- All ExtraHop systems
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Automate virtual appliance deployment with VMware and Ansible
This guide explains how to create Ansible playbooks and python scripts that deploy virtual appliances to a VMware vSphere server and configure ESX/ESXi hosts to mirror wire data.
You must have familiarity administering VMware and creating Ansible playbooks. Additionally, these procedures require the following VMware Python modules and command line tools:
- pyVmomi 6.7.3
- For installation instructions, see http://vmware.github.io/pyvmomi-community-samples/#getting-started.
- OVF Tool 4.2.0
- For installation instructions, see https://code.vmware.com/web/tool/4.3.0/ovf.
Mirror wire data
You must configure vSwitches on ESX/ESXi servers to mirror wire data to enable ExtraHop virtual appliances to monitor network traffic.
Monitor external traffic
To monitor external traffic, you must create a second vSwitch on a network interface. This interface connects to a mirror, tap, or aggregator that copies traffic from a switch.
Create entries for the ESX/ESXi hosts that you want to configure in your
Ansible inventory file, similar to the following example:
esxis: hosts: esxi1.example.com: vswitch: vSwitch1 port_group: "Remote Port Mirror" vmnic: vmnic1 vars: vcenter: vcenter.example.com user: extrahop@vsphere.local password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 32313761623336326566303039613131373465663363326130336435326432666335333739643539 6266386436363563653363306137653839633334666466630a643032303035376137363839656330 63396465323039666531353437663934343735663638303166316534316134633739626231386662 3234363063636563650a326336343334393638336433303063623636376231643934323961393338 6133
The example inventory entries above define the following configuration variables:
- esxi1.example.com
- The name of the ESX/ESXi host that the virtual appliances are deployed to.
- vswitch
- The name of the second vSwitch to create. We recommend that you name the vSwitch by appending a number. For example, if vSwitch1 already exists on your ESX/ESXi host, specify vSwitch2.
- port_group
- The name of the port group to create on the vSwitch.
- vmnic
- The name of the NIC to add the vSwitch to.
- vcenter
- The hostname of the vCenter server.
- user
- The name of a user account on the vCenter server.
- password
- The password of the user account.
Create a task entry in a .yml playbook file similar to the following
- name: Mirror Wire Data eh_vsphere_external_mirror: esxi: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" vswitch: "{{ vswitch }}" port_group: "{{ port_group }}" vmnic: "{{ vmnic }}" vcenter: "{{ vcenter }}" user: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ password }}"
Add a Python script to your library directory and open the file in a text
In this example, the script is named /library/eh_vsphere_external_mirror.py.
Import any Python modules the script requires.
The following code imports the modules required for the rest of the procedure:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from pyVim import connect from pyVmomi import vim import ssl
Create an AnsibleModule object and import variables from the .yml file:
module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( esxi = dict(required=True), vswitch = dict(required=True), port_group = dict(required=True), vmnic = dict(required=True), vcenter = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True, no_log=True) ), supports_check_mode=False ) esxi = module.params['esxi'] vswitch = module.params['vswitch'] port_group = module.params['port_group'] vmnic = module.params['vmnic'] vcenter = module.params['vcenter'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password']
Establish a connection to the vCenter server:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) try: si = connect.SmartConnect(host=vcenter, user=user, pwd=password, sslContext=context) except: module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to vcenter.')
Retrieve an object that represents the ESX/ESXi server:
content = si.RetrieveContent() object_view = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [], True) for obj in object_view.view: if isinstance(obj, vim.HostSystem): if obj.name.lower() == esxi.lower(): object_view.Destroy() host_system = obj object_view.Destroy() host_network_system = host_system.configManager.networkSystem
Configure and add the new virtual switch:
switch_spec = vim.host.VirtualSwitch.Specification() switch_spec.numPorts = 120 switch_spec.bridge = vim.host.VirtualSwitch.BondBridge(nicDevice=[vmnic]) host_network_system.AddVirtualSwitch(vswitchName=vswitch, spec=switch_spec)
Configure the new port group:
spec = vim.host.PortGroup.Specification() spec.name = port_group spec.vswitchName = vswitch spec.vlanId = 4095 security_policy = vim.host.NetworkPolicy.SecurityPolicy() security_policy.allowPromiscuous = True security_policy.forgedTransmits = True security_policy.macChanges = True spec.policy = vim.host.NetworkPolicy(security=security_policy)
Add the port group:
Monitor intra-VM traffic
To enable a virtual appliance to monitor intra-VM traffic, you must create an additional port group on the default virtual switch of an ESX/ESXi host.
