Create a scheduled report

You can email a PDF file of selected dashboards to one or more recipients by creating a scheduled report on a console. When you create a scheduled report, you can specify how often the report is emailed and the time interval for the dashboard data included in the PDF file. Note that you can only create a report for dashboards you own or have shared access to.

Before you begin

  • You must have a console that is configured to send emails.
  • Your user account must have limited write or higher privileges.
  • If you create a report for a dashboard that is later deleted or becomes inaccessible to you, an email is still sent to recipients. However, the email does not include the PDF file and includes a note that the dashboard is unavailable to the report owner.
  • To stop sending a report, disable or delete the report.
Complete the following steps to create a basic scheduled report:
  1. Log in to the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>.
  2. Click Dashboards at the top of the page.
  3. Select the dashboard that you want to send in the report.
  4. Click the command menu in the upper right corner of the dashboard page and then click Scheduled Reports.
  5. Click Create.
    The dashboard name is automatically entered for the Report Name and the dashboard is listed in the Report Contents section.

    If the dashboard you selected has a dynamic source, you must select a source.

  6. (Optional): In the Description field, type information about the report. The description does not appear in the final report, only in the report settings.
  7. In the Time Interval section, select the time frame for dashboard data that you want to send.
  8. In the Report Frequency section, set the email delivery schedule by selecting one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Hourly Email the report every hour.
    Daily Specify the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Another Time to email the report multiple times per day.
    Weekly Specify one or more days of the week, and the time you want the report to be emailed. Click Add Another Time to send report emails at multiple times per day or at different times per week.
  9. (Optional): In the Format section, set the content layout by selecting one of the following options from the first Style drop-down list:
    Option Description
    Narrow Displays large text in chart titles and labels, but provides less space for displaying chart data. Long chart titles and labels might be truncated.
    Medium (Recommended) Displays a view of chart titles, legends, and data that is optimized for portrait page orientation.
    Wide Displays small text in chart titles and labels, but provides more space for displaying chart data.
  10. (Optional): In the Format section, set the number of page breaks in the PDF by selecting one of the following options from the second Style drop-down list:
    Option Description
    Single page Displays the entire dashboard or protocol page on a single, continuous page. This setting might generate a PDF file that is larger than standard printer page sizes.
    Page break per region Displays each chart region on an individual page. Select this option if your dashboard contains a table or list that displays more than 20 detail metric values.
  11. (Optional): In the Format section, set the display theme by selecting one of the following Theme options.
    Option Description
    Light Displays dashboard data as dark text against a light background.
    Dark or Space Displays dashboard data as light text against a dark background.
  12. In the Send To section, add email recipients by completing one of the following steps:
    • From the Notification Groups drop-down list, select a group of recipients. If you do not see the email group that you are looking for, you can configure email groups in the ExtraHop Administration settings or through the REST API. Contact your ExtraHop administrator to add an email notification group.
    • In the Email Addresses field, type the email addresses for recipients, separated by a comma.
  13. In the Subject section, click Custom and write your own subject line for the email. The automatic subject line is the report name.
  14. (Optional): In the Message field, type the information you want to send in the body of the report email. The names of the dashboards linked to the report are provided in the message by default.
  15. To save your report, complete one of the following steps:
    • Click Send Now to send a test report email to the email addresses. Your report is then saved and scheduled. Click Done.
    • Click Save. Your report is scheduled and will be sent to recipients based on the report frequency you specified.
Last modified 2024-04-01