Configure email settings for notifications

You must configure an email server and sender before the ExtraHop system can send alert notifications or scheduled reports.

  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>/admin.
  2. In the Network Settings section, click Notifications.
  3. Click Email Server and Sender.
  4. In the SMTP Server field, type the IP address or hostname for the outgoing SMTP mail server.
    The SMTP server is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of an outgoing mail server that is accessible from the ExtraHop system. If the DNS server is set, then the SMTP server can be a FQDN, otherwise you must type an IP address.
  5. In the SMTP Port field, type the port number for SMTP communication.
    Port 25 is the default value for SMTP, and port 465 is the default value for TLS encrypted SMTP.
  6. From the Encryption drop-down list, select one of the following encryption methods:
    SMTP communication is not encrypted.
    SMTP communication is encrypted through the Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security protocol.
    SMTP communication is encrypted through STARTTLS.
  7. In the Alert Sender Address field, type the email address for the notification sender.
    Note:The displayed sender address might be changed by the SMTP server. When sending through a Google SMTP server, for example, the sender email is changed to the username supplied for authentication, instead of the originally entered sender address.
  8. (Optional): Select the Validate SSL Certificates checkbox to enable certificate validation.
    If you select this option, the certificate on the remote endpoint is validated against the root certificate chains specified by the trusted certificates manager. Note that the host name specified in the certificate presented by the SMTP server must match the hostname specified in your SMTP configuration or validation will fail. In addition, you must configure which certificates you want to trust on the Trusted Certificates page. For more information, see Add a trusted certificate to your ExtraHop system.
  9. In the Report Sender Address field, type the email address responsible for sending the message.
    This field is only applicable when sending scheduled reports from an ExtraHop console or RevealX 360.
  10. Select the Enable SMTP authentication checkbox.
  11. In the Username and Password fields, type the SMTP server setup credentials.
  12. (Optional): Click Test Settings, type your email address, and then click Send.
    You should receive an email message with the subject title ExtraHop Test Email.
  13. Click Save.

Next steps

After you confirm that your new settings are working as expected, preserve your configuration changes through system restart and shutdown events by saving the running configuration file.

Configure an email notification group

Add a list of email addresses to a group, then select the group when you configure email settings for an alert or scheduled report. Although you can specify individual email addresses, email groups are an effective way to manage your recipient list.

  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>/admin.
  2. In the Network Settings section, click Notifications.
  3. Click Email Notification Groups.
  4. Click Add Group.
  5. In the Group Info section, configure the following information:

    Name: Type a name for the email group.

    System Health Notifications: Select this checkbox if you want the email group to receive system alerts that are generated under conditions such as:

    • A virtual disk is in a degraded state.
    • A physical disk is in a degraded state or has an increasing error count.
    • A necessary disk partition is missing for firmware, datastore, or packet capture data.
    • A device could not reconnect to ExtraHop Cloud Services.
    • A license is expired or expiring soon.
    • A backup for customizations and resources has failed.

  6. In the Email Addresses text box, type the recipient email addresses that should receive the emails sent to this group. Email addresses can be entered one per line or separated by a comma, semicolon, or space. Email addresses are checked only for [name]@[company].[domain] format validation. There must be at least one email address in this text box for the group to be valid.
  7. Click Save.

Add a new notification email address on an Explore or Trace appliance

You can send system storage alerts to individual recipients. Alerts are sent under the following conditions:

  • A physical disk is in a degraded state.
  • A physical disk has an increasing error count.
  • (Explore appliance only) A virtual disk is in a degraded state.
  • (Explore appliance only) A registered Explore node is missing from the cluster. The node might have failed, or it is powered off.
  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>/admin.
  2. In the Network Settings section, click Notifications.
  3. Under Notifications, click Email Addresses.
  4. In the Email address text box, type the recipient email address.
  5. Click Save.
Last modified 2024-09-04