Deploy the ExtraHop Discover Appliance in Azure
The following procedures explain how to deploy an ExtraHop Discover virtual appliance in a Microsoft Azure environment. You must have experience administering in an Azure environment to complete these procedures.
Before you begin
- You must have experience deploying virtual machines in Azure within your virtual network infrastructure. To ensure that the deployment is successful, make sure you have access to, or the ability to create the required resources. You might need to work with other experts in your organization to ensure that the necessary resources are available.
- You must have a Linux, Mac, or Windows client with the latest version of Azure CLI installed.
- You must have the ExtraHop virtual hard disk (VHD) file, available on the ExtraHop Customer Portal. Extract the VHD file from the downloaded .zip archive file.
- You must have an ExtraHop product key.
Important: | If your deployment includes a Command appliance or Reveal(x) 360, the following workflow ensures the best performance for initial device synchronization. First, connect all sensors to the Command appliance or Reveal(x) 360, then configure network traffic forwarding to the sensors. |
System requirements
The table below shows the environmental parameters that you need to configure, or might have already configured in your Azure environment to successfully deploy your ExtraHop virtual appliance.
Parameter | Description |
Azure account | Provides access to your Azure subscriptions. |
Resource Group | A container that holds related resources for the ExtraHop appliance. |
Location | The geographic region where the Azure resources are located to sustain your virtual appliances. |
Storage account | The Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects, including blobs and disks. |
Blob storage container | The storage container where the ExtraHop appliance image is stored as a blob. |
Managed disk | The disk required for ExtraHop appliance data storage. |
Network security group | The network security group contains security rules that allow or deny inbound network traffic to, or outbound network traffic from the ExtraHop appliance. |
Azure VM instance size | An Azure instance size that most closely matches the Discover appliance VM
size, as follows: EDA 1000v: Standard_DS2_v2 (2 vCPU and 7 GiB RAM) EDA 1100v - Reveal(x): Standard_A4_v2 (4 vCPU and 8 GiB RAM) EDA 2000v: Standard_DS4_v2 (8 vCPU and 28 GiB RAM) EDA 6100v: Standard_D16_v3 (16 vCPU and 64 GiB RAM) |
Optional Packet Capture Disk | (Optional) A storage disk for deployments that include precision packet
capture. Refer to your vendor documentation to add a disk.
Public or private IP address | The IP address that enables access to the ExtraHop system. |
Deploy the Discover appliance
Before you begin
The procedures below assume that you do not have the required resource group, storage account, storage container, and network security group configured. If you already have these parameters configured, you can proceed to step 6 after you log in to your Azure account to set Azure environment variables.Next steps
- Open a web browser and navigate to the ExtraHop system through the configured management IP address. Accept the license agreement and then log in. The default login name is setup and the password is default. Enter the product key to license the appliance.
- After the appliance is licensed, and you have verified that traffic is detected, complete the recommended procedures in the post-deployment checklist.
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