Create a detection notification rule

Create a notification rule if you want to receive a notification about detections that match specific criteria.

Video:See the related training: Configure Detection Notifications

When a detection that matches your criteria is generated, a notification is sent with information from the detection card.

You can configure the system to send an email to a recipient list or call a specific webhook. RevealX 360 users can create a notification rule that calls a webhook to export detection data to a configured integration.
Note:(RevealX 360 only) If you are creating a notification rule to export detection data to a SIEM integration, create the notification directly from the Integrations page in the Administration settings to pre-populate notification rule fields.

Before you begin

  • Users must be granted NDR or NPM module access and have full write privileges or higher to complete the tasks in this guide.
  • Both RevealX 360 and RevealX Enterprise require a connection to ExtraHop Cloud Services to send notifications through email, but can send a notification through a webhook without a connection.
  • Email notifications are sent through ExtraHop Cloud Services and might contain identifiable information such as IP addresses, usernames, hostnames, domain names, device names, or file names. RevealX Enterprise users who have regulatory requirements that prohibit external connections can configure notifications with webhook calls to send notifications without an external connection.
  • Email notifications are sent from Make sure to add this address to your list of allowed senders.
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click the System Settings icon and then click Notification Rules.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Click one of the following options:
    • For NDR modules, select Security Detection.
    • For NPM modules, select Performance Detection.
  5. In the Name field, type a unique name for the notification rule.
  6. In the Description field, add information about the notification rule.
  7. In the Criteria section, click Add Criteria to specify criteria that will generate a notification.
    • Recommended for Triage
    • Minimum Risk Score
    • Type
    • Category
    • MITRE Technique (NDR only)
    • Offender
    • Victim
    • Device Role
    • Participant
    • Site
    The criteria options match the filtering options on the Detections page.
  8. In the Target section, select how the notification will be sent from the following options:
    Option Description
    Send Email Send email notifications to a distribution list.
    Custom Webhook Send a JSON payload to a webhook URL.
    Integration Export detection data to a configured integration.

    For integrations, we recommend that ExtraHop administrators create detection notification rules from the Integrations page.

  9. If you selected Send Email as the Target, complete the following steps:
    1. Specify individual email addresses, separated by a comma.
    2. Click Save.
  10. If you selected Custom Webhook as the Target, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Payload URL field, type the URL of the webhook.
    2. Click Show Advanced Connection Options to configure the following:
      • In the Custom Headers section, click Add Header to specify custom key:value pairs.

        Custom headers are added to the header of the webhook HTTP POST request.

      • Select an authentication type.
        • No Authentication
        • Basic Authentication

          Enter the username and password for the target application.

        • Bearer Token

          Enter the access token for the target application.

    3. Under Notification Behavior, select when the ExtraHop system will send notifications for a detection.
      • Send for every detection update

        Receive a notification every time the detection is updated.

        This selection is recommended if you are exporting detection data to a SIEM and want comprehensive visibility into detection activity.

      • Send once per detection

        Receive a single notification when a detection is created.

        This selection is optimal for notifying a group when a detection occurs without overwhelming the group with subsequent updates.

    4. Under Payload Options, select if you want to send the default payload or type in a custom JSON payload.
      • Default payload

        Populate the webhook payload with a core set of detection fields.

        From the Add Payload Fields dropdown, you can click additional fields that you want to include in the payload.

      • Custom payload
        Type your own payload directly in the Preview Payload (JSON) window.
        Tip:To customize a default payload, copy the payload from the preview window, switch to Custom payload, then paste the payload into the preview window for editing.

        You can also cut and paste example payloads from the Webhook Notification Reference.

    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Test Connection.
      A message titled Test Notification will be sent to the Payload URL to confirm the connection.
      Note:After testing the connection, confirm that you received the notification in the target application. RevealX Enterprise displays an error message if the test notification was not successful.
  11. In the Options section, the Enable notification rule checkbox is enabled by default. Deselect the checkbox to disable the notification rule.
When a detection matches the criteria, a notification is sent.

Webhook Notification Reference

This guide provides information about writing custom payloads for security or performance detection notifications with custom webhook or integration targets. The guide contains an overview of the Payload (JSON) interface, the default payload for webhook targets, a list of payload fields you can add to the default payload, and examples of JSON structure for common webhook targets, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chat.

Here are some considerations about webhook notifications:
  • RevealX 360 cannot send webhook calls to endpoints on your internal network. Webhook targets must be open to external traffic.
  • RevealX Enterprise must connect directly to webhook endpoints to send notifications.
  • Webhook targets must have a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA) from the Mozilla CA Certificate Program. See for certificates from trusted public CAs.

For more information about notification rules, see Create a detection notification rule.