Create entries for the ESX/ESXi hosts you want to configure in your Ansible
inventory file, similar to the following example:
esxis: hosts: esxi1.example.com: local_port_mirror: "Remote Port Mirror" vars: vcenter: vcenter.example.com user: extrahop@vsphere.local password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 32313761623336326566303039613131373465663363326130336435326432666335333739643539 6266386436363563653363306137653839633334666466630a643032303035376137363839656330 63396465323039666531353437663934343735663638303166316534316134633739626231386662 3234363063636563650a326336343334393638336433303063623636376231643934323961393338 6133
The example inventory entries above define the following configuration variables:
- esxi1.example.com
- The name of the ESX/ESXi host that the virtual appliances are deployed to.
- local_port_mirror
- The name of the port group to create on the vSwitch.
- vcenter
- The hostname of the vCenter server.
- user
- The name of a user account on the vCenter server.
- password
- The password of the user account.
Create a task entry in a .yml playbook file, similar to the following
- name: Mirror Intra-VM Wire Data when: local_port_mirror is defined eh_vsphere_intra_mirror: esxi: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" local_port_mirror: "{{ local_port_mirror }}" vcenter: "{{ vcenter }}" user: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ password }}"
Add a Python script to your library directory and open the file in a text
In this example, the script is named /library/eh_vsphere_intra_mirror.py.
Import any Python modules the script requires.
The following code imports the modules required for the rest of the procedure:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from pyVim import connect from pyVmomi import vim import ssl
Create an AnsibleModule object and import variables from the .yml file:
module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( esxi = dict(required=True), local_port_mirror = dict(required=True), vcenter = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True, no_log=True) ), supports_check_mode=False ) esxi = module.params['esxi'] local_port_mirror = module.params['local_port_mirror'] vcenter = module.params['vcenter'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password']
Establish a connection to the vCenter server:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) try: si = connect.SmartConnect(host=vcenter, user=user, pwd=password, sslContext=context) except: module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to vcenter.')
Retrieve an object that represents the ESX/ESXi server:
content = si.RetrieveContent() object_view = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [], True) for obj in object_view.view: if isinstance(obj, vim.HostSystem): if obj.name.lower() == esxi.lower(): object_view.Destroy() Host_sytem = obj object_view.Destroy() host_network_system = host_system.configManager.networkSystem
Configure the new port group:
spec = vim.host.PortGroup.Specification() spec.name = local_port_mirror spec.vswitchName = 'vSwitch0' spec.vlanId = 4095 network_policy = vim.host.NetworkPolicy() network_policy.security = vim.host.NetworkPolicy.SecurityPolicy() network_policy.security.allowPromiscuous = True security_policy.forgedTransmits = True security_policy.macChanges = True spec.policy = network_policy
Add the new port group:
Deploy the OVA file
The following example shows how to set up a playbook and task library to deploy the OVA file for a virtual Discover appliance. The OVA file must be downloaded to the machine where Ansible is running.
Create entries for virtual appliances in your Ansible inventory file, similar
to the following example:
vms: hosts: exampleTestEDA: app_type: EDA datacenter: "Example Datacenter" folder: "VM Folder" esxi: esxi1.example.com datastore: DATA ova: ../firmware_images/extrahop-eda-1000v-vmware- add_disk: 250 vars: vcenter: vcenter.example.com user: extrahop@vsphere.local password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 32313761623336326566303039613131373465663363326130336435326432666335333739643539 6266386436363563653363306137653839633334666466630a643032303035376137363839656330 63396465323039666531353437663934343735663638303166316534316134633739626231386662 3234363063636563650a326336343334393638336433303063623636376231643934323961393338 6133
The above inventory entries define the following configuration variables:
- exampleEDA
- The name of the VM.
- app_type
- The type of virtual appliance.
- datacenter
- The datacenter that contains the ESX/ESXi host.
- folder
- The folder of VMs on the datacenter.
- esxi
- The name of the ESX/ESXi host that the VM are deployed to.
- datastore
- The name of the datastore that will contain the VM.
- ova
- The relative path of the ExtraHop OVA file.
- vcenter
- The hostname of the vCenter server.
- user
- The name of a user account on the vCenter server.
- password
- The password of the user account.
Create a task entry in a .yml playbook, similar to the following example:
- name: Deploy ExtraHop OVA to vSphere eh_vsphere_deploy: appliance: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" app_type: "{{ app_type }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}" folder: "{{ folder }}" esxi: "{{ esxi }}" datastore: "{{ datastore }}" ova: "{{ ova }}" vcenter: "{{ vcenter }}" user: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ password }}"
Add a Python script to your library directory and open the file in a text
In this example, the script is named /library/eh_vsphere_deploy.py.
Import any Python modules the script requires.
