Deploy an ExtraHop sensor on Hyper-V

The following procedures explain how to deploy a virtual ExtraHop sensors on the Microsoft Hyper-V platform. You must have experience administering your hypervisor product to complete these procedures.

An ExtraHop virtual sensor can help you to monitor the performance of your applications across internal networks, the public internet, or a virtual desktop interface (VDI), including database and storage tiers. The ExtraHop system can monitor application performance across geographically distributed environments, such as branch offices or virtualized environments through inter-VM traffic.

Virtual machine requirements

Your hypervisor must be able to support the following specifications for the virtual sensor.

  • Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 (or later) capable of hosting the virtual sensor
  • Hyper-V Manager to manage the virtual machine
  • (Optional) If you want to enable packet captures, configure an additional storage disk during deployment. Refer to your vendor documentation to add a disk.
  • The following table provides the server hardware requirements for each sensor model:
Sensor CPU RAM Disk
EDA 1100v 4 processing cores with hyper-threading support, VT-x or AMD-V technology, and 64-bit architecture. Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 (SSE4.2) and POPCNT instruction support. 8 GB 46 GB or higher disk (thick-provisioned)

250 GB or smaller disk for packet captures (thick-provisioned)

To ensure proper functionality of the virtual sensor:
  • Do not change the default disk size on initial installation. Keeping the default disk size ensures correct lookback for ExtraHop metrics and proper system functionality. If your configuration requires a different disk size, contact your ExtraHop representative before changing.
  • Do not migrate the VM. Although it is possible to migrate when the datastore is on a remote SAN, ExtraHop does not recommend this configuration.
Important:If you want to deploy more than one ExtraHop virtual sensor, create the new instance with the original deployment package or clone an existing instance that has never been started.

Network requirements

You can monitor intra-VM or external traffic.

Intra-VM: One 1 GbE network port is required (for management). The management port must be accessible on port 443.

External: Two 1 GbE network ports are required. One for the physical port mirror and one for management. The physical port mirror interface must be connected to the port mirror of the switch. While it is possible to configure a 10 GbE network port for the port mirror interface, it is not recommended as the virtual sensor cannot process more than 1 Gbps of traffic.

Note:All of the virtual NICs are configured in trunk mode by default. If you need to assign a specific VLAN to your management interface, you must modify the interface through PowerShell to change the management interface to access mode.
Important:To ensure the best performance for initial device synchronization, connect all sensors to the console and then configure network traffic forwarding to the sensors.
For registration purposes, the virtual sensor requires outbound DNS connectivity on UDP port 53 unless managed by an ExtraHop console.

Install the files for Hyper-V

Before you begin

If you have not already done so, download the ExtraHop sensor firmware file for Hyper-V from the ExtraHop Customer Portal and extract the contents from the .zip file to your Windows Server machine.
  1. On your Windows Server machine, go to the Start menu and open the Hyper-V Manager.
  2. In the right pane of the Hyper-V Manager, click New and select Import Virtual Machine….
  3. If the Before You Begin screen appears, click Next. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  4. Browse to the folder with the extracted files and click Next.
  5. Select the virtual machine to import and click Next.
  6. Select Copy the virtual machine and click Next.
  7. On Choose Folders for Virtual Machine Files, select the location to store the configuration of the VM and click Next.
  8. On Choose Storage Folders to Store Virtual Hard Disks, select a location to store the virtual hard disks and click Next.
  9. On the summary screen review your choices and then click Finish.
  10. Wait several minutes for the files to copy.
  11. In the Virtual Machines list, right-click the virtual machine and select Start.
  12. Right-click the virtual machine again and select Connect.
  13. Click the green start button at the top of the screen and wait for the login prompt.
  14. At the login prompt, type shell and then press ENTER.
  15. At the password prompt, type default, and then press ENTER.
  16. Run the show ipaddr command to display the IP address and netmask of the sensor. You need the IP address to apply the ExtraHop license in the next procedure.
    Note:If your network does not support DHCP, see Configure a Static IP Address to set a static IP address.