Payload JSON

ExtraHop webhooks are formatted in JSON, powered by the Jinja2 templating engine. When you create a security or performance detection notification rule and select a custom webhook or integration as the target, you will have the opportunity to select a default payload or write your own custom payload.

Default payload

The default payload JSON for a webhook contains the following base set of information about a detection.

  	"title": {{title}},
  	"type": {{type}},
  	"src": {
      	"type": {{src.type}},
      	"hostname": "{{src.hostname}}",
      	"ipaddr": {{src.ipaddr}},
      	"role": {{src.role}},
      	"endpoint": {{src.endpoint}}, // sender|receiver|client|server
      	"device": {
          	"oid": {{src.device.oid}},
          	"name": {{}},
          	"ipaddrs": {{src.device.ipaddrs}},
          	"macaddr": {{src.device.macaddr}}
  	"dst": {
      	"type": {{dst.type}},
      	"hostname": {{dst.hostname}},
      	"ipaddr": {{dst.ipaddr}},
      	"role": {{dst.role}},
      	"endpoint": {{dst.endpoint}},
      	"device": {
          	"oid": {{dst.device.oid}},
          	"name": {{}},
          	"ipaddrs": {{dst.device.ipaddrs}},
          	"macaddr": {{dst.device.macaddr}}
  	"properties": {{properties}},
  	"description": {{description}},
"categories_ids": {{categories_ids}},
  	"mitre_techniques": {{mitre_techniques}}, // array of objects
  	"recommended": {{recommended}},
	"recommended_factors: {{recommended_factors}},
  	"url": {{url}},
  	"risk_score": {{risk_score}},
  	"time": {{time}},
 	"id": {{detection_id or id}}

You can modify the default payload by selecting fields from the Add Payload Fields dropdown. To make custom changes, you can copy the default payload, change your payload option to Custom Payload, then paste the default payload into the payload field to make your changes.

Custom payload

Select the custom payload option to write your own JSON for a notification rule webhook. The Payload (JSON) field will display an empty set of brackets where you can add the JSON for your custom payload.

Tip:Before you take the time to type a lengthy custom payload, we recommend that you test your connection to the webhook URL. That way you can be sure any issues are not due to a connection error.

Type in a simple line of JSON to test the connection. For example, the figure below shows a basic text variable you can copy to test your connection.

Syntax validation

The webhook editor provides JSON and Jinja2 syntax validation. If you type a line that includes incorrect JSON or Jinja2 syntax, an error appears under the Payload field with the error.


Detection variables are added to the payload by inserting the variable name between double sets of curly braces ({{ and }}).

For example, the sample in the payload includes a variable for the detection title:

"text": "ExtraHop Detection: {{title}}"

When a detection matches a notification rule with the variable, the variable is replaced by the detection title. For example, if the notification rule matches the detection for Network Share Enumeration, the variable is replaced with the title in the notification, similar to the following figure:

See a list of detection variables.


Filters enable you to modify a variable.

Passing JSON

If the variable returns a value that is formatted in JSON, the value is automatically escaped and translated into a string. If you want to pass valid JSON to your webhook target, you must specify the safe filter:

{{<variable> | safe }}

In the following example, the variable returns JSON-formatted detection data about participants directly to the webhook target:

{{api.participants | safe }}
IF statements

An IF statement can check whether a value is available for the variable. If the variable is empty, you can specify an alternative variable.

 {% if {{<variable>}} %}

In the following example, the IF statement checks if a value is available for the victim variable:

{% if victims %}

In the following example, the IF statement checks if an offender name is available. If there is no value for the offender name, the value for the offender IP address variable is returned instead.

{% if %}{{}}{%else%}{{offender.ipaddr}}
{% endif %}
FOR loops

A FOR loop can enable the notification to display an array of objects.

{% for <array-object-variable> in <array-variable> %}

In the following example, a list of offender names from the offenders array are displayed in the notification. An IF statement checks for more items in the array ({% if not loop.last %}) and adds a line break before printing the next value (\n). If an offender name is empty, the default filter returns "Unknown Name" for the value.

