Alerts make it easy to learn when important events occur on your network or if areas are not behaving as expected, such as Software License Agreement (SLA) violations or slow database response times.
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Configured alert conditions determine when an alert is generated. Alert conditions are a combination of settings, such as a time interval, metric value, and metric calculations that occur on assigned data sources. Threshold or trend alerts are based on the value of the monitored metric.
Configuring alerts
Configure an alert to monitor for certain conditions and generate alerts when those conditions are met on the assigned data sources.
- Threshold alerts
- Threshold alerts are generated when a monitored metric crosses a defined value
within a specified time interval.
Create a threshold alert to monitor occurrences such as error rates that surpass a comfortable percentage or SLA-violations. Learn how to configure a threshold alert.
- Trend alerts
- Trend alerts are generated when a monitored metric deviates from the normal
trends observed by the system. Trend alerts are more complex than threshold
alerts and are useful for monitoring metric trends such as unusually high
round-trip times or storage servers experiencing abnormally low traffic, which
might indicate a failed backup.
Create a trend alert to monitor when a metric deviates from normal behavior and where thresholds are difficult to define. Learn how to configure a trend alert.
In addition, you can configure an alert with the following options:
- Set an exclusion interval to suppress alerts during certain time periods, such as a maintenance window.
- Configure notifications to receive an email when an alert is generated.
Viewing alerts
The Alerts page displays a list of all alerts generated during the specified time interval.
Select from the filters at the top of the page to adjust the list or click an alert name to view details about the alert.
- Source Type
- Filter alerts assigned to applications or devices.
- Severity
- Filter alerts by severity level.
- Alert Type
- Filter by threshold, trend, or detection alerts.
Important: Detection alerts are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To receive notifications about detections, create a notification rule. - Site
- Filter by connected sites. (Only available from a console.)
The Alerts page displays the following information about each alert:
- Severity
- A color-coded indicator of the alert severity level. You can set the following severity levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, and Debug.
- Alert name
- The name of the configured alert. Click the alert name to view alert details.
- Source
- The name of the data source on which the alert conditions occurred. Click the source name to navigate to the source Overview page.
- Time
- The time of the most recent occurrence of the alert conditions.
- Alert type
- Indicates a trend or threshold alert.
For more information about viewing alerts, see the following topics
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