Configure a new Explore cluster with manager nodes

A manager node is dedicated to cluster management tasks and does not store records. This guide provides guidelines for adding three manager nodes to new clusters that have six or more data-only nodes.

Before you begin

Create the Explore cluster

Follow the steps in Create a recordstore cluster to join all of the nodes.

Configure three manager-only nodes

  1. Log in to the Administration settings on a node intended for cluster task management.
  2. In the Appliance Settings section, click Running Config.
  3. Click Edit config.
  4. Add an entry to the Running Config file by completing the following steps:
    1. Add a comma after the second to last curly brace (}).
    2. Press ENTER to create a new line.
    3. Paste the following code on the new line before the final curly brace:
      "cluster": {
              "data": false,
              "min_master_nodes": 2
  5. Click Update.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click Save config and then click Save.
  8. In the Appliance Settings section, click Shutdown or Restart.
  9. Next to the Search service, click Restart.
  10. Repeat these steps on each manager-only node.

Configure the data-only nodes

  1. Log in to the Administration settings on a node intended for data storage.
  2. In the Appliance Settings section, click Running Config.
  3. Click Edit config.
  4. Add an entry to the Running Config file by completing the following steps:
    1. Add a comma after the second to last curly brace (}).
    2. Press ENTER to create a new line.
    3. Paste the following code on the new line before the final curly brace:
      "cluster": {
              "master": false,
              "min_master_nodes": 2
  5. Click Update.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Click Save config and then click Save.
  8. In the Appliance Settings section, click Shutdown or Restart.
  9. Next to the Search service, click Restart.
  10. Repeat these steps on each data-only node.

Next steps

After all of the nodes are configured with their designated role, connect each data-only node to Discover and Command appliances. Manager nodes should not be connected to a Discover or Command appliance.
Tip:Learn how to add or remove nodes from a cluster that has manager nodes.
Last modified 2024-07-18