The following code imports the modules required for the rest of the procedure:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import subprocess import urllib
Create an AnsibleModule object and import variables from the .yml file:
module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( appliance = dict(required=True), app_type = dict(required=True), datacenter = dict(required=True), folder = dict(required=True), esxi = dict(required=True), ova = dict(required=True), datastore = dict(required=True), vcenter = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True, no_log=True) ), supports_check_mode=False ) appliance = module.params['appliance'] app_type = module.params['app_type'] datastore = module.params['datastore'] ova = module.params['ova'] attrs = { 'vcenter': module.params['vcenter'], 'user': module.params['user'], 'password': module.params['password'], 'datacenter': module.params['datacenter'], 'folder': module.params['folder'], 'esxi': module.params['esxi'] }
Create the host string that specifies the location of the ESX/ESXi host in
attrs = dict((k, urllib.quote(v)) for k, v in attrs.items()) host_str = 'vi://{user}:{password}@{vcenter}/{datacenter}/host/{folder}/{esxi}'.format(**attrs)
For more information about creating a host string, see the OVF Tool documentation on the VMware site: https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public/bb505ca7-88b5-4b11-aff4-f59125ab27bc/f3d05149-23e9-4ac2-8f99-0c851a8a5231/ovftool-430-userguide.pdf
Create an array to define the ovtool command:
cmd = ['ovftool', '--disableVerification', '--noSSLVerify', '-ds=%s' % datastore, '-dm=%s' % 'thick', '-n=%s' % eda, '--net:VM Network=VM Network', '--X:logFile=ovflogs.log', '--X:logLevel=verbose', ova, host_str] if app_type == 'EDA' or app_type == 'ETA': cmd.insert(7, '--net:Remote Port Mirror=Remote Port Mirror')
Note: This code defines two network mappings for Discover and Trace appliances. VM Network maps to the VM management network on the ESX/ESXi host. Remote Port Mirror maps to the network that mirrors wire data. The names of the target networks must match the networks on your ESX/ESXi host. For example, if you configured a network named Local Port Mirror to mirror intra-VM traffic, specify: --net:Remote Port Mirror=Local Port Mirror
For EDA 2000v and 6100v appliances, you can add additional network mappings to the above array for Remote Port Mirror 2 and Remote Port Mirror 3, for example:--net:Remote Port Mirror2=Remote Port Mirror2
Run the ovftool command with the
subprocess.Popen class:
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd) proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to deploy OVA') else: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="Deployed OVA")
Add a disk in VMware (optional)
For Discover appliances that are licensed for packet capture and all Explore appliances, you must configure an additional disk for the virtual appliance.
Create entries for virtual appliances in your Ansible inventory file similar to
the following example:
vms: hosts: exampleEXA: add_disk: 150 app_type: EXA datacenter: "Example Datacenter" folder: "VM Folder" esxi: esxi1.example.com ova: ../firmware_images/extrahop-exa-5100v-xs-vmware- vars: vcenter: vcenter.example.com user: extrahop@vsphere.local password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 32313761623336326566303039613131373465663363326130336435326432666335333739643539 6266386436363563653363306137653839633334666466630a643032303035376137363839656330 63396465323039666531353437663934343735663638303166316534316134633739626231386662 3234363063636563650a326336343334393638336433303063623636376231643934323961393338 6133
The above inventory entries define the following configuration variables:
- exampleEXA
- The name of the VM.
- add_disk
- The size in GB of the disk to add. The following size values are
Virtual appliance Size EDA 1000v 250 EDA 1100v 250 EDA 2000v 250 EDA 6100v 500 EXA-XS 250 or less EXA-S 500 or less EXA-M 1000 or less EXA-L 2000 or less - app_type
- The type of virtual appliance.
- datacenter
- The datacenter that contains the ESX/ESXi host.
- folder
- The folder of VMs on the datacenter.
- esxi
- The name of the ESX/ESXi host that the VM is deployed to.
- datastore
- The name of the datastore that will contain the VM.
- ova
- The relative path of the ExtraHop OVA file.
- vcenter
- The hostname of the vCenter server.
- user
- The name of a user account on the vCenter server.
- password
- The password of the user account.
Create a task entry in a .yml playbook similar to the following example:
- name: Add a disk when: add_disk is defined eh_vsphere_add_disk: vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" add_disk: "{{ add_disk }}" vcenter: "{{ vcenter }}" user: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ password }}"
Add a Python script to your library directory and open the file in a text
In this example, the script is named /library/eh_vsphere_add_disk.py.
Import any Python modules the script requires.
The following code imports the modules required for the rest of the procedure:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from pyVim import connect from pyVmomi import vim import ssl
Create an AnsibleModule object and import variables from the .yml file:
module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( vm_name = dict(required=True), add_disk = dict(required=True), vcenter = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True, no_log=True) ), supports_check_mode=False ) vm_name = module.params['vm_name'] add_disk = module.params['add_disk'] vcenter = module.params['vcenter'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password']
Translate the size of the PCAP disk from GB into KB:
add_disk = int(add_disk) * 1024 * 1024
Establish a connection to the vCenter server:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) try: si = connect.SmartConnect(host=vcenter, user=user, pwd=password, sslContext=context) except: module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to vcenter.')