Configure a static IP address through the CLI

The ExtraHop system is configured by default with DHCP enabled. If your network does not support DHCP, no IP address is acquired, and you must configure a static address manually.

You can manually configure a static IP address for the ExtraHop system from the CLI.
Important:We strongly recommend configuring a unique hostname. If the system IP address changes, the ExtraHop console can re-establish connection easily to the system by hostname.
  1. Access the CLI through an SSH connection, by connecting a USB keyboard and SVGA monitor to the physical ExtraHop appliance, or through an RS-232 serial (null modem) cable and a terminal emulator program. Set the terminal emulator to 115200 baud with 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1), and hardware flow control disabled.
  2. At the login prompt, type shell and then press ENTER.
  3. At the password prompt, type default, and then press ENTER.
  4. To configure the static IP address, run the following commands:
    1. Enable privileged commands:
    2. At the password prompt, type default, and then press ENTER.
    3. Enter configuration mode:
    4. Enter interface configuration mode:
    5. Specify the IP address and DNS settings in the following format:
      ip ipaddr <ip_address> <netmask> <gateway> <dns_server>
      For example:
      ip ipaddr
    6. Leave interface configuration mode:
    7. Save the running configuration file:
      running_config save
    8. Type y and then press ENTER.

Configure the sensor

Before you begin

Before you can configure the sensor, you must have already configured a management IP address.
  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>/admin.
    The default login name is setup and the password is the VM instance ID.The default login name is setup and the password is default.
  2. Accept the license agreement and then log in.
  3. Follow the prompts to enter the product key, change the default setup and shell user account passwords, connect to ExtraHop Cloud Services, and connect to an ExtraHop console.

Next steps

After the system is licensed, and you have verified that traffic is detected, complete the recommended procedures in the post-deployment checklist.

Mirror Wire Data

This section includes procedures for mirroring data to your ExtraHop virtual appliance.

Mirroring internal and external traffic

The ExtraHop virtual sensor can be configured to monitor network traffic in the following network configuration examples. Each example requires a modification to the network configuration of its hypervisor host and specifies Network Adapter 1 as the management interface.

Note:Monitoring external network-mirrored traffic requires an external NIC and an associated virtual switch.

Monitoring intra-VM traffic

The sensor can be configured to monitor network traffic of another VM on the same host by choosing Port Mirroring mode in the Hyper-V Manager. An ExtraHop virtual machine running in port mirroring mode can only monitor another virtual machine running on the same virtual switch.

Enable port mirroring mode in the Hyper-V manager

  1. Right-click the ExtraHop sensor VM and select Settings.
  2. Expand Network Adapter and click Advanced Features.
  3. In the Port mirroring section, click the Mirroring mode drop-down list and select Source.
  4. Make note of the source network and ensure the capture interface on the ExtraHop VM is on the same network.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Repeat these steps for all the VMs you want to monitor, excluding the first VM you created in this procedure.

Monitoring external mirrored traffic to the VM

This scenario requires a second physical network interface and the creation of a second vSwitch associated with that NIC. This NIC then connects to a mirror, tap, or aggregator that copies traffic from a switch. This setup is useful for monitoring the intranet of an office.

  1. Right-click the ExtraHop sensor VM and select Settings.
  2. Expand Network Adapter and click Advanced Features.
  3. In the Port mirroring section, click the Mirroring mode drop-down list and select Destination.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Expand the virtual switch associated with the external data feed and enable the Microsoft NDIS Capture switch. You can ignore the warning that the selected extension is not operating correctly.
  7. Click Apply, and then click OK.
  8. Start Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges.
  9. Configure the external port of the virtual switch by running the following commands:
    1. Store the FeatureName parameter in a variable:
      $portFeature=Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureName "Ethernet Switch Port Security Settings"
    2. Change the monitor mode of the virtual switch to Source:
      $portFeature.SettingData.MonitorMode = 2
    3. Add an external port to the virtual switch that includes the FeatureName parameter specified in step 9a:
      add-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -ExternalPort -SwitchName <name_of_switch> -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $portFeature

      Where <name_of_switch> is the name of the virtual switch.

