Upgrade ExtraHop firmware through the REST API

You can automate upgrades to the firmware on your ExtraHop appliances through the ExtraHop REST API. This guide provides instructions to upgrade through the REST API Explorer, a cURL command, and a Python script.

Note:If your appliance is connected to ExtraHop Cloud Services, you can simplify the upgrade process by viewing available firmware versions and downloading firmware directly to the system from ExtraHop Cloud Services. For more information, see Upgrade ExtraHop firmware through the REST API with ExtraHop Cloud Services.

While the firmware upgrade process is similar across all ExtraHop appliances, some appliances have additional considerations or steps that you must address before you install the firmware in your environment. If you need assistance with your upgrade, contact ExtraHop Support.

All appliances must meet the following requirements:

  • The firmware version must be compatible with your appliance model.
  • The firmware version on your appliance must be supported by the upgrade version.
  • Command appliances must be running firmware that is greater than or equal to their connected appliances.
  • Discover appliances must be running firmware that is greater than or equal to connected Explore and Trace appliances.

If your deployment only includes a sensor, proceed to the API Explorer, cURL or Python upgrade instructions.

If your deployment includes additional appliance types, you must address the following dependencies before proceeding with the upgrade instructions.

If your deployment includes... Pre-upgrade tasks Upgrade order
Command appliances Reserve a maintenance window of an hour for Command appliances managing 50,000 devices or more.
  • Command appliance
  • Discover appliances
  • All Explore appliances (manager nodes, then data nodes)
  • Trace appliances
Explore appliances See Upgrading ExtraHop recordstores.
Trace appliances None

Upgrade ExtraHop firmware through the REST API Explorer

Download firmware and upgrade the appliance

  1. Click POST /extrahop/firmware/download/url.
  2. Click Try it out.
  3. In the body field, specify the following fields:

    firmware_url: The URL that the firmware .tar file can be downloaded from.

    upgrade: Indicates whether to upgrade the appliance after the firmware download completes. Set this field to true.

    The body field should look similar to the following example text:

      "upgrade": true,
      "firmware_url": "https://example.extrahop.com/eda/8.7.1.tar"

  4. Click Send Request.
    In the Response headers, note the value after the last forward slash in the location header. You will need this value to monitor the progress of the upgrade job. For example, the job ID in the following example is ebbdbc9e-7113-448c-ab9b-cc0ec2307702

Monitor the progress of the upgrade job

  1. Click Jobs.
  2. Click GET /jobs/{id}.
  3. In the id field, type the value you copied from the location header in the previous task.
  4. Click Send Request.
  5. In the Response body, view information about the job.
    The status field is DONE when the job is complete.

Upgrade ExtraHop firmware with cURL

You can upgrade the firmware on an appliance through the cURL command.

Before you begin

  • The cURL tool must be installed on your machine.
  • The system firmware .tar file must be downloaded on your machine.
  1. Open a terminal application.
  2. Download firmware and upgrade the appliance.

    Run the following command, where YOUR_KEY is the API key for your user account, HOSTNAME is the hostname of your ExtraHop appliance, and FIRMWARE_URL is the URL that the firmware .tar file can be downloaded from:

    curl -v -X POST https://HOSTNAME/api/v1/extrahop/firmware/download/url -H "Authorization: ExtraHop apikey=YOUR_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"upgrade\": true, \"firmware_url\": \"FIRMWARE_URL\"}"

    In the command output, note the job ID in the Location header. For example, the job ID in the following example is ebbdbc9e-7113-448c-ab9b-cc0ec2307702:

    < Location: /api/v1/jobs/ebbdbc9e-7113-448c-ab9b-cc0ec2307702
  3. Monitor the progress of the upgrade job.
    Run the following command, where YOUR_KEY is the API key for your user account HOSTNAME is the hostname of your appliance, and JOB_ID is the ID you recorded in the previous step:
    curl -v -X GET https://HOSTNAME/api/v1/jobs/JOB_ID -H "Authorization: ExtraHop apikey=API_KEY"

    The command displays an object that contains information about the upgrade job. The upgrade is complete when the status field is DONE. If the upgrade is not complete, wait a few minutes and run the command again.

Retrieve and run the example Python script

The ExtraHop GitHub repository contains an example Python script that upgrades multiple appliances by reading URLs, API keys, and firmware file paths from a CSV file.

Important:The example python script authenticates to the sensor or console through an API key, which is not compatible with the RevealX 360 REST API. To run this script with RevealX 360, you must modify the script to authenticate with API tokens. See the py_rx360_auth.py script in the ExtraHop GitHub repository for an example of how to authenticate with API tokens.
Note:The script does not automatically disable record ingest for ExtraHop recordstores. You must manually disable record ingest before running the script for an ExtraHop recordstores.
  1. Go to the ExtraHop code-examples GitHub repository and download the contents of the upgrade_system directory to your local machine.
  2. In a text editor, open the systems.csv file and replace the example values with the hostnames and API keys of your appliances.
  3. Run the upgrade_system_url.py script.
    The following arguments are optional:
    --max-threads {int}
    Specifies the maximum number of concurrent threads. The default value is 2.
    --wait {float}
    Specifies the number of minutes to wait before checking the progress of an upgrade job. The default value is 0.5.

    For example, the following command upgrades a maximum of 3 appliances at a time:

    python3 upgrade_system_url.py --max-threads 3
    Note:If the script returns an error message that the TLS certificate verification failed, make sure that a trusted certificate has been added to your sensor or console. Alternatively, you can add the verify=False option to bypass certificate verification. However, this method is not secure and is not recommended. The following code sends an HTTP GET request without certificate verification:
    requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)

Upgrading ExtraHop recordstores

Pre-upgrade tasks

Before upgrading an ExtraHop recordstore, you must halt record ingest. You can halt record ingest for all of the nodes in a cluster from a single node.

Note:The message Could not determine ingest status on some nodes and Error might appear on the Cluster Data Management page in the Administration settings of the upgraded nodes until all nodes in the cluster are upgraded. These errors are expected and can be ignored.
  1. Open a terminal application.
  2. Run the following command, where YOUR_KEY is the API for your user account, and HOSTNAME is the hostname of your ExtraHop recordstore:
    curl -X PATCH "https://HOST/api/v1/extrahop/cluster" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: ExtraHop apikey=YOUR_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"ingest_enabled\": false}"

Post-upgrade tasks

After you have upgraded all of the nodes in the recordstore cluster, enable record ingest.

  1. Open a terminal application.
  2. Run the following command, where YOUR_KEY is the API for your user account, and HOSTNAME is the hostname of your ExtraHop recordstore:
    curl -X PATCH "https://HOST/api/v1/extrahop/cluster" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: ExtraHop apikey=YOUR_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"ingest_enabled\": true}"
Last modified 2024-09-04