Retrieve an object that represents the VM that you are adding the disk
content = si.RetrieveContent() object_view = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [], True) for obj in object_view.view: if isinstance(obj, vim.VirtualMachine): if obj.name.lower() == vm_name.lower(): object_view.Destroy() return obj object_view.Destroy()
Find the location to add the virtual disk by traversing all devices on the VM.
The unit number of the disk should be the unit number of the last virtual disk
on the device plus one. Also, retrieve the object that represents the iSCSI
controller for the VM:
for dev in vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk): unit_number = int(dev.unitNumber) + 1 if unit_number == 7: unit_number += 1 if unit_number >= 16: module.fail_json(msg="Number of disks not supported") if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualSCSIController): controller = dev
Configure the disk specifications:
dev_changes = [] diskSpec = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec() diskSpec.fileOperation = "create" diskSpec.operation = vim.vm.device.VirtualDeviceSpec.Operation.add diskSpec.device = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk() diskSpec.device.backing = vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk.FlatVer2BackingInfo() diskSpec.device.backing.thinProvisioned = False diskSpec.device.backing.diskMode = 'persistent' diskSpec.device.unitNumber = unit_number diskSpec.device.capacityInKB = add_disk diskSpec.device.controllerKey = controller.key dev_changes.append(diskSpec) vm_spec = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() vm_spec.deviceChange = dev_changes
Add the disk:
Increase the packetstore disk on a Trace appliance (optional)
The following example shows how to increase the capacity of the packetstore disk on an ETA 1150v appliance.
Note: | The example does not apply to ETA 6150 appliances, which require a packetstore disk between 1 TB and 25 TB. |
Create entries for virtual appliances in your Ansible inventory file similar to
the following example:
vms: hosts: exampleETA: app_type: ETA datacenter: "Example Datacenter" folder: "VM Folder" esxi: esxi1.example.com datastore: DATA ova: ../firmware_images/extrahop-eta-1150v-vmware- increase_disk: 2000 vars: vcenter: vcenter.example.com user: extrahop@vsphere.local password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 32313761623336326566303039613131373465663363326130336435326432666335333739643539 6266386436363563653363306137653839633334666466630a643032303035376137363839656330 63396465323039666531353437663934343735663638303166316534316134633739626231386662 3234363063636563650a326336343334393638336433303063623636376231643934323961393338 6133
Create a task entry in a .yml playbook file similar to the following
- name: Increase an ETA packetstore when: increase_disk is defined eh_vsphere_increase_disk: vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" increase_disk: "{{ increase_disk }}" datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}" vcenter: "{{ vcenter }}" user: "{{ user }}" password: "{{ password }}"
Add a Python script to your library directory and open the file in a text
In this example, the script is named library/eh_vsphere_increase_disk.py.
Import any Python modules the script requires.
The following code imports the modules required for the rest of the procedure:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from pyVim import connect from pyVmomi import vim import ssl
Create an AnsibleModule object and import variables from the .yml file:
module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( vm_name = dict(required=True), increase_disk = dict(required=True), datacenter = dict(required=True), vcenter = dict(required=True), user = dict(required=True), password = dict(required=True, no_log=True) ), supports_check_mode=False ) vm_name = module.params['vm_name'] increase_disk = module.params['increase_disk'] datacenter = module.params['datacenter'] vcenter = module.params['vcenter'] user = module.params['user'] password = module.params['password']
Translate the size of the disk from GB into KB:
increase_disk = int(increase_disk) * 1024 * 1024
Establish a connection to the vCenter server:
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) try: si = connect.SmartConnect(host=vcenter, user=user, pwd=password, sslContext=context) except: module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to vcenter.')
Retrieve an object that represents the VM of the ETA:
content = si.RetrieveContent() object_view = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [], True) for obj in object_view.view: if isinstance(obj, vim.VirtualMachine): if obj.name.lower() == vm_name.lower(): object_view.Destroy() vm = obj object_view.Destroy()
Retrieve the path of file that backs the disk you want to resize:
for dev in vm.config.hardware.device: if isinstance(dev, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk) and dev.deviceInfo.label == 'Hard disk 2': disk = dev path = disk.backing.fileName
Retrieve an object that represents the datacenter that the VM is on:
datacenter_list = si.content.rootFolder.childEntity for d in datacenter_list: if d.name == dcName: datacenter_obj = d
Increase the size of the disk:
virtualDiskManager = si.content.virtualDiskManager virtualDiskManager.ExtendVirtualDisk(path, datacenter_obj, increase_disk, False)
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