  10. (Optional): To receive mirrored traffic from multiple VLANs, set the VM NIC to trunk mode and specify a list of allowed VLAN IDs by running the following command:
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName <destination_vm> -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList <id_list> -NativeVlanId <vlan_id>

    Where <destination_vm> is the name of the ExtraHop VM, <id_list> is the list of allowed VLAN IDs, and <vlan_id> is the ID of the default VLAN.

    For example:
    Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName EDA1100v -Trunk -AllowedVlanIdList 1-100 -NativeVlanId 10

Packet Forwarder

A packet forwarder forwards traffic from any host to the ExtraHop system. A packet forwarder is conceptually similar to a physical network tap, but implemented in software. In these topics and in the industry, this software is alternately referred to as a software tap, or sometimes RPCAP, which stands for Remote Packet Capture.

To implement the packet forwarder, ensure the following:

  • You have administrative access to servers you want to monitor.
  • You are running a 64-bit Linux or Windows OS (Windows Server 2008 R2 or 2012).

To ensure proper functionality of the ExtraHop virtual appliance:

  • Ensure RPCAP is enabled on the ExtraHop virtual appliance. See the Configuring additional RPCAP settings section for optional settings.
  • Install the packet forwarder on the servers sending traffic.
  • Analyze traffic in the ExtraHop system.

Install the packet forwarder on a Linux server

You must install the packet forwarder software on each server to be monitored to forward packets to the ExtraHop system.

RPCAP installation files and instructions are available from the ExtraHop Downloads and Resources web page.
Download and install on Debian-based systems

To download and install the packet forwarder on Debian-based systems:

  1. Download the RPCAP installer file from the ExtraHop Downloads and Resources web page.
  2. Install the software on the server by running the following command:
    sudo dpkg -i rpcapd_<extrahop_firmware_version>_amd64.deb
  3. At the prompt, type the ExtraHop system IP address, confirm the default connection to port 2003, and press ENTER.
  4. (Optional): Verify the ExtraHop system is receiving traffic by running the following commands:
    sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep rpcapd
    sudo service rpcapd status
  5. (Optional): To change the ExtraHop system IP address, port number, or arguments to the service, run the following command:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure rpcapd
Download and install on RPM-based systems
  1. Download the RPCAP installer file from the ExtraHop Downloads and Resources web page.
  2. Install the software on the server by running the following command:
    sudo rpm -i rpcapd-<extrahop_firmware_version>.x86_64.rpm
  3. Open and edit the rpcapd.ini file in a text editor by running one of the following commands:
    vim /opt/extrahop/etc/rpcapd.ini
    nano /opt/extrahop/etc/rpcapd.ini
    Example output:
    #ActiveClient = <TARGETIP>,<TARGETPORT>
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd

    Replace <TARGETIP> with the IP address of the ExtraHop system, and <TARGETPORT> with 2003. In addition, uncomment the line by deleting the number sign (#) at the beginning of the line.

    For example:
    ActiveClient =,2003
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd
  4. Start sending traffic to the ExtraHop system by running the following command:
    sudo /etc/init.d/rpcapd start
  5. (Optional): Verify the ExtraHop system is receiving traffic by running the following command:
    sudo service rpcapd status
Download and install on other Linux systems
  1. Download the RPCAP installer file from the ExtraHop Downloads and Resources web page.
  2. Install the software on the server by running the following commands:
    1. Extract the packet forwarder files from the archive file:
      tar xf rpcapd-<extrahop_firmware_version>.tar.gz
    2. Change to the rpcapd directory:
      cd rpcapd
    3. Run the installation script:
      sudo ./ <extrahop_ip> 2003
  3. (Optional): Verify the ExtraHop system is receiving traffic by running the following command:
    sudo /etc/init.d/rpcapd status
To run the software on servers with multiple interfaces, See Monitoring multiple interfaces on a Linux server.

Install the packet forwarder on a Windows server

You must install the packet forwarder software on each server to be monitored in order to forward packets to the ExtraHop system.

