observed for a device, the device name displays either the IP address or the MAC address. In either condition, you can change the automatic device name to a custom name. The custom name will appear throughout the ExtraHop system.

Here are some important considerations about changing a device name:
  • Custom names are not synchronized across connected ExtraHop systems. For example, a custom name created on a sensor is not available from a connected console.
  • The ExtraHop system does not perform DNS lookups for device names. The ExtraHop system derives the DNS name for a device by observing DNS traffic over wire data. For more information, see Device discovery.
  • If a device has multiple names, the order of display precedence is specified in Administration settings.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. Filter the device list to find the device you want and then click the device name.
    The Device Overview page appears, which displays traffic and protocol activity for the selected device.
  4. Click Edit Properties.
  5. Click Display custom name.
  6. Type a custom name in the field.
  7. Click Save.

Change a device role

The ExtraHop system automatically discovers and classifies devices on your network based on the protocol activity or device model and assigns a role to each device, such as a gateway, file server, database, or load balancer. You can change the role assigned to a device at anytime.

Here are some important considerations about changing a device role:
  • After you change the device role, the device might be removed from or added to dynamic device groups that include a device role as criteria.
  • Device role changes are not synchronized across connected ExtraHop systems. For example, if you change a device role on a sensor, the role is not changed from a connected console.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. Filter the device list to find the device you want and then click the device name.
    The Device Overview page appears, which displays traffic and protocol activity for the selected device.
  4. Click Edit Properties .
  5. In the Device Role section, click the drop-down menu, and then click one of the following roles:
    Role Description
    Auto Assign the role that the ExtraHop system identified for the device, which appears in parentheses.
    Attack Simulator Assign to a device that runs breach and attack simulation (BAS) software to simulate attacks in a network.
    Database Assign to a device that hosts a database instance.
    DHCP Server Assign to a device whose main function is processing DHCP server activity.
    DNS Server Assign to a device whose main function is processing DNS server activity.
    Domain Controller Assign to a device that acts as a domain controller for Kerberos, SMB, and MSRPC server activity.
    File Server Assign to a device that responds to read and write requests for files over NFS and SMB protocols.
    Firewall Assign to a device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and blocks traffic according to security rules.
    Gateway Assign to a device that acts as a router or gateway.
    IP Camera

    Assign to a device that sends image and video data through the network, such as security cameras.

    Load Balancer Assign to a device that acts as a reverse proxy for distributing traffic across multiple servers.
    Medical Device Assign to a device that is specifically designed for healthcare needs and medical environments.
    Mobile Device Assign to a device that has a mobile operating system installed, such as iOS or Android.
    NAT Gateway Assign to a device that acts as a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway. A NAT gateway is typically associated with four or more OS fingerprint families or with four or more hardware or vendor makes and models. After a device is assigned this role, device properties for software, hardware make and model, and authenticated users no longer appear for the device.
    PC Assign to a device such as a laptop, desktop, Windows VM, or macOS device.
    Printer Assign to a device that enables users to print text and graphics from other connected devices.
    VoIP Phone Assign to a device that manages voice over IP (VoIP) phone calls.
    VPN Gateway Assign to a device that connects two or more VPN devices or networks together to bridge remote connections.
    Vulnerability Scanner Assign to a device that runs vulnerability scanner programs.
    Web Proxy Server Assign to a device that processes HTTP requests between a device and another server.
    Web Server Assign to a device that hosts web resources and responds to HTTP requests.
    Wi-Fi Access Point Assign to a device that creates a wireless local area network and projects a wireless network signal to a designated area.
    Other Assign to a device when the device activity does not clearly identify a single role.
  6. Click Save.

Change a device model

The ExtraHop system observes the network traffic on devices to automatically determine the make and model, but you can manually change the device model.

Here are some important considerations about changing a device model:

  • Devices are automatically added and removed from dynamic device groups with criteria based on device models.
  • You can change a device model from sensors and consoles. When the device is updated on a console, the change is synchronized to connected sensors. However, the change is not synchronized from individual sensors to the connected console.

