You can create a collection to organize dashboards that you own and that have been
shared with you.
Here are some important considerations about dashboard collections:
- Your user privileges determine
whether you can create and share collections.
- You can add any dashboard to a collection that you own or have permission to
view or edit.
- You can add a dashboard to multiple collections.
- You can share a collection if you own or have edit permission for all of the
dashboards in that collection.
Log in to the ExtraHop system through
At the top of the page, click Dashboards.
Click Collections at the top of the dashboard dock and
then click Create Collection at the bottom of the
In the Name field, type a unique name for the
- (Optional):
In the Description field, add information about the
- (Optional):
Type the name of a user or group in the Sharing
drop-down list, select from the search results, and then click
Type the name of a dashboard in the Contents drop-down
list and then select from the search results.
The name of the owner is displayed for each added dashboard.
Tip: | The dashboard at the top of the list is displayed by default when the
collection is selected in the dashboard dock. Click and drag the icon next
to a dashboard name to re-order the list.

Click Save.
The collection is added to the dashboard dock.
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