Query records with an advanced filter

You can query records that are stored in the recordstore with an advanced filter.

Note:To create a record query for a custom metric, you must first define the record relationship by linking the custom metric to a record type.

Next steps

Filter your records with advanced query rules

For advanced queries, you can create and modify complex filters by clicking the Add Advance Filter button or by clicking the pencil icon next to any filter that you have added.

Here are some important things to know about advanced queries:
  • You can specify multiple criteria with OR (Match Any), AND (Match All), and NONE operators
  • You can group filters and nest them to four levels within each group
  • You can edit a filter group after you create it
  • You can create a descriptive name to identify the general purpose of the query

Create a complex filter with AND and OR operators

The following example shows how you can create an advanced query to filter your records with complex criteria. We will create a filter to return results for all HTTP records that include two URIs plus a status code greater than or equal to 400 or a processing time greater than 750 milliseconds.

Important:To try this example, you must have HTTP traffic on your network.
  1. Click Records from the top menu.
  2. Click View Records.
  3. In the left pane, select HTTP from the Refine Results section. Only available records are displayed in the Refine Results section. This step ensures that you have available records for this query.
    Note:Record types do not appear as filters; they are displayed in the left pane.
  4. Click the Add Advanced Filter button . The button is on the right side of the page, above the records search results.
  5. Under Filter Criteria, select Match All from the drop-down. Match All is an AND operator and will let us search for criteria that matches the status code and the processing time criteria.
  6. Select Status Code, the greater than or equal to sign (), and then type 400 in the number field.
  7. Click Add Filter to add a filter for processing time.
  8. Select Processing Time, the greater than sign (>), and then type 750 in the number field.
    In the next steps, we will add a group of criteria that applies specifically to the fields we added.
  9. Click Add Filter Group.
    We are keeping Match Any for this group. Match Any is an OR operator and will let us search for criteria that matches either of our URIs.
  10. Click Add Filter to add a filter to the group.
  11. Click the Any Field drop-down and select URI.
  12. Select the includes () symbol.
  13. Type a URI for one of your web servers in the text field. We will add assets.example.com.
  14. Click Add Filter to add a second URI filter to the group.
  15. Click the Any Field drop-down and select URI.
  16. Select the includes () symbol.
  17. Type a URI for one of your web servers in the text field. We will add media.example.com.
  18. In the Custom Display Name field, type a descriptive name to make the filter easy to identify on the results page, otherwise the display name shows the first filter and the number of other applied rules:

    We will type "Slow and Broken Web Assets" in the field.

  19. Click Save.
After you click Save, the query automatically runs, and returns records that match either URI and that have either a status code equal to or greater than 400 or a processing time that is greater than 750 milliseconds.

Next steps

You can click the Save icon from the top right of the page to save your criteria for another time.
Last modified 2024-02-16