  1. Download the RPCAP Service for Windows installer file from the ExtraHop Downloads and Resources web page.
  2. Double-click the file to start the installer.
  3. In the wizard, select the components to install.
  4. Complete the ExtraHop IP and ExtraHop Port fields and click Next. The default port is 2003.
  5. (Optional): Type additional arguments in the text box and click Next.
  6. Browse to and select the destination folder to install RPCAP Service.
  7. If RPCAP Service was previously installed, click Yes to delete the previous service.
  8. When the installation is complete, click Close.

Monitoring multiple interfaces on a Linux server

For servers with multiple interfaces, you can configure the packet forwarder to forward packets from a particular interface or from multiple interfaces by editing its configuration file on the server.

To edit the configuration file, complete the following steps.

  1. After installing the packet forwarder, open the configuration file, /opt/extrahop/etc/rpcapd.ini.
    The configuration file contains this text or similar:
    ActiveClient =,2003
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd
    Note:Do not modify the NullAuthPermit or UserName fields.
  2. Modify the existing ActiveClient line and create an ActiveClient line for each additional interface to be monitored. Specify each interface by its interface name or IP address.
    ActiveClient = <extrahop_ip>, <extrahop_port>, ifname=<interface_name>


    ActiveClient = <extrahop_ip>, <extrahop_port>, ifaddr=<interface_address>

    Where <interface_name> is the name of the interface from which you want to forward packets, and <interface_address> is the IP address of the interface from which the packets are forwarded. The <interface_address> variable can be either the IP address itself, such as, or a CIDR specification (network IP address/subnet prefix length) that contains the IP address, such as

    For every ActiveClient line, the packet forwarder independently forwards packets from the interface specified in the line.

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces by the interface name:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifname=eth0
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifname=eth1
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces by the interface IP address:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces using CIDR specifications that contain the interface IP address:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd
  3. Save the configuration file. Make sure to save the file in ASCII format to prevent errors.
  4. Restart the packet forwarder by running the command:
    sudo /etc/init.d/rpcapd restart
    Note:To reinstall the packet forwarder after changing the configuration file, run the installation command and replace <extrahop_ip> and <extrahop_port> with the –k flag in order to preserve the modified configuration file. For example:
    sudo sh ./ –k

Monitoring multiple interfaces on a Windows server

For servers with multiple interfaces, you can configure the packet forwarder to forward packets from a particular interface or from multiple interfaces by editing its configuration file on the server.

To edit the configuration file, complete the following steps.

  1. After installing the packet forwarder on the server, open the configuration file: C:\Program Files\rpcapd\rpcapd.ini
    The configuration file contains this text or similar:
    ActiveClient =,2003
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd
    Note:Do not modify the NullAuthPermit or UserName fields.
  2. Modify the existing ActiveClient line and create an ActiveClient line for each additional interface to be monitored. Specify each interface by its interface name or IP address.
    ActiveClient = <extrahop_ip>, <extrahop_port>, ifname=<interface_address>

    Where <interface_address> is the IP address of the interface from which the packets are forwarded and <interface_address> can be either the IP address itself, such as, or a CIDR specification (network IP address/subnet prefix length) that contains the IP address, such as


    ActiveClient = <extrahop_ip>, <extrahop_port>, ifaddr=<interface_name>

    Where <interface_name> is the name of the interface from which the packets are forwarded. The name is formatted as \Device\NPF_{<GUID>}, where <GUID> is the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the interface. For example, if the interface GUID is 2C2FC212-701D-42E6-9EAE-BEE969FEFB3F, the interface name is \Device\NPF_{2C2FC212-701D-42E6-9EAE-BEE969FEFB3F}.

