Integrate RevealX 360 with ServiceNow Service Graph Connector

This integration enables the ServiceNow Service Graph Connector to export discovered device data from the ExtraHop system through the ExtraHop REST API and then transform that data into ServiceNow CMDB tables.

Before you begin

You must meet the following system requirements:

  • ExtraHop RevealX 360
    • Your user account must have privileges on RevealX 360 for System and Access Administration.
    • Your RevealX 360 system must be connected to an ExtraHop sensor with firmware version 9.6 or later.
    • Your RevealX 360 system must be connected to ExtraHop Cloud Services.
  • ServiceNow Service Graph Connector
    • You must have Service Graph Connector version 1.0.4 or later
  1. Complete the following steps to create ExtraHop REST API credentials for the integration:
    1. Log in to RevealX 360.
    2. Click the System Settings icon and then click Integrations.
    3. Click the tile of the integration you want to configure.
    4. Click Create Credential.
      The page displays the generated ID and secret.
    5. (Optional): If you have already created a credential for REST API access, you can apply it to the integration. Click Select Existing Credential, select a credential from the drop-down menu and then click Select.
    6. Copy and store the ID and secret, which you will need to configure the ExtraHop app.
    7. Click Done.
      The credential is added to the ExtraHop REST API Credentials page where you can view the credential status, copy the ID, or delete the credential.
  2. Complete the following steps to install and configure the ExtraHop app for ServiceNow Service Graph Connector:
    1. Download and install the Service Graph Connector for ExtraHop RevealX app from the ServiceNow Store site.
    2. In the right panel of the download site, click Installation Guide from the Supporting Links and Docs section to download a PDF of the app instructions.
    3. In the app configuration, enter the ExtraHop REST API credentials that you created and copied for the Service Graph Connector integration:
      • Authentication ID
      • Secret Key
    4. Finish configuring the app according to the instructions in the installation guide.
Last modified 2025-01-10