Enable network overlay decapsulation
Network overlay encapsulation wraps standard network packets in outer protocol headers to perform specialized functions, such as smart routing and virtual machine networking management. Network overlay decapsulation enables the ExtraHop system to remove these outer encapsulating headers and then process the inner packets.
Note: | Enabling Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE), VXLAN, and GENEVE decapsulation on your ExtraHop system can increase your device count as virtual devices are discovered on the network. Discovery of these virtual devices can affect Advanced Analysis and Standard Analysis capacity and the additional metrics processing can cause performance to degrade in extreme cases. |
MPLS, TRILL, and Cisco FabricPath protocols are automatically decapsulated by the ExtraHop system.
Enable VXLAN decapsulation
VXLAN is a UDP tunneling protocol configured for specific destination ports. Decapsulation is not attempted unless the destination port in a packet matches the UDP destination port or ports listed in the VXLAN decapsulation settings.
To configure the ExtraHop system as an endpoint for
VXLAN-encapsulated traffic, see Configure an interface.
Enable GENEVE decapsulation
To configure the ExtraHop system as an endpoint for
GENEVE-encapsulated traffic, see Configure an interface.
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