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces with the interface IP address:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces with CIDR specifications that contain the interface IP address:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifaddr=
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd

    The following is an example of the configuration file specifying two interfaces with the interface name:

    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifname=\Device\NPF_{2C2FC212-701D-42E6-9EAE-BEE969FEFB3F}
    ActiveClient =, 2003, ifname=\Device\NPF_{3C2FC212-701D-42E6-9EAE-BEE969FEFB3F}
    NullAuthPermit = YES
    UserName = rpcapd
  3. Save the configuration (.ini) file. Make sure to save the file in ASCII format to prevent errors.
  4. Restart the packet forwarder by running the following command:
    restart-service rpcapd
    Note:To reinstall the packet forwarder software after changing the configuration file, run the installation command and replace -RpcapIp and -RpcapPort with the -KeepConfig flag to preserve the modified configuration file. For example:
    .\install-rpcapd.ps1 -MgmtIp <extrahop_ip> -KeepConfig


    .\install-rpcapd.ps1 –InputDir . -KeepConfig

Configuring additional RPCAP settings

By default, the ExtraHop system accepts forwarded packets on port 2003. The servers using the software tap are directed to forward all traffic as denoted by the wildcard (*) in the Interface Address column.

To specify another port, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to the RPCAP Settings section and click 2003.
  2. Change and modify the settings on the Add RPCAP Port Definition page.
    Specifies the listening port on the ExtraHop system. Each port must be unique for each interface subnet on the same server. Different subnets across servers can be configured for the same port.
    Interface Address
    Specifies a subnet on the packet-forwarding server. If the server has multiple interfaces that match the interface address, the first interface on the server sends traffic to the ExtraHop system unless the interface name is specified.
    Interface Name
    Indicates the interface on the packet-forwarding server from which to forward packets.
    Note:You must specify an interface address or an interface name. If you specify both, then both criteria will apply.
    Specifies the traffic to forward using Berkeley Packet Filter syntax. For example, TCP port 80 forwards only TCP traffic on port 80, and not TCP port 80 forwards only non-TCP traffic on port 80.
  3. Click Save.

Analyzing wire data from a packet forwarder

To find out how much wire data the ExtraHop system is receiving from the packet forwarder:

  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address> and click the System Settings icon.
  2. Click System Health to get more information about the forwarded traffic. This page displays a Packets and Throughput graph for each software tap connected to the ExtraHop system.

    The RPCAP Packets and Throughput graphs contain four metrics:

    The total number of RPCAP encapsulation packets received by the ExtraHop system.
    Tunnel Eligible
    Total number of packets eligible to be forwarded to the ExtraHop system.
    Tunnel Sent
    Total number of RPCAP-tunneled packets forwarded to the ExtraHop system.
    Tunnel Received
    Total number of RPCAP-tunneled packets received by the ExtraHop system.

    The tunnel eligible, tunnel sent, and tunnel received values are equal if the ExtraHop system is receiving and processing all the packets sent by the server. If the values are not equal, consider the following troubleshooting options:

    • If Tunnel Sent is less than Tunnel Eligible, the server is not able to forward all of the traffic. This behavior might indicate that packet forwarding requires more processing or outbound bandwidth resources on the server. Consider separating the forwarding process to a separate CPU or allocating a dedicated interface for forwarding traffic.
    • If Tunnel Received is less than Tunnel Sent, the ExtraHop system is not receiving all the traffic forwarded by the server. This behavior might be due to network congestion or insufficient resources on the ExtraHop system. If you suspect it is the latter, contact ExtraHop Support.
  3. After you have verified that the ExtraHop system is receiving traffic, exit the System Health page and view metrics in the ExtraHop Web UI.

Removing the packet forwarder from a Linux server

Run the following commands:
  • To stop and remove the software from a Debian-based Linux server, run the following commands:
    sudo service rpcapd stop
    sudo dpkg -r rpcapd
    sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep rpcapd

    You can also set the -P flag to completely remove the package from your system.

  • To stop and remove the software from a RPM-based Linux server, run the following commands:
    service rpcapd stop
    rpm -e rpcapd-<extrahop_firmware_version>.x86_64
  • To stop and remove the software tap from another Linux server, run the following commands:
    sudo /etc/init.d/rpcapd stop
    sudo update-rc.d -f rpcapd remove
    sudo rm -rf /opt/extrahop
    sudo rm -f /etc/init.d/rpcapd

Removing the packet forwader from a Windows server

To remove the software from a Windows server or your Windows desktop:

  1. Go to the Start Menu and select Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program.
  3. Select RPCAP Service for Windows.
  4. In the pop-up dialog box, click Remove.
  5. When the removal is complete, click Close.
Last modified 2024-10-15