Create an application

An application is a user-defined container that you can associate with multiple devices and protocols for a unified view of built-in metrics. You can create a basic application assigned to one or more devices that filters built-in metrics by protocol; it does not require you to write JavaScript code.

To create an application with more advanced options, you can create an application through the Trigger API.
Video:See the related training: Create an Application Container
Important:Applications cannot be deleted. The application ID is permanent and cannot be changed.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Assets from the top menu and select Applications in the left pane.
  3. Click Create Application.
  4. In the Display name field, type a unique, friendly name for the application.
  5. In the Application ID field, type a unique, permanent ID for the application.
    After the application is saved, the ID cannot be modified or deleted.
  6. In the Site field, select the site you want to associate with the application.
    This step is required on a console. The application only collects and displays metrics from devices on the selected site. For example, if you select a device group as the application source, but one of the devices is not on the selected site, the application only shows metrics from the remaining devices.
  7. (Optional): In the Application description field, type a description of the application, such as the service it represents.
    If provided, the description is displayed in the applications list.
  8. Click the Data Sources tab.
  9. In the Sources field, type a device or device group name, and then click one or more sources from the list of results.
    The application is not active until you specify at least one source. The application collects metrics only from the selected sources.
    Tip:You can also create an application directly from a Device Group Overview page or a device group protocol page. From the command menu, click Create Application and the device group or device group protocol is automatically added as a data source for the application.
  10. (Optional): From the Protocols drop-down menu, click the protocols you want to include in the application.
    The application collects built-in metrics only from the selected protocols observed on the selected sources.
    • Click Any Protocol to collect built-in metrics from all protocols.
    • Click one or more individual protocols to collect built-in metrics from the selected protocols.
    • Click Unspecified Protocols to automatically collect built-in metrics from newly-registered or newly-licensed protocols. This option can be combined with individually selected protocols.
  11. (Optional): (NPM module access required.) Click the Alerts tab and select an alert configuration you want to assign to the application.
    An alert is generated if traffic collected by the application meets the conditions specified by the alert configuration. For more information, see Alerts.
  12. Click Create.
  13. In the Confirm Create dialog box, click Create.

Next steps

Learn more about working with applications:
Last modified 2024-10-12