Before you begin

You must have full write privileges or higher.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. At the top of the page, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. Filter the device list to find the device you want and then click the device name.
    The Device Overview page appears, which displays traffic and protocol activity for the selected device.
  4. Click Edit Properties.
  5. In the Device Model section, select one of the following options:
    Option Description
    • Select to enable the ExtraHop system to automatically determine the device make and model, which appears in parentheses.
    1. Select to manually specify the device make and model.
    2. Click Specify a device make... and type the name of the make you want. The drop-down menu displays matching makes.
    3. Select a make from the drop-down menu or type a custom make name.
    4. Click Specify a device model... and type the name of the model you want. If you selected an existing make, the drop-down menu displays matching models for that make.
    5. Select a model from the drop-down menu or type a custom model name.
  6. Click Save.

Manually identify a device as high value

While the ExtraHop system automatically identifies devices that provide authentication or essential services as high value, you can also manually identify a device as high value or not.

Here are some important considerations about identifying a device as high value:
  • Risk scores are increased for detections on high value devices.
  • Devices are automatically added and removed from dynamic device groups with criteria based on high value.
  • You can manually identify high value devices from sensors and consoles. When the device is updated on a console, the change is synchronized to connected sensors. However, the change is not synchronized from individual sensors to the connected console.

Before you begin

You must have full write privileges or higher.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. From the top menu, click Assets and then click the Active Devices chart.
  3. Filter the device list to find the device you want and then click the device name.
    The Device Overview page appears, which displays traffic and protocol activity for the selected device.
  4. Click Edit Properties.
  5. In the High Value section, select one of the following options:
    • Select Auto to enable the ExtraHop system to automatically determine whether the device is high value, which appears in parentheses.
    • Select Yes to manually identify the device as high value.
    • Select No to manually identify that the device is not high value.
  6. Click Save.

Create a device tag

Tags are user-defined labels that you can attach to a device. Tags can help differentiate devices on the ExtraHop system that share a common attribute or characteristic. You can then search for devices or create dynamic device groups based on the device tag.

Note:You cannot rename a device tag after it is created.
Note:You can also automate this task through the REST API.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the System Settings icon and then click Tags.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Name field, type a unique name for the tag.
  5. (Optional): To immediately add the new tag to a device, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Select a device.
    2. Type a device name, IP address, MAC address, or hostname.
    3. Select the device from the search results.
      The device name appears in the window, indicating that the new tag will be added to this device.
  6. Click Save.
    The new tag appears in the Manage Tags window.
  7. Click Done to close the window.
    Tip:You can also add a tag from a Device Overview page. Find a device and then click the device name. From the Device Overview page, click Edit Properties, and then click Tags.

Create a device group

You can create device groups that gather metrics for all of the specified devices in a group. With device groups, you can still view metrics for each individual device or group member. Device groups can also be set as a metric source.

Users with limited write privileges can create and edit both dynamic and static device groups.

Here are some performance considerations when creating a device group:

  • A high number of device groups with a large number of devices will take more time to process.
  • Static groups process faster than dynamic groups and are recommended for a set group of devices.
  • Dynamic groups with complex criteria might have a higher performance cost.

Create a dynamic device group

You can create dynamic device groups with complex filters, which enable you to specify multiple criteria and create nested groups of criteria.
Tip:You can quickly create a dynamic device group from a filtered list of devices on the Devices page. Click Create Dynamic Group from the upper right corner.

You can also create a dynamic device group from a built-in device group. From the Assets page, click a role or protocol, update the filter criteria, and then click the Save icon from the upper right corner.

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. From the top menu, click Assets and then click the Device Groups chart.
  3. Click Create Device Group.
  4. In the Group Name field, type a descriptive name to identify the group
  5. (Optional): From the Editors drop-down menu, select users with limited write privileges that can edit this device group. This global privilege must be enabled from the Administration settings.
    • The list only displays limited write users with active accounts.
    • Only a user with edit permission for a device group can add other limited write users.
  6. (Optional): In the Description field, add information about this device group.
  7. In the Group Type section, click Dynamic.
  8. In the Filter Criteria section, Name and select one of the following categories from the drop-down menu:
  9. Click Name and select one of the following categories from the drop-down menu:
    Option Description
    Name Fil