Connect the console and sensors to ExtraHop recordstores

After you deploy an ExtraHop recordstore, you must establish a connection from all ExtraHop sensors and the console to the recordstore nodes before you can query for stored records.

Important:If your recordstore cluster is configured with manager nodes, only connect the sensors and console to the data-only nodes. Do not connect to the manager-only nodes.
  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the console or sensor.
    Note:If the recordstore connections are managed from a console, you must perform this procedure from the console instead of from each sensor.
  2. In the ExtraHop Recordstore Settings section, click Connect Recordstores.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. In the Node 1 field, type the hostname or IP address of any Explore appliance in the Explore cluster.
    Note:Only add data-only nodes if the cluster also contains manager-only nodes.
  5. For each additional recordstore node in the cluster, click Add New and enter the individual hostname or IP address in the corresponding Node field.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Confirm that the fingerprint on this page matches the fingerprint of Node 1 of the cluster.
  8. In the Explore Setup Password field, type the password for the Node 1 setup user account and then click Connect.
  9. When the cluster settings are saved, click Done.
  10. If the recordstore settings are not managed by a connected console, repeat this procedure on the console.

Disconnect the recordstore

To halt the ingest of records to the recordstore, disconnect all recordstore nodes from the console and sensors.

Note:If recordstore connections are managed by a console, you can only perform this procedure on the console.
  1. Log in to the Administration settings on the ExtraHop system through https://<extrahop-hostname-or-IP-address>/admin.
  2. In the ExtraHop Recordstore Settings section, click Connect Recordstores.
  3. Click the red X next to every node in the recordstore cluster.

  4. Click Save.
Last modified 2024-07-22