{% for offender in offenders %}
  {{ | default ("Unknown Name")}}
  {% if not loop.last %}\n
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Available detection variables

The following variables are available for webhook notifications about detections.

title: String
The title of the detection.
description: String
A description of the detection.
type: String
The type of detection.
id: Number
The unique identifier for the detection.
url: String
The URL for the detection in the ExtraHop system.
risk_score: Number
The risk score of the detection.
site: String
The site where the detection occurred.
start_time_text: String
The time that the detection started.
end_time_text: String
The time that the detection ended.
categories_array: Array of Strings
An array of categories that the detection belongs to.
categories_string: String
A string that lists the categories that the detection belongs to.
mitre_tactics: Array of Strings
An array of MITRE tactic IDs associated with the detection.
mitre_tactics_string: String
A string that lists the MITRE tactic IDs associated with the detection.
mitre_techniques: Array of Strings
An array of MITRE technique IDs associated with the detection.
mitre_techniques_string: String
A string that lists the MITRE technique IDs associated with the detection.
offender_primary: Object
(Deprecated) An object that identifies the primary offender and contains the following properties:
external: Boolean
The value is true if the primary offender IP address is external to your network.
ipaddr: String
The IP address of the primary offender.
name: String
The name of the primary offender.
offenders: Array of Objects
An array of offender objects associated with the detection. Each object contains the following properties:
external: Boolean
The value is true if the offender IP address is external to your network.
ipaddr: String
The IP address of the offender. Applies to detections with multiple offenders.
name: String
The name of the offender. Applies to detections with multiple offenders.
victim_primary: Object
(Deprecated) An object that identifies the primary victim and contains the following properties:
external: Boolean
The value is true if the primary victim IP address is external to your network.
ipaddr: String
The IP address of the primary victim.
name: String
The name of the primary victim.
victims: Array of Objects
An array of victim objects associated with the detection. Each object contains the following properties:
external: Boolean
The value is true if the victim IP address is external to your network.
ipaddr: String
The IP address of the victim. Applies to detections with multiple victims.
name: String
The name of the victim. Applies to detections with multiple victims.
api: Object
An object that contains all fields returned by the GET /detections/{id}operation. For more information, see the Introduction to the ExtraHop REST API.
Webhook Examples

The following sections provide JSON templates for common webhook targets.


After you create a Slack app and enable incoming webhooks for the app, you can create an incoming webhook. When you create an incoming webhook, Slack will generate the URL for you to enter in the Payload URL field in your notification rule.

The following example shows the JSON payload for a Slack webhook:

    "blocks": [
            "type": "header",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": "Detection: {{ title }}"
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": "• *Risk Score:* {{ risk_score }}\n • *Category:* {{ categories_string }}\n • *Site:* {{ site }}\n • *Primary Offender:* {{}} ({{ offender_primary.ipaddr}})\n • *Primary Victim:* {{ }} ({{ victim_primary.ipaddr }})\n"
            "type": "section",
            "text": {
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": "Detection ID: {{ id }}"
            "text": {
                "type": "mrkdwn",
                "text": "<{{ url }}|View Detection Details>"
Microsoft Teams

You can add an incoming webhook to a Teams channel as a connector. After you configure an incoming webhook, Teams will generate the URL for you to enter in the Payload URL field in your notification rule.

The following example shows the JSON payload for a Microsoft teams webhook:

                        "type": "Column",
                              "altText":"ExtraHop Logo"
                        "type": "Column",
                              "text":"ExtraHop RevealX",
                              "weight": "bolder"
                  "text":"**{{ title }}**"
                  "text":"{{ description }}"
                        "title":"Risk Score:",
                        "value":"{{ risk_score }}"
                        "value":"{{ categories_string }}"
                        "value":"{{ site }}"
                        "title":"Primary Offender:",
                        "value":"{{ }} ({{ offender_primary.ipaddr }})"
                        "title":"Primary Victim:",
                        "value":"{{ }} ({{ victim_primary.ipaddr }})"
                        "title":"View Detection Details",
                        "url":"{{ url }}"
Google Chat

From a Google chat room, you can click the dropdown next to the room name and select Manage webhooks. After you add a webhook and name it, Google Chat will generate the URL for you to enter in the Payload URL field in your notification rule.

The following example shows the JSON payload for a Google Chat webhook:

    "cards": [
            "header": {
                "title": "{{title}}"
            "sections": [
                    "widgets": [
                            "keyValue": {
                                "topLabel": "Risk score",
                                "content": "{{risk_score}}"
                            "keyValue": {
                                "topLabel": "Categories",
                                "content": "{{categories_string}}"
                        {% if offenders %}
                            "keyValue": {
                                "topLabel": "Offenders",
                                "contentMultiline": "true",
                                "content": "{% for offender in offenders %}{% if %}{{}}{% else %}{{offender.ipaddr}}{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}\n{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
                        {% endif %}
                        {% if victims %}
                            "keyValue": {
                                "topLabel": "Victims",
                                "contentMultiline": "true",
                                "content": "{% for victim in victims %}{% if %}{{}}{% else %}{{victim.ipaddr}}{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}\n{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
                        {% endif %}
                    "widgets": [
                            "buttons": [
                                    "textButton": {
                                        "text": "VIEW DETECTION DETAILS",
                                        "onClick": {
                                            "openLink": {
                                                "url": "{{url}}"
Last modified 2024-10-14